仁爱版七年级下册英语Unit7 topic1-2综合测试卷

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1、1 仁爱版初一上册英语期末试卷七 年 级下 册英 语 Unit7 topic1-2 综合 测试 卷 _第一部分 英语知识运用. 单项选择。姓 名( )1._ is your brothers birthday? A. What; in B. When; onHis birthday is _ July 19th. C. Where; at forD. How;( )2.Many people think Wei Fang_ her mother.Me, too. A. be like B. look like C. is like D. like( )3._ is it? Its an ova

2、l. A. What shape B. What color C. What time D. What class( )4._ you at school last night? A. Was; was Were; wereNo, I _ at home. C. Were; was D. Was; wereB.( )5._ A. What was the date? B. When is today?It is August 1st. xK b1 .ComC. What s the date today? D. What day is it today?( )6._ is your teach

3、ers desk?About 140 centimeters. A. How far B. How many C. How much D. How long( )7. The boy is only _ and today is his _ birthday.A. nine; nineninth; ninthB. ninth; nine C. nine; ninth D.页脚内容2 仁爱版初一上册英语期末试卷( )8.What do you use the computer _?I use it to study English. A. to B. at C. for D. /( )9.May

4、 I have a look at this box, Kangkang? A. Sorry, Im afraid you can. B. Sorry, Im afraid you cant._much. D. Thank you all the same.C. Thank you very( )10. Mrs. Brown wants _ a new dress _ her daughter.A. to buy; toB. to buy; for C. buying; to D.buying; for( )1.Were you at home _?No, I was at school. A

5、. two days before B. two days ago C. before two days D. ago two days( )2.Lucy, _ you draw pictures?Yes, I _. A. can; could B. could; could C. can; can D. could; can( )3.There is an art festival in our school on Saturday. A. have good time B. play a good timeOh, great! Well _ then. C. play good time

6、D. have a good time( )4.Id like _ these books _ the classroom.Let me help you. A. to take; to B. take; to C. to take; in D. take; in( )5.Is there _ in the newspaper? A. else anything B. anything newSorry, there isnt. C. something new D. new something( )6.I can play the guitar.页脚内容3 仁爱版初一上册英语期末试卷_ ca

7、n you do?I can also sing English songs. A. How else B. What else C. Who else D. Where else( )7. _ Miss Gaos help, Meimei learns English well. A. With B. Of C. At D. For( )8.Can I eat these apples? A. else anything B. anything new_ Please help yourself. C. No way. course you can.( )9.Can you play pin

8、g-pong _ basketball?D. OfI can play ping-pong. A. and B. or D. withC. but( )10. They were good friends before, but they _ like each other_.A. not; any more B. dont; no moreC. dont; any more D. not; no more. 情景交际。根据对话的情景,从方框中选择适当的句子填在画线处,使对话完整通顺。其中有两项是多余的。A: Jane, when were you born?X k B 1. c o mB:

9、11A: Oh, tomorrow is October 10th. Its your birthday. 12B: My mother wants to have a birthday party for me. Can you come to my party tomorrow?A: Of course. 13 When does it begin?页脚内容4 B: 14A: I know. 15B: OK, see you then. 完形填空。Its November 6thand Lisa want to buy a16 . Its their 17 birthday.仁爱版初一上册

10、英语期末试卷A. Ill get there on time.B. It doesnt matter.C. How do you plan to celebrate it?D. At 7:00 in theevening in my house.E. I was born onOctober 10th, 1999.today. Benbirthday“WhatdoessheF. Thanks a lot for18 ?” BenasksLisa.“Idontaskingme to yourknow. ” Lisasays, “We bought(买)herchocolates last tim

11、e. ”party.G. I will be late.some“Yes, ” Ben says, “and we ate ( 吃) them! We mustnt do that 19 . ”“Lets buy her a book. She likes 20 . ” Lisa says.“What kind of books would she like?” Ben asks.“I dont know. ” Lisa says, “Lets go 21 ask her. ”The children go into the living room. Mrs. Wilson is watchi

12、ng TV.“We want to buy a book 22 you, Mom. ” Lisa says. “What book do you want?”“ 23 money do you have?” Their mother asks them. “We have twenty-five yuan. ” Ben says.“Good. Thats enough(足够的)for the book I want. It is Quick and Easy Cooking.”The children buy their mother the book for her birthday.页脚内

13、容5 仁爱版初一上册英语期末试卷They 24 her present this time, but they often eat the food she cooks 25 it. They are very happy.( )16. A. book( )17. A. Ben( )18. A. need( )19. A. before( )20. A. read( )21. A. or B. and( )22. A. to B. onB. cake C. cards D. presentB. Lisas C. mother D. mothersB. needs C. to need D. needing B. when C. again D. afterB. is readingC. to read D. reading C. so D. butC. about D. for( )23. A. How much B. How oftenC. How many D. What( )24. A. not eatB. eat C. dont eatD. eats( )25. A. fromB. about C. with D. forHan Meimei is a beautiful Chinese girl. She


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