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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上 Unit 5 Nelson Mandelaa modern hero话题The qualities of a great person; the lives of some great people词汇提示:1、 词汇分类没有做(也就是理解词汇是哪些、基础写作词汇是哪些、中高级写作词汇是哪几个等)。2、 本单元的词汇教学主要是构词法教学,但是注意不要拓展太多,适可而止为好。Quality, mean, active, generous, self, selfish, selfless, selflessly, devote, devoted, found, repu

2、blic, principle, peaceful, mankind, lawyer, guidance, legal, fee, hopeful, youth, league, stage, vote, attack, violence, equal, willing, unfair, African, escape, blanket, educate, educated, beg, relative, terror, cruelty, reward, sentence, anti-anti- black, president, opinionout of work, as a matter

3、 of fact blow up in trouble turn to lose heart come to power set up be sentenced to功能句式1. 征求意见(ask for opinions)What do you think of.? Whats your opinion?What are your ideas? Do you have any thoughts on that?How do you feel about that? Why do you think so?提示:上述征求意见的功能句子,要注意常用和不常用的提示。比如,Do you have a

4、ny thoughts on that?就是不常用的,不需要学生会用,能读懂即可。2. 发表意见(giving opinions)I think/ I dont think I believe/ I dont believe (that)In my opinion To my understanding, I am with you. I feel that/ I dont feel that语法定语从句(以when, where, why, 介词+which, 介词+whom引导的定语从句)The school where I studied for only two years was t

5、hree kilometers away.The time when I first met Nelson Mandela was a very difficult period of my life.The reason why I got a job was because of my hard work.We were put into a position in which we had either to accept we were less important, or fight the government.Mandela was the black lawyer to who

6、m I went for advice.He was generous with his time, for which I was grateful.提示:1、 定语从句是初高中的重要语法项目,也是学生较为容易理解的项目。2、 鉴于高考专门测试定于从句主要是在多项选择题题型中,而且是出现在较为简单的句型中,因此,建议不要将此部分的讲解难度提高,而是注重学生对于主要定于从句经典句型的快速理解、大声朗读和意群朗读上去。至于教材中的定语从句难句,学生都能够理解并朗读即可。The first period -warming up教材分析:本单元以 Nelson Mandela a modern he

7、ro 为话题,目的在于使学生了解一个伟大的人应具备怎样的品质,学会表达自己的观点,并用所学的句型来描写一个伟人。提示:1、 本单元从warm-up开始,到最后的writing,都是以第三人称的角度来进行描述的,因此,教学中要注意这种人称的前后一致,否则无法前后一致的引导学生进行学习和表达。2、 Reading部分侧重于理解,以及理解基础上的summary,这为最后的writing做好的铺垫和积累(尤其是关键单词、句型和结构的积累),最后的writing要是前面阅读后的仿写(当然能力较强的学生也可以不受限制的开展写作)。3、 如何激发学生学习关于这些伟人的文章,是需要教师思考的:这些伟人学生会感

8、兴趣吗?学生了解多少关于这几位伟人的伟大业绩?从哪些角度来导入会让学生更加的感兴趣?4、 教学目标建议增加:通过学习文章和相关素材,进一步了解伟人的生平事迹,尤其是如何才能成为伟人。培养学生初步使用相关词汇、句型和文章结构进行人物生平描述的口语表达和基础写作能力。Teaching aims:1. To arouse Ss interest in learning about heroes in history2. To develop Ss listening and speaking ability.Teaching procedures:Step1 warming upl Describe

9、 yourselves First what kind of person are you? (shy, outgoing, fun, mean, immature, nice, kind, honest, brave, loyal, happy, wise, smart, friendly, warm, cheerful, popular, generous, hard-working, diligent, weak, stupid, lazy, dishonest, tense, cold, unkind, miserable, dull, strong-minded, determine

10、d etc.)l Discussion (Encourage students to give five or six qualities that they think great persons have, and give their reasons.)提示:What kind of great persons? Politicians, scientists, or? Different kinds of great persons, different qualities. Question 1: Who do you think are the greatest men in yo

11、ur mind? Can you name some? Question 2: In what way do you consider a man is a great? What is your standard?l Look at page 33 and then ask the Ss if these famous people are great people.l Conclusion: A great person is a person who has followed his or her ideas and sacrificed(牺牲) something so that th

12、ey could be realized. A pop singer may be very popular with the young people, but he/she is not a great man/woman.A famous person may be well-known but if he or she has not gone through struggles and difficulties for their noble aims, they can not be called a great person.Step2 language points:1 dev

13、ote vt oneself to 献身于、致力于。devote ones life/ones time to.把生命、时间献给。 to 把。用于。E.g. He devoted his life to promoting world peace.He devoted his life to the promotion of world peace. devoted adj 忠实的, 深爱的be devoted to 对忠实, 对深爱a devoted friend She is devoted to her husband.即学即练The manager devotes all his sp

14、are time _ the violin. BA. to practise B. to practising C. in practising D. for practising2. fight for 为而战 fight against 与作斗争;与作战 fight with 同 并肩作战; 与 作战E.g. We will have to fight against difficulties.Ill fight with you, in other words, Ill support you. Slaves were fighting for freedom. 3. give up 表

15、示主动放弃或屈服e.g. He has decided to give up smoking.give in 表示被动屈服或认输, 后面不带宾语。如果接宾语用give in to e.g. You cant win the game, so you may as well give in.The second period-extensive readingTeaching aims:1) To have Ss learn about some information about Nelson Mandela and the situation where the black was badly or unfairly treated.2) To get Ss to learn about reason why Nelson Mandela helped the black people


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