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1、新译林小学英语6b Unit7 Summer holiday plans(story time)丹阳市埤城中心小学 杨叶芳 212300【课题(学科和年级)】:新译林小学英语6b Unit7 Summer holiday plans(story time)【教材简解】 本单元的主题是暑期计划,通过询问假期的计划以及出行方式展开对话。由于这个话题与学生的生活息息相关,所以学生对它会比较感兴趣。而且在之前的学习中,学生已经接触过交通工具,所以教学内容应该比较容易接受。那么在教授这块内容时,老师可以带领学生一起讨论自己暑期计划,帮助其将课堂上的知识转化为自己的,并且在真实情境中体会新授句型怎么使用。

2、【目标预设】1.能听懂、会说、会读单词Disneyland, Ocean park, Taipei, 2.能听懂、会说、会读、会写单词 summer holiday, go back to, stay, sound, travel.3.能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型-Will you/ they/ he/ she .? -Yes, .will./ No, . will.-Where will you/ we/ he/ she go for the holiday? -I/ We/ He/ She will go to.-When will you/ we/ he/ she go ? -I/ We

3、/ He/ She will go-How long will you/ we/ he/ she stay there? -I/ We/ He/ She will stay there for.-What will you/ we/ he/ she do there? -I/ We/ He/ She will .4.能够掌握整篇课文的内容,并且体会课文中人物在讨论自己暑期计划的那种喜悦之情。5.能够体会到一般将来时在讨论自己计划时的具体用法。6. 能够意识到制定计划对于生活的重要性。【教学重点】1.能听懂、会说、会读单词Disneyland, Ocean park, Taipei, 2.能听懂

4、、会说、会读、会写单词 summer holiday, go back to, stay, sound, travel.3.能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型-Will you/ they/ he/ she .? -Yes, .will./ No, . will.-Where will you/ we/ he/ she go for the holiday? -I/ We/ He/ She will go to.-When will you/ we/ he/ she go ? -I/ We/ He/ She will go-How long will you/ we/ he/ she stay th

5、ere? -I/ We/ He/ She will stay there for.-What will you/ we/ he/ she do there? -I/ We/ He/ She will .【教学难点】1.能够掌握整篇课文的内容,并且体会课文中人物在讨论自己暑期计划的那种喜悦之情。2.能够体会到一般将来时在讨论自己计划时的具体用法。3. 能够意识到制定计划对于生活的重要性。【设计理念】1. 整堂课要全方位锻炼学生的能力,听说读写都要得到锻炼。2. 课堂的教学活动要丰富多彩一点,与学生的生活紧密相连,以提高孩子的积极性。3. 根据生本思想,课堂要以学生为主,老师只是起到带领作用,让学

6、生自主进行课文理解,知识的学习。4. 英语是一门语言,要注重其实用性,所以句型的教学要放在实际情况中,让学生在实际讨论中学会运用。5. 教学活动要面向全体学生,难度有层次。【设计思路】1. 在环节一中,师生对话,引入主题 summer holiday plan.2. 第二环节,头脑风暴,先引出旅游这个主题,然后带学生一起计划去哪个城市,参观什么旅游景点。这样不仅可以检查课前预习,还能打开学生的思路,激发他们的热情,活跃课堂氛围,为接下来的课文学习做好铺垫。3. 第三环节,初步进入课文,让学生浏览课文插图,清楚故事的基本信息:who, where, what.这样可以对课文有一个初步的了解,为接

7、下来的课文学习打下基础。4. 第四环节,带领学生进入到课文细节的学习,在这一部分,不仅要让学生更深入的理解课文,更要帮助他们掌握其中的语法知识以及重点句型。5. 第五环节,带领学生用各种方式读课文(跟读,分角色读)不仅可以帮助他们纠正语音语调,还能够在模仿语音语调的过程中,体会人物情感。6. 第六环节,学生4人小组做小调查,完成关于同学的暑期计划的表格,并同桌对话,用所学句型讨论同学的summer holiday plan,帮助其进一步巩固新授句型以及学会自己制定计划。【教学过程】Step1: warming up.1. Free talk.【设计意图:通过free talk来开始整堂课,活跃

8、课堂气氛,拉近与学生之间的距离,并且通过talk引入单元标题summer holiday plan】T: Good morning, class.Ss: Good morning, Miss Yang.T: Who can tell me, what day is it today?Ss: Its Wednesday.T: Whats the weather like?Ss: Its hot.T: Yeah, its hot. Do you like the weather?Ss: No!T: Yes. I dont like the weather too. But i like the s

9、eason. Do you know what season is it now?Ss: Summer.T: can you guess why do I like the season?Ss: Summer holiday!T: Great! I like summer holiday because i can do many things i like. So today lets talk about our summer holiday plan.引出标题Unit7 Summer holiday plans,并教读。Step2: leading in- brain storm.【设计

10、意图:通过brainstorm活动,请学生尽可能说出自己旅游过的地点以及所知道的风景名胜,并且引出书中的内容:Beijing, Hong Kong, London, Taipei,Disneyland, Ocean Park。这样不仅可以引出新授内容,还可以活跃课堂内容,激发学生的学习兴趣。】1. Where will you go for the holiday?T: when I talk about summer holiday plans, I always think about travel.travel引入travel,并进行教学。Do you like travelling?S

11、s: Yes!T: Can you tell me where will you go for the holiday?引入句型where will you go for the holiday?并进行教学。-where will you go for the holiday?Maybe you can tell me “I will go to .”引入句型I will go to .并进行教学。-I will go to .Ss: I will go to Beijing.S2: I will go to Shanghai.当学生说出Beijing, Hong Kong, London,

12、Taipei时,出示相应图片,加深印象。2. What will you do there?T: wow! You will go to so many places. But i want to know what will you do there?And you can tell me “-I will .”-what will you do there?引入句型what will you do there?并进行教学。-I will .S1: I will go to Tiananmen square.S2: I will visit the summer place.带领学生复习上册

13、书中的旅游景点,当学生说出Disneyland, Ocean park时,出示相应图片,加深印象,帮助学生理解。Step3: presentation.1. Look and answer.【设计意图:让学生浏览课文插图,回答问题,把握课文的主要内容,为接下来的具体分析打下基础。】T: OK. Now I know a lot about your summer holiday plans. I think you will have a colourful summer holiday.And at the same time, someone is talking his summer h

14、oliday plans too.Look! Who are they?出示课文插图 Ss: Mike, Yang Ling, Suhai, and Liu Tao.T: Great! And they are:Ss: They are talking about their summer holiday plans.T:Yes. Youre right. And they are also talking about their summer holiday plans. 2. Watch and match.【设计意图:让学生观看动画,做匹配题,把握课文的主要内容,了解课文人物的大概暑期计

15、划,并在复述中,进一步练习句型。】T: Do you want to know their plans?Now lets watch a cartoon. And then match A with B:WHO PLACE 先给出问题,然后播放动画,让学生带着问题看动画。T: Well. Now who can tell me where will they go for the holiday? The first one, Mike?S1: He will go back to London.T: Great! And what about Yang Ling? Where will she go?S2: She will go to Beijing.T: Wonderful! Now who can tell me Liu Taos p


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