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1、商务礼仪在商务活动中的作用摘要在当今市场经济条件下,商务往来变得越来越频繁,商 务礼仪在企业的商务活动和对外交流中显得尤为重要。同 时,良好商务礼节能营造良好的商务交往氛围,为企业的合 作奠定良好的基础。本文主要侧重于研究在商业谈判中, 懂 得必要的礼节与礼仪,是谈判人员必须具备的基本素质。首先,本文将简要概述懂得各国商务礼仪判的重要性以 及对达成交易磋商具有重大影响。其次,本文将详细讲述商务礼仪的基础内容, 在商务活 动中商务礼仪的作用以及在商务活动中如何正确运用商务 礼仪。最后,本文将做一总结,再次强调商务礼仪对商务活动 的重要性。关键词:商务礼仪,商务活动,交易磋商第H页The Role

2、 of Business Etiquettein Business ActivitiesAbstractIn todays market economy, commercebecomesmore and more freque nt, bus in ess etiquette in the corporate bus in ess activities and foreig n excha nge is particularlyimporta nt.Mean while, good bus in essetiquette can create a good atmosphere for bus

3、 in ess con tacts; cooperatio n of en terpriseslaid a goodfoun dati on. I will mainly describe:In bus in essn egotiati ons, un dersta nd the n ecessary courtesy and etiquette, the negotiationsmust have the basic quality.At first, I will introduce the importanee of bus in essetiquette and the impact

4、of bus in essn egotiati ons.The sec on d, I will describe some basic bus in ess etiquettes, cere monial roles in bus in ess activities and how to use bus in ess etiquettes correctly in bus in ess activities.At last, I will summarize and emphasize theimporta neeofactivities.bus in essetiquette 页码in b

5、us in essKey words: Busin ess etiquette, Busin ess activities, bus in ess n egotiati onContents目录用自动生成的Abstract inChinese . IAbstract inIIEn glishIntroduction2 BusinessEtiquette 1The introduction of some basic businessEtiquettes 3Table ma nners3Instrument etiquette 4Conv ersati on etiquette 5The cha

6、racteristics of businessetiquette 6Normative .6Restrictive 6Cultural 7The function of businessetiquette 73 Ceremonial Roles in BusinessBusiness etiquette can regulate individual business behavior 9Business etiquette helps to improve the personal qualities ofcommerce 12Business etiquette can pass val

7、id valueinformation 144 Business Etiquette and BusinessActivities .15Interaction with peopleskill .16Business etiquette and business activities intrinsicallylinked 18195ConclusionBibliography21The Role of Busin ess Etiquette inBusin ess Activities1 IntroductionWith the moder n social and econo mic d

8、evelopme nt, bus in ess activities become globalized society activitiesduri ng theoperati on of en terprises an importa nt part, but also the whole social body moveme ntfoun datio n. The bus in ess n egotiati onis tomake tran sacti ons betwee n en terprises is the premise that all peoples in the eco

9、no mic in teracti onare an activity.Negotiati ons betwee n people at least n eed to com muni cate, and com muni catio n n eeds based on equality and mutual respect basis. Etiquette is the distanee negotiatorsnarrow bridge and link thetwo sides, but also the right negotiatingskills of expression.Nego

10、tiators etiquette, to a certain extent, reflects a country, a region, a corporate level of civilization and culture, social qualities and personal accomplishment, thus affectingthe wholeatmosphere of the n egotiati ons and processes. However, different geographic regions of the world, economic and c

11、ultural developme nt and customs are differe nt; people have a bus in ess n egotiati on betwee n the processes of adapti ng to each other.Etiquette negotiationsare the success of the negotiationswithgreat impact.2 Business EtiquetteBusin ess etiquette is in the bus in ess activities, the part ners r

12、espect and frie ndship for a series of codes of con duct, etiquette is in the course of bus in ess activity of the specific applicati on. Bus in esses Etiquette Etiquette-based and content to it and etiquette have a com mon basic prin ciple: respect, frien dship and sin cerity.Thescope ofbus in esse

13、tiquetteisdivided intothefollowi ngareas:for thefirsttimeto payatte nti onto bus in essetiquettewhen dealingtoexam ineitsman ageme nt ofanen terprise level of the gen eral look at three aspects: First,whether the noise;Second, the dress is standard; Thirdinterpersonaldistanee is a degree, especially

14、 whether thedista nee betwee n men and wome n in there.(2) to pay atte nti onto official deali ngs bus in ess etiquette.Officialcon tacts say etiquette, the role is twofold: first, andcon tacts to draw a line, keep the proper dista nee, classmates and friends is also called Ge neral Lee, Wa ng, etc.

15、, to in dicatein terest;sec on dly,mai ntai ncorporate image.In dividual represe nts the compa ny, in the follow ing situati ons most in n eed of atte nti on to bus in ess etiquette: celebratio ns, cerem oni es, bus in ess meeti ngs, and bus in ess eve nts, pick up.(Three) the foreig n excha nges to pay atte nti on to bus in ess etiquette. Such as shak ing han ds, in the bus in ess, and shak ing hands with the right hand only; gifts, chrysa nthemums



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