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1、2022年考博英语-辽宁大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题With time the memory faded into ( ).问题1选项A.nourishmentB.realizationC.longevityD.oblivion【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。nourishment意为“营养,营养品”;realization意为“认识,领会,领悟”;longevity意为“长寿”;oblivion意为“遗忘,昏迷”。句意:随着时间的流逝,记忆渐渐淡忘了。2. 单选题Who can shed light on the reasons?问题1选项A.turn onB.expla

2、inC.dissipateD.appeal【答案】B【解析】考查词义辨析。shed light on意为“阐明,解释,将弄明白”;turn on意为“打开”;explain意为“讲解,解释”;dissipate意为“驱散,消失”;appeal意为“上诉,申诉,呼吁”。句意:谁能解释原因呢?3. 翻译题Translate the following into English随着年岁的增长,精力日减,效率渐低,作风渐延:激情有失,理智有增。看来,这样的互易不可能总是得失相当的。但是,一定的年龄总有一定的长处。因此,可以告慰的是,即使你已度过了部分盛年,在未来的经历中,依然会有另一种盛年期的出现。某

3、些重要的盛年期似乎在人生后期才达到顶峰。原始人一旦由于周围的许多令人愉快的情景而第一次开口大笑了,又由于笑对周围所产生的那些明显的愉快的效果,笑就开始具有了人类社会所特有的价值。具有用爽朗的笑声来传播愉快能力的人,开始比他的较为严肃、古板的同事更能享受到社会的优惠,从而使自己处于有利的地位。他成了个“善于交际的人”,在社交方面成了大家所推举的人,受到社会的喜爱。当今的世界,即非丝绸之路的吋代,亦非马可波罗(Marco Polo)吋代。从上海去东京,只需两个多小时。从中国区地球另一端的美国,也能在日历的同一天到达。昔日遥远的地理距离,被现代科学技术一下缩短到令人难以置信的程度。这是人类文明的共同

4、成果。【答案】As we age, we trade strength for ingenuity, speed for thoroughness and passion for reason. These exchanges may not always seem fair, but at every age, there are some advantages. So it is reassuring to note that even if youve passed some of your “primes”, you still have other prime years to ex

5、perience in the future. It seems that some prime period will reach its peak later in our life. Once the primitive men burst out laughing for the first time because of something pleasant around them, and then the laugh brings the obviously pleasant effect around, the laugh has had value that the huma

6、n beings is holding. The person who possesses the ability to spread happiness by bright and clear laugh will get more social benefits than his serious and stuffy colleagues, which gets him in an advantageous position. Thus he becomes a “good mixer” who is commended by others, especially gifted socia

7、lly. The world today is neither the era of Silk Road, nor the age of Marco Polo. It just takes about two hours from Shanghai to Tokyo. On the same day on the calendar, you also can arrive in the United States on the other side of the earth from China. The far geographic distance of the old days has

8、been shortened to an unbelievable extent by modern science and technology. Its the common achievements brought about by the progress of human civilization. 4. 翻译题以前人们常说,英国人享乐时也会郁郁不乐。如今,如果英国人真有什么乐趣可享的话,情况无疑还会依然如此,不过英国的烟酒价格构成了足以令人忧愁的外因。有时我觉得,这种享乐时也郁郁不乐的癖性已经传到了大西洋彼岸,我不由得纳闷:这么多讲英语的人身体又健康,收入又丰厚,怎么人生观却如此消

9、沉。我在美国旅行期间,注意到了一种根深蒂固的忧郁症。我觉得这种忧郁症似乎极其普遍,这就给社会改革家出了难题。大多数社会改革家认为,若是消除了贫困,有了经济保障,太平盛世就会到来。但是,无论在贵国还是在蔽国,看着坐在豪华轿车里的人们的面孔,却见不到社会改革家引导人们期待的那种喜气洋洋的神情。相反,十有八九,我看到的是一副厌倦不满的神情,以及一种近似疯狂的渴望,想找点东西吊起早已发腻的胃口。【答案】【参考译文】It used to be said that English people take their pleasure sadly. This would no doubt still be

10、the case today if they had any pleasure to take, but the price of alcohol and tobacco in British has provided sufficient external causes for melancholy. I have sometimes thought that the habit of taking pleasure sadly has crossed the Atlantic, and I have wondered what it is that makes so many Englis

11、h-speaking people somber in their outlook in spite of good health and a good income.During my travels in the America, I have been impressed by a kind of fundamental malaise which seems to me extremely common and which poses difficult problems for the social reformer. Most social reformers have held

12、the opinion that, if poverty were abolished and there were no more economic insecurity, the millennium would have arrived. But when I look at the faces of people in luxury cars, whether in your country or in mine, I do not see that look of radiant happiness which the aforesaid social reformers had l

13、ed people to expect. In all likelihood, on the contrary, I see instead a look of boredom and discontent and an almost frantic longing for something that might tickle the jaded palate.5. 单选题The mass media is a big part of our culture, yet it can also be a helper, adviser and teacher to our young gene

14、ration. The mass media affects the lives of our young by acting as a/an(21)for a number of institutions and social contacts. In this way, it fulfils a variety of functions in human life.The time spent in front of the television screen is usually at the(22)of leisure: there is less time for games, am

15、usement and rest.(23)by what is happening on the screen, children not only imitate what they see but directly identify themselves with different characters. Americans have been concerned about the prevalence of violence in the media and its(24)harm to children and adolescents for at least forty year

16、s. During this period, new media(25), such as video games, cable television, music videos, and the Internet. As they continue to gain popularity, these media, along with television,(26)public concern and research attention.Another large societal concern on our young generation(27)by the media, is body image.(28)forces can influ


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