广东人民出版社 《英语》六年级上册 Unit6 Story教学

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1、 广东人民出版社 英语六年级上册 Unit6 Story教学设计教学课题:Unit6 Planting Trees Story教学设计:台山市台城中心小学 郑丽娟教师授课老师:台山市台城中心小学 郑丽娟教学内容:广东人民出版社 英语六年级上册 Unit6 Story一、 教材分析 1、教学内容平面分析本课时教学内容是广东人民出版社英语六年级上册Unit6 Story要求学生能理解并朗读课文内容,能运用所学句型与他人流利交谈。2、教学内容立体分析Unit6的Story是围绕植树节这一主题,进行相关的会话训练,对本单元的词汇、句型和篇章有一个巩固和拓展。本课时主要语言是Did you .? Yes

2、,I did. No,I didnt. What did you do .? I.主要任务是听、说。3、教学内容与学生认知水平对应分析本课时教学内容与学生实际生活有较大的相联,与学生现有的认知水平和生活经验较为一致,一能询问别人在过去的时间里有无做过某事或做了什么事?二要懂得保护植物,保护我们的自然界,让我们的地球健康起来。三能理解书上Chant activities图画的内容,并能根据图意将Chant补充完整。充分调动学生参与教学活动的积极性,让学生有话想说,有话可说,有话能说,以达到进一步提高和发展学生语言综合运用能力的教学目标。二、 学生分析1、学生的年龄特征分析 本课时教学对象为六年级


4、练,并给予相关技巧的指导,帮助他们进一步提高口语交际的能力。三、教学目标1、知识目标:通过会话教学,学生能熟练地掌握Did you .? Yes,I did. No,I didnt. What did you do .? I.句型。2、能力目标:(1)熟练运用Did you .? Yes,I did. No,I didnt. What did you do .? I. 询问别人在过去的时间里有无做过某事或做了什么事?(2)通过会话材料,收集、捕捉课文中相关信息并准确回答问题。(3)熟练运用本节教学内容提高学生综合运用语言的能力3、情感、策略和文化目标:(1)懂得要保护植物,保护我们的自然界,让

5、我们的地球健康起来。(2)学会一些植树知识。四、教学难点:1、正确地运用本单元的句型会话。2. 能根据Story正确地回答问题。五、教具准备: 课件ppt, 头饰,学生练习资料等。六、教学过程步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图Step 1 Warm up 1. Greetings and free talk(1) Hello, boys and girls. (2) What day is it today?(3) Whats the date today?Ss: Have a talk with the English teacher.通过Free talk 环节,拉近师生之间的关系,缓解现场的紧

6、张气氛。Step 2RevisionReviewT: Look at the picture. Can you tell me What did you do yesterday? T: Did you ?T: Did you have a birthday yesterday?T: Lead out the chant Whens your birthday?T: Whens your birthday?T: Did you have a birthday party on your birthday?T: Did you eat a birthday cake on your birthd

7、ay?S1:S2:S3:Ss: Chant Whens your birthday together. S1:S2:通过看图回答老师的问题,复习本单元的主要句型和词汇,为学生搭建了语言支架,目的是引出本节课的教学内容。Step3 Lead in &Presentation( Story time)1. 创设情境导入新课.T: Whens my birthday?T: I give you some tips. I usually do a good job on my birthday. I often plant trees with my students on my birthday?

8、引导学生猜出教师的生日时间。T: 教学The Tree Planting Day T: What did you do on Tree Planting Day?2.引出三个新词T: Did you plant trees this year?T: Did you plant trees last year?T: Did you plant trees the year before that?3. 让学生看光盘,获取信息。T: Most of us planted trees on the Tree Planting Day. But where are Gogo and Jenny ? W

9、hat day was it yesterday?4. Say after the tape one by one.5. Group Work T: Now please read the story in groups and discuss the questions . (1) Did Jenny have classes yesterday?(2) Did Jenny plant trees last year?(3) Did Jenny plant trees the year before that?(4) What does Jenny do on the Tree Planti

10、ng Day? 6. Pair work (Role play)(1)T: Now lets talk about the story in pairs. Then act out the story.(2)Show time7. 想象空间的拓展(小组或同桌讨论)T: How do you think of Gogo? Why? Naughty? Stupid? Boring?8. Choose the best title for the story 9.Why do we plant trees?让学生说出植树的作用。T: More and more people plant trees

11、on the Tree Planting Day. Why?Ss:Its on Tree Planting day.S1:S2:S3:Ss: Learn the three new phrases.S1:S2:.Ss: 听音跟读,模仿语音、语调。Ss: Read the story in groups.S1:No,she didnt.S2: Yes, she did .S3: Yes she did .S4. She plants trees.S1 and S2: Read and act out the story.S1: Naughty.S2: Stupid.S1:S1:S2:1.通过创设

12、情境,导入新词。2.学习新词。3.让学生带着问题有目的听读课文,并能准确回答老师的问题。4. 听音跟读,提升学生的朗读水平。5. 分组熟读课文,并让学生带着问题有目的地读课文,能在课文中画出一些关键句子,培养学生口语交际能力,通过问题的回答使学生了解课文的主要内容。6.通过分角色朗读,复述课文,提高学生综合运用语言的能力。Step 4Extension & Consolidation1. How to plant a tree?T: You all plant trees on the Tree Planting Day . But do you know how to plant a tre

13、e? Now let me tell you.2. Plant trees with the teacher, Say and do the action.3. Have a relax ,Enjoy a chant and chant together.T: You all did a good job just now. This time lets have a relax. 4. Make a new chant. Finish the chant.T: You are so clever. Can you make a new chant. Lets try.5. According

14、 to the dialogue ,talk about the Womens Day in pairs.T: You all planted trees on the Tree Planting Day. What did you do on Womens Day? What did you do for your mother/your aunt/ your teacher?A: Hello!B: Hello!A: What did you do on Womens Day?B: IA: Did you ?B: A: Did you?B: A: B: 6.Show time.Ss: Look and listen carefully.Ss: Follow the teacher say and do.Ss: Enjoy the chant and chant together.Ss: Try to make a new chant.Ss: Talk in pairs and act out the dialogue.1. 通过怎样植树,对学生进行思想教育:要保护环境,多植树造林。2. 通过新编歌谣,进


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