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1、6B Unit3 (Part EFGH) 教学方案年级:6年级单元:Unit 3课题:Asking the way 课型:新授课教学目标:1. 掌握单词、词组told, bookshop, steal, ran, shout, thief, came, place, out of, Bank of China. 2. 能看懂E部分小故事并完成练习。 3了解字母组合ou在单词中的读音 4会唱歌曲Excuse me重点难点:E部分短文教 学 过 程用时:25分钟第一步:复习(单元重点内容)用时:5分钟T: (PPT 1 显示课题)Hello, boys and girls. Nice to mee

2、t you again. In this unit we learn how to ask the way.T: 在第三单元中,我们已经学习了有关问路的话题。你们都记住了吗?现在老师就来考考你们。请你看一看下面所给的情景,说出正确的表达。Are you ready? (5小题)( PPT2显示情景)同学们,你们都说对了吗?最后提醒大家:问路时,一定记住要有礼貌,Excuse me 要常用。回答别人的感谢时,记住要说,:Thats all right. Youre welcome.(本步骤设计说明:通过本步骤学生能够在教师的帮助下把有关本单元相关句型进行回忆和再现。)第二步:完成各版块教学用时:

3、15分钟一、 H部分T: 2. Now Lets listen to a song: Excuse me1. 下面,我们就一起来学习一首有关问路的歌曲吧。(课件播放歌曲)T: 听懂了吗?老师有三个问题要考考你们:Q1: where is he going? Yes, hes going to the post office. Hes looking for the post office. Here. Q2: How can he get there? He can take bus No. 30 . Q3: Where is the bus stop? Its under the tree.

4、2.3. T: Now lets listen to it again. This time you can try to sing. (课件播放歌曲) 现在,我们再来听听这首歌,同学们可以试着跟唱3. T: Very good. 这首歌曲琅琅上口,希望你在课后多听多唱,也可以试着改改里面的歌词唱一唱。二、F部分 1 T: Well, boys and girls. Now lets play an interesting game, OK? 唱完了歌之后,我们来做一个有趣的猜谜游戏吧! Guessing the right place!猜出正确的地点。 (Ppt出示标题) 教:place 地

5、方 Look at the map. There are many places in the map.What are they , Lets say together.我们一起来把地图上的内容说一说:注意看红色的图标,请迅速说出图标转动的那个地方,Are you ready, lets start!(Ppt出示地图) 点击说词 But how to play? 游戏具体怎么玩呢?Let me show you. 这里,老师准备了六张写有不同场所的卡片,Look! (教师读卡片上内容)现在,我要抽出其中的一张,是哪张呢?Look at the map and listen to me.请同学

6、们看地图,仔细听老师说.。Im at the hotel. Im going along Guangzhou Road, turning right at Nanjing Road. Then Im going along Nanjing Road. The place is on my left. Where am I now?2T: 你猜到了吗?Yes, Im at the bookshop. 看到没有,这就是老师刚才抽到的卡片上的地点。你猜出来了吧。我们再来听一遍。Im at the hotel. Im going along Guangzhou Road, turning right

7、at Nanjing Road. Then Im going along Nanjing Road. The place is on my left. Where am I now? Yes, Im at the bookshop.下面。我们一起来把句子读一读。(出句子,带读) Now open your books, turn to page 28 ,play the game with your classmates.好了,现在就请同学们打开书28页,在小组内玩一玩这个游戏吧!(学生活动时间 2分钟) 三、E部分 1 T: OK. 刚才的游戏一定很有趣吧。下面我们一起再来看一个惊险的小故事

8、吧!(动画播放Part E小故事内容)T:怎么样,有趣吧?open your books.请同学们打开书27页,读一读这个有趣的故事,书后有一个标序号的练习做一做。(出标序号图)完成了吗? 下面我们来核对一下序号。你做对了吗?2 T: OK. Now can you try to answer me some questions? 请你来回答老师的几个问题吧! (PPT4依次显示问题,教师边呈现边读句子)Q1: Where was Nancy last Sunday afternoon?Q2: What happened (发生)there?Q3: Who helped Nancy?2T: 看

9、完了问题,请同学们再到文中去找找答案吧,你也可以和同学进行讨论。(思考讨论时间 1分钟)Now lets check the answer. 下面我们来看看问题的答案。3(1)T: The first question: Where was Nancy last Sunday afternoon? (稍停) Yes. She was in a bookshop. She wanted to buy a book about animals. .(PPT5呈现答案句)请注意这里wanted是动词want的过去式形式。Now, read after me: want wanted (教授 带读)请

10、你试着和老师一起来读一读。(PPT 呈现答案段落 ) (教师放慢语速带读 半分钟) (2)T: The second question: What happened (发生)there? (稍停)Right. Nancy saw a short man behind her, He stole Nancys purse and ran out of the shop. 这里,see-saw, steal -stole ,run-ran, 跑please read after me: Nancy followed the man along the street, and shouted :”S

11、top thief! Stop thief!” but he ran faster than Nancy. (PPT6呈现答案句)(点击出现词)please read after me: follow-followed shout -shouted (3)T: And now the last question: Who helped Nancy? (稍停) Yes, A policeman came to help. And a woman came and told them. The thief ran along the street and turned left at the fi

12、rst crossing. The policeman started to run. Soon he stopped the thief and got Nancys purse back.很快警察就帮助南希拿回了钱包。本部分中,仍然Now read after me: Come-came , come to help 意思是 过来帮忙 tell -told get-got.请你试着和老师一起来读一读。(PPT8 呈现全文段落 ) (教师放慢语速带读 半分钟)同学们,有没有注意到在这个故事中,出现了一些表示过去动作的一些单词,这些动词的过去式形式中,有些是规则的,都在动词后加ed, 还有一些

13、动词的变化比较特殊,我们把他们叫做不规则动词的过去式形式。下面,我们就把故事中出现的动词以及他们的过去式形式做个分类,大家一起来读一读,记一记:(ppt出示,读) 动 词 原 形 过 去 式 形 式wantwantedfollowfollowedshoutshoutedturnturnedstartstartedamwasseesawstealstolerunrancomecametoldtellstopstoppedgetgot4. T: OK. I think you can read this story well now. 现在就请你自己再大声朗读这个小故事一遍, G部分1. T: O

14、K. So much for the story. 故事我们先读到这里,如果你有兴趣,还可以在课后找一些相关的阅读材料读一读。下面,我们进行语音训练Now, please read these four words. 请你来读一读这四个单词。(PPT10 显示G部分四个单词)2 T: Now please read after me: (教师带读 blouse, house, mouse, out,) 请你自己再读一读想一想,在这四个单词中字母组合ou的发音是什么呢? 3. T: Right! 这里字母组合ou的发音是au (点击显示音标,教师示范带读)4. T: Now can you put these words into the following sentence. 你能动动脑筋,根据图示,把以上的四个单词放到下面这个句子中吗?和同学一起讨论讨论吧!(讨论时间 半分钟)5. T: 完成了吗?我们一起来看看正确答案吧?(PPT11 显示G部分句子)Get the mouse on my blouse out of the house. 这里, get out of意思是把.拿出某个地方 ( 教授,带读)你做对了吗?现在请你来读一读这个句子吧!记住ou 发/ au/ (带读)Now read after me: 6. T: Goo


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