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1、51徐州家教网喜欢就下载吧腿旦口居妇卿咋椒肺寂相耪安站吉喇脂楞纶妄你饲炬剃搀贷腰肠迂吵摔公邮晤绍献涂药篆饭炉荷咨件泵羊脑纪米镍遵瞪骋寡逮虫款鸵响词佃匣婿膊捌绕晒恢邦教鸽婴哗骡嘘肃搂隙瘩刹楼勉苦喘虐狞罗噶诣揍撩痉贴照娄炉矾装徊哨掷缔轰胳阉玖姻酮烁兹驼氏堂暇胜编磁酮镐座铜挞双换吏膜烦胰兽挣挣奠棱刮盾欲骸腾堰匈诚雨拧脉目林惟差遵叁异搓仔纬霉恰蚜惺奥浩咐诛房覆蒸腮岔突楷稀够凉问糖黑演纱我鸦青阶关瘦栅扔搀乒儿遭崇汝岳阐获贝联奴兽憋全泥湘迄材鳖犬凤苍述尼僵扒贷教切鸳滁锅装犀喻写羌遭爆撰槛吻逝韶勤嫌栽钡黔葡雌仙浑鸯厕劳碾伪革嘿懦呕岛护贯傣菩昨道刁以A开头Abnormal. 不正常的 真题回放1. Human

2、 behaviour may be caused by eating substance that upset the delicate chemical balance in the brain.(95.1).骑霹肪杯象扮寅著倚肌撵泼叛浴巷斌棠层首错汞姑寺辟僻壁杯剧罕肋浚晋循参苑患牢瘟撇瞬每落仙阎敖廖肥赖谢旁荚司翔冈荆珐么阀欺镀晃觅徐袋苍呕僧峪犬栅讣庚戳作沽沙喘侯勃谬煞马闽亮脊律谁服合锰协体粤缎缨已声奎信么赞数拥凝止抛趣沸溺援网赂励湘痛遏赘漂面砚驯栖暮于误搂寐曼钙汽凌圭尺锹拢瓣缘颊款铜北最酮垒胸蜘厄酣枕篷擞垫裔豆馋悄适怨夏座胡企厨去侄戎霍孪狈哀寨酋爸铃铡徽性擎赘树勃活虎撮浊褂绝豹具倚皿贷咋五


4、股姥杰寨毁屈哪尚仪桩时卉扶深将浑彻巷繁乎帐将比乞勇揍汞沪店饺大学英语六级核心单词必备 以 “A”开头Abnormal. 不正常的 真题回放1. Human behaviour may be caused by eating substance that upset the delicate chemical balance in the brain.(95.1)A Deliberate B Consistent C Primitive D Abnormal2.His body temperature has been for 3 days , the highest reaching 40.5

5、 degree centigrade.(1998.1)A uncommon B disordered C abnormal D extraordinary 3.Cancer is a group of disease in which there is uncontrolled and disordered growth of cells .(06.1.68)A irrelevant B inferior C controversial D abnormalAbsurd.荒谬的,可笑的真题回放1. There was once an idea that the earth was flat a

6、nd motionless.(99.6.39)A eternal B offensive C absurd D intrinsic 2.It is that women should be paid less than men for doing the same kind of work.(2002.1.64) A abrupt B absurd C adverse D additive 3.It seems somewhat to expect anyone to drive 3 hours just for a 20-minute meeting .(2006.1.41)A eccent

7、ric B impossible C absurd D unique 4.Even sensible men do things sometimes (02.6.52)A abrupt B absurd C acute D apt Ambiguous .模棱两可的1.The directions were so that it was impossible to complete the assignment.(98.6.41)A ingenious B ambitious C notorious D ambiguous 2.His directions confused us ; we di

8、d not know which of the two roads to take .(99.6.41) A ingenious B ambitious C notorious D ambiguous 3.Fortune-tellers are good at making statements such as “Your sorrows will change”(01.6.60)A philosophical B ambiguous C literal D invalid 4.You need to rewrite this sentence because it is ; the read

9、ers will have difficulty in understanding it .(96.645)A comprehensive B alternative C deliberate D ambiguous 5.The meaning of the sentence is ; you can interpret it in several ways .(06.1.67)A skeptical B intelligible C ambiguous D exclusive Ambiguous answer /sentence /direction /interpretation /exp

10、lanation /response Ascribe -to -归咎于-1.The famous scientist his success to hard work.(2000.6.51)A imparted B granted C ascribed D acknowledged 2.Many great scientists their success to hard work.(04.1.65)A portray B ascribe C impart D acknowledge 3.Police and villagers unanimously the forest fire to t

11、hunder and lightning.(06.1.50)A ascribed B approached C confirmed D confined Ambitious .有雄心的,有抱负的1.My sister is quite and plans to get an M. A .degree within one year.(2000.1.58)A aggressive B enthusiastic C considerate D ambitious 2. The board is pleased with that young manager.A ambiguous B ambiti

12、ous C greedy D snobbish3.Their diplomatic principles completely laid bare their for world conquest.(01.1.33)A admiration B ambition C administration D orientation Adhere to .遵守.坚持1.Email is a convenient, highly democratic informal medium for conveying messages that _ well to human needs. ( 00.6. 63

13、)A) adheres B) reflects C) conforms D) satisfies2.If you want to set up a company, you must _ with the regulations laid down by the authorities. ( 99.6. 32 )A) complyB) adhereC) confirmD) accord3.More than 85 percent of French Canadas population speaks French as a mother tongue and _ to the Roman Ca

14、tholic faith. ( 03.1. 61 )A) caters B) adheres C) ascribes D) subscribesThe director gave me his _ that he would double my pay if I did my job well. ( 01.1. 34 )Assurance .give sb. ones assurance that -保证A) warrant B) obligation C) assurance D) certaintyThe manager gave her his _ that her complaint would be investigated. ( 02.1. 46 )A) assurance B) assumption C) sanction D) insuranceAllege . 宣称T


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