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1、初中英语写作常用句型一、开头句型 1 As far as s oncerned 就而言2.tgoeswitht sai that 不言而喻,3. It ca besid wihctainty ta可以肯定地说 4. A t prorbss, 正如谚语所说的, 5. It hao e notied tha 它必须注意到, 6.Is erallyecogizd hat 它普遍觉得7. I likeythat 这也许是由于 8 Its rdytht 这是很难的 9 Its rdy too uch to say th它几乎没有太多的说0. Wht calls for seia ateionis tat

2、需要特别注意的是 1. Thes o dyg the fct that毫无疑问,无可否认2 ohng is moreimrtant thn te fact tht 没有什么比这更重要的是 13whats fr e mportant istht 更重要的是二、衔接句型 . A csein point i 一种典型的例子是2 Assoften the ca由于一般状况下 s staed teprevio paagaph 如前段所述4. But the problem is not so simple.erefore 然而问题并非如此简朴,因此 . Butts apity ta但遗憾的是 6. Fo

3、r all hat对于这一切 In spite of th act that尽管事实 7. Furth, w hold opinon ha 此外,我们坚持觉得,8. wevr, thiicuty lies in然而,困难在于 9Simialy, weould pay attnton to 同样,我们要注意 10.nt(that)but(tha)不是,而是 11.In iew of he presnt saton.鉴于目前形势 1. A has een mnionv正如上面所提到的13.In h spec, y as well (say) 从这个角度上我们可以说 14. wevr, we hav

4、 to ok theoth sie ofthe oin, that 然而我们还得看到事物的另一方面,即三、结尾句型 1. willoncud by sayng 最后我要说 2.Thereore,we have rasoo believeat因此,我们有理由相信 3.Al thingcoired,综上所述 It besafely ai t它可以有把握地说 4.refore, mopinin, its moe avisabe因此,在我看来,更可取的是 . rmwhaas een dscussedabve, w may safey drwth oclusin that通过以上讨论,我们可以得出结论6

5、. h ata/staists/fur lead u o th colitat通过数据我们得到的结论是,7.It cn e cnclued from theiscussioa从中我们可以得出这样的结论 8. From my infvi,t would be ette i在我看来也许更好 四、举例句型 1 ets taketo llusrae this. .Lets tak he bve char as n examplet illustrate ts Here is onorexapl4ae fo exm. The am is re o 6 Thioffr a typical instaneo

6、f7. ayquoe a omon empl of8.st think of五、常用于引言段的句型 1. e eople tin that 有人觉得To bea, I cn not arewthe piin or terason elow.坦率地说,我不能批准她们的意见,理由如下。 2. F yeas, ha bee eea , bu hngs are uit iffrn now.近年来,始终被视为,但今天的状况有很大的不同。 3. Ibeee te tile statemnt is vaid beause 我觉得这个论点是对的的,由于 4Icantenirely agree with the

7、 ide ta 我无法完全批准这一观点的I beleve 5.Myargumnt foths view goes a foow.我对这个问题的见解如下。 6.Along withhe developent of, me andmor随着的发展,越来越多.Thereis a ngrunnig debte as to weter有一种长期运营的辩论,与否8. It s comonly/enerally/wde/ bliee /held/accpted/reconize tat它一般是觉得 .ar as I am cocred, compltely agreihte formr/ heatter.就

8、我而言,我完全批准前者后者。 10.foe givig my oinion,Ihink it is essntalo loot the argumenofth ies.在给出我的观点之前,我想有必要看看双方的论据。 六、表达比较和对比的常用句型和体现法 A i copee / totally / ntirely difernt fromB. . a B arifen in se/very way pct / aspect. 3. A a Biffer in 4. Aifrs fro Bin 5 Th ifferecebetwee and Bislies inxists in6.Compared

9、 with/I cotrst toUnlike , B 7. A, o the oth ha,/i cotat,/ie/whras 8. While it i neally belevd tat A , Ibeieve B . estethersmilarites, A nd alo differnt 10. Boh and B Howev, ; ohe ther hn,B11. Thm strking dfec is that A, wh七、演绎法常用的句型 1 here are seve reasons fo, but in geral,thyoedwn thre majr ones.有几

10、种因素,但一般,她们可以归结为三个重要的。. ereare ay actorthat my account fo, u he followigare the mst typial ns.有许多因素也许占,但如下是最典型的。 3.M ays ca cntriuteto soving ts poblem, uthefollowingoes mayb most effeciv.有诸多措施可以解决这个问题,但下面的也许是最有效的。 4.nall, the advantage can b lisas folows.一般来说,这些优势可以列举如下。 . T rasos are as follw.八、因果推

11、理法常用句型 1. Bcause/Since weread th ok, weae lerned a lot. 2. If ereae boo, we wuld learna lo3. We ad the boo;asarsult / terefore ts hnce consequentl / fr this resn / becaue of hs,eve learned al. 4.A a reut of /eause of/Due to/i oei the boo,weve larne a lot.由于阅读这本书,我们已经学到了诸多。 5.The cue/reaon for/overwe

12、ghtisetg too mh. 6.veeight iaud ydue to/ecse eatng oo mch.Theefect/cosequnrsut ofating to muh i oeweight.8.Ean too much cases/result in/lso eweight.吃太多导致超重。九、段首万能句子 1.有关人们有不同的观点。某些人觉得 hee ae dfferntoinion am pep to _ .oe people sugges that _. 2.俗话说(常言道),它是我们前辈的经历,但是,虽然在今天,它在许多场合仍然合用。 There isan od saig_. t th perince o r


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