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1、语法结构知识点1. 非谓语动词 不定式to+动词原形 分词:口 现在分词-ing【表主动】 口过去分词-ed【表被动】【注意:过去分词无时态、语态变化】 动名词 v.-ing【区别下列动词动名词与不定式】1) Stop doing停下正在做的事情/ to do停下来,去做另外一件事情2) Go on doing 继续做正在做的事情 / to do 继续,去做另外一件事情3) Remember doing 记得(已经)做了某事 / to do 记得(要)去做【尚未做的】某事4) Forget doing 忘记(已经)做了某事 / to do 忘记(要)去做【尚未做的】某事5) Regret do

2、ing 对已做之事感到后悔/ to do 对未做之事感到遗憾6) Cant help doing情不自禁做某事/to do不能帮助做某事7) Learn doing 学会做某事/ to do 学着去做某事8) Try doing 尝试做某事/ to do 尽力去做某事 (人)used to do过去常常做某事(而现在不再) (人)be used to doing 习惯于做某事=be accustomed to doing (物) be used to do 被用于做某事【动名词和现在分词形似,都以v+-ing构成,但两者做定语时意义有区别,注意:】 分词具有形容词(adj.)和副词(adv.)

3、的特征;动名词具有名词(n.)的特征。现在分词作定语时,表达“ n.+ for doing ”的含义 动名词作定语时,表达“ n. + which (who) be doing ”的含义sleeping “一辆正在睡觉的车” |XMa car which isa sleeping car = a car for sleeping 用于睡觉的车a sleeping dog = a dog which is sleeping 一只正在睡觉的狗 工a dog for sleeping “ 一只用于睡觉的狗” X【注意have的四种机构:】 have sth. to do 有某事要做 I have a

4、 lot of things to do. 我有好多事情要做。 have sth. done使某事被做I have my car repaired.我让人把我的车修好了。 have sth. doing 让某事一直做着 Dont have the water tap running.别让水龙头一直滴着。 have sb. do sth.使某人做某事He has her buy him a car.他让她给他买辆车。2. 动词的时态和语态 动词时态共16种,常用9种:H寸态:动作行为的时间狀态现在过去将来过去将来-鏡吋般现血时掘过去时:奴炷去掘来吋进fr时现在进転吐进紅睢完谥対现住宛戎|珂过去兄

5、啦时过龙宾咸 泌I.时沆處进迂时1) 一般现在时(用动词原形,第三人称单数+-(e)s, be动词变化形式为is, am, are)2) 一般过去时 (用动词过去式)3) 一般将来时(用will(shall) +动词原形【shall常用于第一人称】或者be going to +动词原形, be +不定式 表示“即将发生的事情或必须去做的事情”)4) 现在进行时5) 过去进行时6) 现在完成时7) 过去完成时8) 将来完成时(be + 动词-ing)(was/were + 动词-i ng)have/has + 动词过去分词)had + 动词过去分词) will(shall) +have +动词过

6、去分词)9)现在完成进行时(have/has + been +动词-ing) 动词语态分 2 种:1) 主动 (表示主语是动作的执行者)2) 被动(表示主语是动作的承受者)【注意:一般说来,只有及物动词(vt.)才有被动语态,不及物动词(vi.)及状态词无被动语态 但少数 vt.女口 have, leave, become, cost, enter, reach, suit, benefit, lack 等以及短语动词 take place, lose heart, break out, belong to, consist of 等,一般不能用于被动语态】【主动形式表“被动意义”:】a) 某

7、些系动词 taste, feel, look, smell, sound, prove 等与形容词连用时 The fish tastes good. 这鱼(尝起来)味道很好。You look beautifu l.你看起来很漂亮。b) 某些不及物动词sell, wash, read, write, wear, play等与副词well, easily等连用时 This product sells well .该产品卖得很好/销路很好/很畅销。The cloth washes easily.这种布(料)很容易清洗/这种布清洗方便。c) 某些不及物动词 open, shut, start, act

8、, keep, move 等与 cant, wont, doesnt 等连用时The door wont shut .这门关不上。The library doesnt open on Sunday.图书馆周日不开门。3. 虚拟语气 虚拟语气表示说话人的愿望、建议、推测,或与事实相反的假设。31非真实条件句【所假设的条件与事实相反,或现实的可能性较小】条件从句(时态从现实角度往后退一步)主句表示与现在事实相反的情况动词过去式(be动词过去式用were)would(could, should, might) +动词原形表示与过去事实相反的情况had +动词过去分词would(could, shou

9、ld, might) +have+动词过去分词表示将来不(太)可能实现的情况should +动词原形 were to +动词原形 动词过去式would(could, should, might) +动词原形3.1.1 表示与现在事实相反的情况a) If I were you, I could reconsider his proposal.b) If I were rich, I would buy anything you wanted.c) If you didnt stay up late so often, you wouldnt feel so sleepy.312 表示与过去事实相

10、反的情况a) I should have met her if I had come earlier.b) She would have come if she had had time.c) If you had worked harder, you would have got better marks.313 表示将来不(太)可能实现的情况a) If I were to do it, I would do it better.b) If she could come, I would tell her the news.32 混合时间的虚拟条件句 如果从句和主句表示的时间不一致,动词的形

11、式可按照各自的实际时态表示。a) If I were you (对现在的虚拟),I would have accepted their offer then (对过去的虚拟).b) If he had the operations two years ago (对过去的虚拟),he would be in better health now (对 现在的虚拟) .3.3省去if的虚拟条件句那动词或助动词were, had, should置于主语之前构成倒装句,常用于书面语,可以省略if。a) Had he recognized (=If he had recognized) me, he wo

12、uld have come over.如果他当时认出我了,他就该走过来了。b) Should he fail (=If he should fail) to come, I would work in his place. 如果他来不了,我会代替他的位置。c) Were it not for your help (=If it were not for your help), we would be in a very difficult position.如果不是你帮忙,我们将处境困难。3.4 含蓄条件句a) Without air there would be no life on the

13、 earth.=If there were no air, there would be no life on the earth.b) But for (=If it had not been for) your help, we wouldnt have succeeded.c) He ran away, otherwise he would have been killed.=If he had not run away, he would have been killed.3.5 其他用法3.5.1 省去结果主句的非真实条件句,常表示一种不可实现的愿望,用 if only 引导If o

14、nly I could speak several foreign language.如果我能说几门外语该多好啊!3.5.2 动词 wish 后的宾语从句,表示未实现或不可能实现的主观愿望a) I wish you were a fish in my dish. 真希望你是我碟子里的鱼!b) I wish I were as young as you are. 真希望我跟你们一样年轻。c) I wish it were Sunday today.今天是周日就好了。d) I wished I hadnt made that mistake (then). 如果我当时没有犯那个错误就好了。e) W

15、e wish we could fly in the sky without wings. 希望我们能没有翅膀也能在天上飞。3.5.3 as fthough)引导方式状语从句,表示与实际情况相反【主句时态不影响从句虚拟式】 He orders/ordered me as if I were his servant. 他对我发号施令,好像我就是他佣人。3.5.4 would rather/sooner 后的宾语从句,谓语动词用过去式表示对现在或将来的愿望,用过去完成式表示与过去事实相反的愿望。a) He would rather I went now. 他宁愿我现在走。b) I would rather you had left yesterday. 我宁愿你昨天就走了。3.5.5 It is (about/high) time + that从句,表示婉转的提议或建议,谓语动词用过去式(be 动词用 were)a) It is high time you told the truth. 你该说实话了。b) It is time the children w


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