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1、无锡荣鑫金属涂装有限公司Wuxi Rongxin metal coating Co. , Ltd.文件名称 Procedure Name:顾客财产管理程序Customer PropertyManagement Procedure文件编号Document ID:RX-QP-20文件版本 Document Version:A/0发放号Issue No:编制:Prepared by何桂生日期Date:2014-04-28审核:Reviewed by日期Date:批准:Approved by日期Date:发布日期:Issue date:实施日期:Implement date会签栏 Countersig

2、nature Row部门Department人事部HR生产部Production质量部Quality采购部Purchasing签核人Countersign部门Department物流部Logistic财务部Finance工程部Engineering业务部Business签核人Countersign1、目的1. Purpose对顾客提供财产(以下简称顾客财产)进行控制,以确保顾客财产得到适当 的验证、贮存、维护和使用。It aims to control the property provided by the customer (hereinafter referred to as custo

3、mer property) and ensure that the customer property is verified, stored, maintained and used properly.2、适用范围2. Scope本程序适用于山顾客或其委托提供的所有财产(所有权属于顾客),包括顾 客提供的样品、产品图纸、技术标准、配套件、材料、辅料、工装等。This procedure applies to all properties (ownership belongs to customer) provided by the customer or its agent, includi

4、ng samples, product drawings, technical standards, parts and auxiliary equipments, materials, auxiliary materials and production tooling3、定义3. Definition无。None4、职责4. Responsibilities4. 1业务和工程部门负责顾客提供财产的合同的签订和顾客财产有疑义时与 顾客进行沟通。4.1 The business and engineering dept shall sign contact about the property

5、 provided by the customer and communicate with customer when there is doubt about the property4.2工程部负责顾客提供样品、产品图纸、技术标准的管理。4.2 The engineering department shall manage the samples, product drawings and technical standards provided by the customer4.3质量部负责顾客提供实物财产的验收,负责对顾客提供的检具进行管 理。4. 3 The quality dep

6、artment shall check and accept the physical property provided by the customer and manage the checking fixture provided by the customer4. 4生产部负责顾客提供工装模具,夹具和丄位器具的管理。4. 4 The production department shall manage the production tooling mould, clamp apparatus and work place tool chests provided by the cust

7、omer4.5物流部负责对顾客提供的配件进行管理。4.5 The logistics department shall manage the accessories provided by the customer5、程序5. Procedure5. 1顾客财产接受登记5. 1 Customer property acceptance registration5. 1. 1顾客提供样品和技术资料由工程部负责接收,工程部相关人员须对照 清单进行核对,确认无误后按外来文件加以登记。具体按文件控制程序执行。5.1.1 The engineering department shall accept t

8、he samples and technical data provided by the customer; related personnel of the engineering department shall check them against the list and register it as external document if no problem Follow the Document Control Procedure顾客提供工装模具,夹具和工位器具、检具时由工程部通知生产部或 质量部接受,工装模具,夹具和工位器具、检具到达RX时由工程部牵头生产部, 质量部进行验

9、收,合格后入库。如不合格则由工程部与顾客进行协商。5. 1. 2 As to the production tooling mould, clamp apparatus and work place tool chests and checking fixture provided by the customer, the engineering department shall inform the quality department to accept them; when the production tooling mould, clamp apparatus and work pl

10、ace tool chests and checking fixture meet the requirements of RX, the engineering department shall organize the production and the quality department to check and inspect them and put in storage after they are proven to be qualified; if not qualified, the engineering department shall negotiate with

11、the customer5. 1. 3顾客提供配件时山物流部接受,顾客提供的配件到达RX时山质量部进 行验收,合格后入库。如不合格则由物流部与顾客进行协商。5. 1. 3 As to accessories provided by the customer The logistics department shall accept them; if the accessories meet the requirements of RX, the quality department shall check and accept then and put in storage after the

12、y are proven to be qualified; if not qualified, the logistics department shall negotiate with the customer5. 2顾客财产保护5. 2 Customer property protection5.2. 1顾客财产接收部门按相关作业文件对所接收的顾客财产办理出入库手 续并进行标识。5.2. 1 The department accepting the customer property shall handle in-and-out storage procedures for the cu

13、stomer property accepeted according to related operation document and identify them顾客所有的工装挂具,夹具和工位器具、检具须使用永久性标识,标 识必须明确清晰、不易破损,且须标明拥有所有权的顾客。如顾客提供了标识或标 识方法,则按客户的要求执行。5. 2. 2 All production hangers, clamp apparatuses and work place tool chests and checking fixtures of the customer shall be with perman

14、ent identification which shall be explicit and unbreakable and with the customer of ownership marked If the customer provides identification or identification method, conduct it according to the requirement of the customer对顾客财产进行保护,应按顾客的要求提供仓储条件,定期对其进行 维护保养。5. 2. 3 As to protection of the customer p

15、roperty, provide storage condition according to the requirement of the customer and maintain it regularl y.5. 2. 4对顾客提供的配件必须专料专用,控制进出收发。5. 2. 4 Use the accessories provided by the customer for special purpose and control shipping and receiving of them.5.3顾客财产定期检查及发现问题后的处理5. 3 Regular inspection of the customer property and disposal of problems found5. 3.1对顾客提供样品和技术资料如发现缺少、丢失、损伤等不适用情况, 相关责任部门应记录在“顾客财产情况报告单”,及时报告工程部,III工程部向顾 客报告,以免影响合同履约。5. 3. 1 If finding that the sample and technical data provided by the cu



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