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1、2022年PEP小学英语四年级下册期末测试题一、书写,语音。(20分)1、按顺序写出字母KT的大小写形式。(10分) 2、写出五个元音字母的大小写形式。(5分) 3、下面单词划线部分发音是否相同,用“”或“”表示。(5分)( )1.cake face ( )2.bike pig ( )3.we she( )4.nose box ( )5.buscup 二、词汇。(30分)1、英汉互译。(10分)写字板_ 蓝色的_ 梨 _那儿;那里_四_picture_go home_tomato_ English class_ garden_2、给下列单词分类,将单词序号填在横线上。(15分)jacket n

2、ine banana math shirt orange threeP.E. sunny cloudy eight jeans English apple rainyFruit(水果):_ Numbers(数字):_ Clothes(衣服):_ Weather(天气):_ Class(课程):_3、按要求写出下列单词。(5分)small( 反义词)_ it is(缩写形式)_short(反义词)_ hot(反义词)_ lets(完全形式)_三、选择正确的答案,将其序号填在题前的括号里。(10分)( )1、 Its 10 oclock. Its time _ go to school. A.to

3、 B.for C.of( )2、Look at the clock, what _ is it? A.class B.time C.can( )3、Its 9:45. Its time _ music class. A.to B.for C.of( )4、Its cold _ Beijing. A.on B.in C.is( )5、Can I wear my T-shirt?_ A. No, you cant. B.Yes, you cant. C.No, you can. ( )6、What are _? They are apples.A. thisB. these C. it( )7、_

4、those sheep? Yes,they are .A.Are B.Is C.Am ( )8、How many _are there?A.horse B.horses C.duck( )9、Is this_ T-shirt?A.you B.I C.your ( )10、_are they? Theyre three yuan.A. How much B.How old C.How many四、情景反应。(10分)1、你想知道对方叫什么名字,你问:A.Whats your name? B.Where are you? C.How are you ?2、当别人赞美你时,你说:A.OK. B.Th

5、ats all right. C. Thank you.3.你想知道对方几岁时,你问:A. How are you ? B .How old are you ? C. .Whats your name?4你想知道美术室在哪,你问:A.Whats the art room? B.Where is the art room?C.How many art rooms?5.你想帮助别人时,你问:A.Can you help me? B.Can I help you? C.Thank you very much.五、在B栏里找出A栏的正确答句,把编号写在括号里。(10分) A B( )1.Are the

6、y monkeys? A. Size 6.( )2.What size?B. Yes, they are .( )3.Is this the library?C. Its cool.( )4.Whats the weather like today? D. Its ten oclock.( )5.Whats time is it now?E. Yes, it is.六、按要求写出下列句子。(10分)1、What colour is it?(翻译成中文)_2、Lets play football. (翻译成中文)_3、is, how, it, much (?)(连词成句) 4、today, wa

7、rm, is, it(.)(连词成句) 5、这是我的电脑。(翻译成英语)_ _ my puter.七、阅读短文,然后判断,对的写T,错的写F。(10分)Im Mike. Im in Shanghai. Its very hot and sunny now. I can wear my new T-shirt. And my old hat is too small. I want to buy a new one. But its too expensive. Its fifty yuan.( )1.Mike is in Shanghai.( )2.Mike has a new T-shirt

8、.( )3.The hat is forty yuan.( )4.Its sunny in Shanghai.( )5.Mikes old hat is too big.PEP小学英语五年级下册各单元作文范例及点评My weekend There are two days on the weekend, Saturday and Sunday. On Saturday, I often go to my dancing class in the morning and do my homework in the afternoon, and I often help my mother do

9、some cleaning. On Sunday, I always visit my grandparents in the morning and do some reading in the afternoon. After dinner, I often watch TV with my parents. At that time, we can talk with each other and say something happily. We often have a good time.【要领点评】写法:这篇习作是按照时间顺序记叙周末的活动,记叙了周六和周日的上午和下午分别做了哪些活动及对活动的感受。即:周六上午:舞蹈课下午:做作业和帮妈妈做清洁周日上午:看望祖父母下午:阅读晚上:看电视,与父母交流感受:高兴和愉快。我们还可以选取周六和周日中的几个比较主要的活动来写,先说明什么时间在什么地方由什么人做了什么事,有什么感受。再按照活动顺序把活动内容写清楚,最后抒发一下对这次活动或这个周末的感想。时态:这篇短文我们可以用三种时态来写: a.一般过去时(主要描述你上个周末是怎样度过的)


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