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1、新密市市直初中八年级英语导学案课题Unit 2 What should I do? Section B(Period 4)课型: 新授课 主备:徐耀娟 时间:2013.2学习目标:1.讨论并完成1填空。2.读2,找出短文中的重点短语并给出建议;(重点)3.给出一些有麻烦的场景,学生讨论给出建议。(难点)学习重点:找出并识记重点短语及重点句子学习难点:根据各种场景给出合理建议学习过程及策略:一导入:Give your advice.二自主学习目标:完成1填空内容:Self check 1方法:自己填空完成句型时间:3分钟检测:自愿站起给出答案,其他同学质疑三合作探究1.读文章,理解文意。2.找出

2、并翻译2重点短语,3.根据2内容,回信给出建议。4.通过自主学习,合作交流后,你还存在的问题。合作交流之话题讨论:目标:能根据话题写段短文内容:话题讨论方法:四人一个小组讨论,发言组长整理,大组长发言时间:5分钟检测:填空Dear Lonely Kid, There are a lot of things you could do. You could_. Or maybe you should _ Good luck! Yours, Mary 提问展示:the same as. ,get on well with sb,have a fight with sb的用法。四. 达标练习:根据下面

3、提示写一篇60词左右短文.Peter doesnt do well in English, please give him some advice on improving his English.五课堂小结:谈谈你本节课的收获有哪些?六作业布置1 基础练习:根据提示完成单词。1. The matter is rather s_, you shouldnt always laugh.2. Whats _(毛病)? - I cant find my key.3. Professor Li will give a t_ next Friday.4. All students go to visit

4、 the Great Wall e_ Sam. 5. The couple(夫妇)_(抚养)three children.2 提升练习 选择填空1. Maybe you should _ .A. call in herB. call up her C. Call her inD. call her up2. Brian doesnt like _ .A. readingB. readC. readsD. readed3. Yesterday I went to the library. Henry went there, _ .A. eitherB. tooC. alsoD. only4. E

5、veryone else in my office is invited by Mr. Wu _ me. A. besideB. outC. except D. Off 5. Your friend is _than you, so you should be as _as him.A. popular, friendlier B. more popular, friendlyC. more popular, friendlierD. popular, friendly3.拔高练习.1 Charles cousin is the same age _him. They get on well _ each other. A. for, inB. as, onC. as, inD. as, with2. Parents often take their children to join some activities to prepare them _ their future. A. atB. behindC. forD. with3. I am looking for Mrs. Green. She forgets to _ her bill. A. cost forB. pay forC. pay in D. cost in学习反思



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