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1、2019学年上番禺区六校教育教学联合体九年级中段考查英语学科试题问 卷本试卷为笔试局部共110分 ,考试时间为120分钟。一、语法选择共15小题;每题1分 ,总分值15分阅读短文 ,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求 ,从各题所给的、和项中选出最正确选项。 I am Jack. I study at Kenny Middle School. I am _1_ only child in my family. I live in a flat in the city center. My dad_2_ for an advertising company and my mum is a la

2、wyer. My mum stays in Hong Kong, _3_she got a new job last month, and only comes home at weekends and during holidays.I didnt have to do _4_ housework at home before. My mother _5_ everything for me. She cooked meals for me. My clothes _6_ by her, too. But now she works in Hong Kong . She encourages

3、 me to look after _7_.“You must _8_ to do everything by yourself while I am away.So I am learning _9_ to cook and wash clothes by myself. I also tidy my bedroom every day and help my dad _10_ the kitchen and the living room. _11_ hard work it is! My meals do not taste _12_ at all and my clothes are

4、not very clean.However, _13_ I am not able to do these things very well, my parents are very happy with me. They say I will learn _14_ and my housework skills will soon get improved. My mum thinks it is good for me to be independent. I know she is right. After all, _15_the future I will not have my

5、parents do everything for me. Its better to start learning now.( )1. A. a B. an C. the D. /( )2. A. work B. works C. working D. worked ( )3. A. which B. what C. who D. where ( )4. A. some B. few C. little D. any ( )5. A. used to do B. was used to do C. used to dong D. was used to doing( )6. A. were

6、washed B. wash C. are washed D. washed( )7. A. my B.I C. me D. myself ( )8. A. learn B. learns C. learned D. learning ( )9. A. which B. where C. how D. when ( )10. A. cleaning B. clean C. cleaned D. to cleaning ( )11. A. How B. What C. How a D. What a ( )12. A. well B. better C. good D. best ( )13.

7、A. because B. though C. if D. while ( )14. A. quick B. quickness C. quicker D. quickly ( )15. A. in B. for C. on D. from 二、完形填空共10小题;每题1.5分 ,总分值15分阅读短文 ,掌握其大意 ,从各题所给的、和项中 ,选出最正确选项。 Many people like to keep dogs as their pets. But do you know dogs were wild animals long long ago?The first wild dogs w

8、ere trained by 16 in Europe about 10,000 years ago. These first “dogs were not like what we have now. They may have been 17 wolves. These dogs often came near humans to 18 nice food. Some of the young dogs were adopted (收养) and 19 by peopleHumans believed the 20 were a help to them in many ways. For

9、 example, the dogs helped them to hunt. They could smell and hear danger before people could. They helped keep people 21 on cold nights. So it was 22 to raise the dogs.Now, there are many different 23 of dogs and they may look quite different from each other. Dog trainers think there are more than 4

10、00 different kinds in the world. The number 24 increasing with new kinds.Since those early days, humans and dogs have always been together. We should 25 them from now on because they are really our friends. 16. A. wolves B. cats C. humans D. students 17. A. big B. old C. small D. nice 18. A. steal B

11、. waste C. make D. serve 19. A. grew up B. brought up C. looked up D. caught up 20. A. animals B. foxes C. wolves D. dogs 21. A. cool B. warm C. hot D. cold 22. A. hard B. useless C. easy D. helpful 23. A. colors B. kinds C. groups D. sizes 24. A. keeps B. stops C. starts D. finishes 25. A. hurt B.

12、kill C. protect D. feed三、阅读理解共两节 ,总分值45分第一节 阅读理解共20小题;每题2分 ,总分值40分阅读以下短文 ,从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中 ,选出最正确选项。A “You have saved my horse, Queen Olivia told the young boy standing before her. “Now you shall have a prize. Peter nervously ran his fingers through his brown hair. The frightened horse had run pas

13、t him as he worked in the field that morning. He would have helped it whether it belonged to the queen or not. But he had to admit that getting a prize was nice. Two of the queens pages ( 侍从 ) appeared . One carried a small pillow with a mirror sitting on top. Red jewels shinning on the top of the mirrors silver frame ( 镜框 ) . The other page carried a wood cage with a clucking 咯咯叫chicken inside it. “Only one prize can be yours, The queen said. “Choose wisely. “That


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