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1、九年级英语(上)KJ版A.B.C.UNIT 7检测卷(本卷满分120分,100分钟完卷)第I卷(75分)第一部分歼力(20分)一、听下面5段对话选择正确的图片每段对话读两遍(每小姻1分,共5分)( A )1. What isnt Antonio allowed to do on weekends?A.B )2. What can the woman do in the classroom?C.)3. What doesnt the man often do?A.B.( A )4. What is the mans favorite sport?B.to wearB.【听力原文】1 U*: An

2、tonio, are your parents very strict with you?M: Yes, Im not allowed to watch TV even on weekends.2. M: Are we allowed to listen to music in the classroom?W: No t but we can sing songs in the classroom3 W:Do you spend much time in playing ping-pong?M : No t not often.4. W: Whats vour favorite sport?M

3、 : Im serious about running.5. W: Anna wants to get her ears pierced.M: But I dont think teenagers should be allowed to wear earrings.二、听长对话,回答问题毎段对话读两遍(每小题1分,共5分) 听下面一段对话完成第6至第7小题。(C)6. Who are they?A. A mom and a son.B A doctor and a patient (A)7. What are they talking about?A. Where to eat lunch.

4、B How to be against rules.听Etfn-段对话完成第8至第10小题。(B)8. Why is Sam excited?A He passed his math examB He passed his Chinese exani.(C)9. How does Mary look now?A. HappyB. Surprised.(C)10. When will Mary take a math exam?A This Wednesday.B. Next Monday.C A teacher and a student.C. What to do on die playgr

5、ound.C He passed his physics exam C Worried.C. Next Thursday.【听力原文】听下面一段对话,完成第6至第7小题。W: Hey t there s no eating in die classroom. Dont you know that?M :Sorry t Vm new here I have brought my lunch to school with me. Are we allowed to eat on the playground?W:Nom afraid not. lt*s against tlie rules. Bu

6、t if you go upstairs t there*s a room on the left You can eat your lunch tliere. M :I see. Thank you,madam.听下面一段对话完成第8至第10小题。W:You look excited, Sam!M : Yes. I just learned Ive passed the Chinese Exam. W: Wonderful JM: Mary, why do you look so worried now?W: Well have a math exam next Thuiday. Im af

7、raid 1 might fail the exam M: Doift worry I can help you.W: Really? Tliats great.三、听短文,根据短文内容回答问题,短文读两遍(每小题2分,共10分) (B )11. Whol do the students think of their uniforms?A. CooLB Ugly.( B ) 12 Tlie students to wear their own clothes in school.A. are allowedB are not allowed( C ) 13.think that its goo

8、d to study in groups.A. The parentsB. The teachers( A ) 14. What does the speaker want to be when he*s older?A. A teacher.B. A good student(C ) 15. Whol did the speaker do last week?A. He went to buy a new coat.C He went to a primary school and helped teach the children【听力原文】C. Nice.C haveC. The stu

9、dentsC. A doctor.B. He went to visit his teacher.We have a lot of rules at school. We liave to wear uniforms every day. But all my classmates tliink the uniforms are ugly. We want to wear our own clothes Our teachers are afraid that we may concentrate more on our clothes than our studies. We enjoy d

10、oing homework with friends But parents dont allow us to do that. Because they think well talk instead of studying. 1 disagree We learn a lot from each other. I want to be a teacher when Im older. Last week I went to a primary school and helped teach young students there I felt happy after I helped t

11、hem 第二部分笔试(55分)四、单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)( A ) 16.1yesterday because it was brokenA. had my bike repaired B has my bike repairedC had my bike repairD had my bike repaid【解析】由yestenlay可知,本句为一脸过去时。uhave sth. +动词的过去分诃刀意为“使某物被爲 故选A。of childrens school work.一後急潍课时瀛一( B )17. Sometimes watching TV can getA. on the

12、wayB. in the wayC by the wayD in way:解析on the way意为“在路上”;in the way of意为44妨i|w;by the way意为44順便说一下”。句意为:“有时看电视会 坊碍孩子们的学业。”故选Bo(D ) 18. People under 18 should not be allowed.A. drivesB drivingC droveD to drive【解析】句意为广18岁以下的人不应该被允许开车ow should not be allowed to do sth.总为“不应该被允许做某事”,故 选D。( C ) 19. My te

13、acher asked us to stopand him.A. reading; listening to B to read; to listen toC reading; to listen toD to read; listening to【解析】句意为广老师妥我们停止阅读听他讲课ostop doing sth.表示“停止做正在做的事Sand连接的动词形式前 &鬻保特一致。故选C。( B )20. Hie summer holiday is on the way. Well have more freedom. But we should learn to manage ourselv

14、esA. Pel love toB. I agreeC Im afraid 1 wonftD. I disagree【解析广Id love to意为“我愿agree.意为我同意afraid I wont. M意为“恐怕我不会disagree. w 意为我不同意”。句意为:“署假快列了,我们将有更多的自由o但我们应该学会约束自己。”根据題意可知B項符合题意。( A )21 This week, the weatherto change every day: one day is hot, the next day is cold.A. seemsB. looksC. soundsD. feels

15、【解析】选項中只有A项后可接动词不定式。故选A。( C )22 He had ail accident on his way to work. That sounds .A. successfulB carefillC awfulD powerful【解析】由上句句意44他在上班的珞上出了事故可知邢听起来很糟”。故选C。awful意为“很糟的很坏的( A )23 Driving after drinking winein ChinaA is not allowedB are not allowedC ig not allowing【解析】动名词短语作主语,谓语动诃用单数形式。根据句意“在中国,酒后驾车是不被允许的可知,此处需耍用被 动语态。故选A。( B )24. Do you often get on


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