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1、Unit 4教学目标知识目标To grasp the key words.(Greeting someone)能力目标To improve the students skills of using words and phrases情感、态度、价值观To have the students cooperate教学重点Give ones regards to sb./ take over/ make yourself at home教学难点How to cooperate教学设计思路Reviewing-Practicing-Grasping教法Task-based Method学法Coopera

2、tion课前准备PPT/ Micro Lesson教 学 过 程教学环节教 师 活 动学生活动设计意图二次备课课题引入1. Review some words and have a dictationDictationLead in实施Task 1. This lesson is the vocabulary and learn all the new words dictationPractice教 学 过 程教学环节教 师 活 动学生活动设计意图二次备课课程实施Explain the words:1. attend 1. 表示“参加”、“出席”,通常用作及物动词,其宾语通常是meeting

3、, party, show, wedding, class, lecture, school, church等(以及具有“活动”意义名词)。Did you attend the meeting yesterday? 你昨天去开会了吗? He was ill and didnt attend school. 他有病,没有去上学。有时 attend 后的宾语可以省略,此时为不及物动词。如:They had a quiet wedding - only a few friends attended (it). 他们的婚礼静悄悄的,只有几个朋友参加。2. 表示医生或护士等的“治疗”、“护理”、“照顾”

4、等,可用作及物或不及物动词;用作不及动词时其后通常接介词 on(若省略,即为及物)。如:Which doctor is attending you? 哪个医生在给你治疗?有时也与介词 to 连用(见以下有关用法)。3. 用于短语 attend to, 主要用来表示。如:注意听。如:Attend carefully (to what hes saying). 注意听(他讲的话)。处理;办理。如:Ill attend to it. 这事我来办。2. make yourself at home 请别客气;随便点make yourself at home 是(无拘束) 的意思 指不用客气,当在自己家一

5、样, help yourself 就是 请随便用 . 的意思,是指具体的事物。比如你想喝杯咖啡,你自己去倒好了,不用客气。3. regard 1)n. 关心, 注意, 尊敬, 尊重, 致意, 问候, 关系2)vt. 看待, 当作, 重视, 尊敬, 关系针对consider,其用法总结如下:1. regard作动词时,永远是vt., 所以后面直接接n. regard + n. 尊重, 涉及到 regard n.(A) as n.(B) 把A看作B A be regarded as B A被看作B2. regard 作名词,表“问候”Give ones regards to sb. =give m

6、y best wishes to sb.= give ones love to sb.1. Please give my best wishes to sb. 请代我向某人问好。2. Say hello to sb. for me. 代我向某人问好。3. Remember me to sb. 请代我向某人问好。4. Please give my love to sb. 请代我向某人问好。5. Please give my regards to sb. 请代我向某人问好。4. fair n.展览会;市集adj.公平的;晴朗的;美丽的; 相当的-unfair (ant.)adv.公平地; 直接地

7、for fair肯定地;完全1.He won the game fair and square.他赢得这次比赛是公平的。 2. The visitors spied the exhibits at the fair.参观者细细察看展览会上的陈列5. in advance beforehand事先;预先 eg: 1.Please pay five yuan in advance.请预付人民币5元。 2.She received one months salary in advance.她预支了一个月的工资。in advance of1.in front of在前面She walked in ad

8、vance of her husband她走在她丈夫前面。6. form n. 表格 If you fill in this form, you can take books out of the library. 如果你填了这张表,就可以把书带出图书馆。 vt., vi. 1)形成;产生 A plan began to form in his mind. 计划在他脑子里形成。 2)养成;培养 to form good habits 养成好习惯 3)构成;形成 to form a correct sentence 造一个正确的句子 7. planner n.计划者 plan v. 1)plan

9、 to do sth = mean to do 计划干,打算干 eg: I plan to plant some vegetables in the garden had planned to do.n. make a plan to do sth/ make a plan for sth8. competition n.竞争 compete v. 基本义:竞争、对抗eg: We cant compete with them on price. 我们在价格上无法与他们竞争。 引申义:参加比赛(竞赛) Five children competed in the race. 五个孩子参加赛跑。 c

10、ompetitive adj. 竞争的,有竞争力的 competitive games 竞技性比赛 competitor n. 竞争者、对手 our main/major/nearest competitor 我们主要的竞争对手9. pollen n.花粉 pollinate v. 对授粉pollinated,pollenated,pollinating,名词:pollinationeg: Many kinds of plants, trees and grasses need bees to pollinate them. 很多植物、树木以及草地都需要蜜蜂来进行传播花粉。10. connec

11、t vt. 1. 表示“连接”,通常与介词 with, to 连用。如:Will you connect this wire to the television? 请你把这根电线和电视机连上好吗? 2. 联想(+with) We connect the word blue with the color of the sky. 我们由蓝这个字会联想到晴空的颜色。 【注】有时可用连词 and 代替介词 with, to。如:A railway connects Beijing and (with/to) Shanghai. 北京和上海之间有铁路相连。vi. 1. 连接,连结(+by/with/to

12、) This wire connects with that one. 这根电线与那根连接。 2. (交通工具)衔接,联运(+with)下列情况,通常用介词 with。如:(1) 表示关系方面的“联系时:Hes connected with our school. 他与我们学校有联系。He is connected with the Smiths. 他与史密斯家有姻亲。 (2) 表示汽车、火车、飞机等交通方面的“相通”、“衔接”时:This early bus from the village connects with the 8:30 train. 这辆从村里开来的早班车与8:30的火车衔

13、接。11. inspiring adj. 鼓舞人心的 vt. inspire的变形例句: His speech inspired the soldiers. 他的演说使士兵们大受鼓舞。to inspire somebody with courage使某人鼓起勇气变形: inspired, inspiringinspiring的用法例句We will share with you his inspiring and powerful success skills! 我们将与你分享他鼓舞人心的,强有力的成功技巧!12. in contrast 相反1.by contrast 对比起来,相比之下。

14、例句:By contrast, Mary is much diligent than Tom. 2.in contrast 与此相反,相比之下 常用短语in contrast with/to和形成对比,比较起来,后面接名词。 eg: In contrast with her sister, she is very tall. 与姐姐相比, 她个子很高.13.conflict n. 冲突; 战斗; 相互干扰; 矛盾 vi. 抵触; 争斗; 战斗; 冲突 eg: Hes looking for a way out from this conflict. 他正在想办法摆脱这一纷争。 短语: in conflict 有矛盾,不一致 conflict with 与冲突,与矛盾 no conflict 无抵触 in conflict with 和.冲突 14. jealous adj. 嫉妒的 be jealous of 嫉妒,对吃醋 make sb jealous 使嫉妒 eg: 1. We should not be jealous of other peoples success. 我们不应该嫉妒他人的成功.2. Friends should trust each and not be


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