Unit4 Seeing the doctor[36]

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《Unit4 Seeing the doctor[36]》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit4 Seeing the doctor[36](4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit4 Seeing the doctorTeaching content: Story timeTeaching aims:1. Students can understand, read and act Story time;2. Students can use have a rest, take medicine, drink water, eat sweets, brush ones teeth to give advice;3. Students can use whats wrong with .?, . have/has a ., What should . do?, .

2、should/shouldnt . to go to see the doctor and care about others;4. Students can understand the importance of health and know how to keep healthy.Teaching aids: PPT, doctors coat and tools.Teaching procedures:Step1 Warm up1. Greeting2. Free talk T: How many students are there in our class? How many s

3、tudents now, in my class? (If there is someone not at school today, ask for the students name and the reason. If everyone is here, then go on.) (But)Look at the pictures, our friends are having English class too. Unluckily, two students are not at school today. Who are they? S: Su Hai and Mike. T: W

4、hy? S: May be . T: (show the picture of a hospital) In fact, where are Su Hai and Mike? S: Theyre in the hospital. T: Yes. Because Su Hai and Mike are ill. What should they do? S: They should go to see the doctor. T: What do they do with the doctor? Whats wrong with them? Lets learn Unit4 Seeing the

5、 doctor. (show the title: Unit4 Seeing the doctor)(设计意图:通过与学生聊天,把他们从自己的课堂带入到书中的课堂中去,进而引出 Su Hai and Mike不在学校,设置悬念,问题开放,让学生们猜一猜他们在哪里?怎么了?从而引出课题。)Step2 Story time1. Look and guess Q1: Whats wrong with her? Q2: How does she feel? T: Su Hai is ill. She goes to see the doctor. Look! Whats wrong with her?

6、 S: She has a . T: How does she feel? S: . T: You have many good ideas, but are you right? Lets watch and check.2. Watch and answer (Lets learn) T: Whats wrong with her? How does she feel? What do they say to each other? Lets read together. (Teach: check.)3. Read and choose Q: What should I do? T: S

7、u Hai has a headache and a fever. What should she do? Open your books. Turn to page 36. Read Su Hais story and choose the right advice. Dont forget to underline the key sentences. (Teach: have a rest, take some medicine, drink some warm water) What shouldnt I do?(Thank you, little doctor.)4. Listen

8、and repeat T: Now we know Su Hais story, right? Lets listen and repeat her story.5. Try to think T: Su Hai is not at school today. Who is not at school either? S: Mike. T: Look at Mike. Whats wrong with him? (teach: toothache) He goes to see the dentist.(teach: dentist) What will they say? First, Wh

9、at can the dentist ask? Then, Mike can answer . Next, he can ask . Finally, the dentist can say .(设计意图:让学生猜一猜Mike怎么啦?教给学生通过看图来猜测的阅读方法,学生答出He has a toothache.对于dentist的解释不再是直接告诉中文,而是通过英英解释,来让学生通过英语思维。)6. Read and fill T: These are just our guessing. What really happened? Do you want to know? OK! Lets

10、 see. Mike goes to see the dentist. He get a medical record from the dentist. But look! Some words are not clear. Can you help Mike? You are so kind. Now open your books. Turn to page 37. Read Mikes story and finish the medical record in your groups. You can find the right words and stick on the pap

11、er, clear?(teach: brush your teeth, bedtime) Are they right?/Do you agree?7. Listen and repeat T: This is Mikes story. Now lets read his story together.8. Try to actT: You can read the story very well! I like it! But can you act it well too? Here are some tips for you. If you can read the story, you

12、 can get one star. If you can read the story in roles, you can get two stars. If you can act the story with some new words, you can get three stars. Now I want to act the story. Who can help me?/Who can be Mike?Name? Please sit here. Whats wrong with you? Dont worry. Let me check. Open your mouth an

13、d say Ahh. Do you eat a lot of sweets? You shouldnt eat too many sweets. You should brush your teeth in the morning and before bedtime. You can take some medicine and drink some warm water, ok? This is for you.Can I get three stars? Its your show time now. Lets do it.(设计意图:表演板块不是单纯的只是表演书上的内容,而是引导学生用

14、上以前所学过的句型,来丰富对话的内容。)Step3 Consolidation1. Lets write T: Su Hai and Mike come out from the hospital. Theyre at home now. Theyre writing their dairies, but theyre ill. They cant write very well. Can you help them?2. Lets retell T: Oh, look at them. How sad they are! They cant go to school today. After

15、 school, do you want to tell their story to your parents? You can choose one student, Su Hai or Mike to retell. You have one min to prepare. OK. Lets go.3. The first wealth is health. T: Today we have a good time in class, right? But Su Hai and Mike dont. They cant play with us and study with us. What a pity. So I want to tell you: The first wealth is health. If we re ill, we cant do anything. How to be healthy? We should .(设计意图:巩固的几个环节是利用帮Su Hai and Mike来完成日记这个情境让学生来写一写,说一说,不是枯燥的说来填空。Lets retell环节是让学生把前面的第一人称改为第二人称,让他们通过告诉父母Su Hai and Mike的病情来描述。



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