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1、 精品资料Module 6Period One (时间:60分钟).介副词填空1In 1972, a meeting of the World Heritage Committee agreed _ a list of places in the world which had outstanding cultural importance.2Suzhou is a city _ a 2500year history.3. They used fire for cooking food and also for light, warmth and protection _ wild beast

2、s.4Parts of the cave have been badly affected by rain and exposure _ the air.5At the site in the southwest suburb of Beijing, there is the earliest evidence of the use of fire _ humans.6Today, however, Zhoukoudian is _ serious danger.7Pollution from nearby cement factories has also contributed _ the

3、 problem.8We have requested that the government get involved, but we also need assistance _ ordinary people.9It is _ vital importance that we do something.10. Since the discovery was made in the 1920s, Zhoukoudian has become an important place for archaeologists _ all over the world.答案1.on2.with3.fr

4、om4.to5.by6.in7.to8.from9.of10.from.单词拼写1The city invested 6 billion yuan to p_ the character of the old town.2In the 1920s, archaeologists discovered some p_ human bones there.3Four sites where Beijing Man and his r_ lived were discovered on the northern face of Dragon Bone Hill.4They came from an

5、unknown species of man and were the first evidence of p_ human life in China thousands of years ago.5These discoveries proved the e_ of a human species who lived in the area between 700,000 and 200,000 years ago.6Any site which is seriously damaged or which is not properly protected is an _ (濒危的)her

6、itage, and UNESCO is very quick to do something about situations like this.7The site is extremely expensive to _ (维护) and it will cost between three and five million yuan to repair it.8They have _ (建议) that the site be closed and repaired.9The Chinese Academy of Sciences is trying to raise public _

7、(意识) about it.10They are a _ (珍贵的) part of our cultural heritage.答案1.preserve2.prehistoric3.relations4.primitive5existence6.endangered7.maintain8.recommended9awareness10.precious.翻译与仿写1They have recommended that the site be closed and repaired.翻译:_仿写: 医生劝你吃饱饭后不要去游泳。_2. A professor at the Academy has

8、 proposed that a fund be established to raise money.翻译:_仿写: 他建议做一些改变。_3Some areas are almost completely covered in weeds, causing serious damage.翻译:_仿写:他把眼镜弄掉了,摔得粉碎。_4. The site is extremely expensive to maintain.翻译:_仿写:这个人很难对付。_5Apart from providing warmth, what was fire used for? 翻译:_仿写:除了偶尔探望一下外,

9、布鲁斯还为父母做了什么?_答案1.该组织建议关闭这个遗址并进行修复。The doctor recommended that you shouldnt swim after eating a large meal.2中科院的一位教授提议设立基金会来募集资金。He proposed that a change (should) be made.3不少地方杂草丛生,破败不堪。He dropped his glasses, breaking into pieces.4维修遗址需要高额的费用。The man is difficult to deal with.5除了提供温暖以外,火是用来做什么的?Apa

10、rt from the occasional visit, what does Blues do for his parents?.语篇填词The Zhoukoudian Beijing Man Site is one of the most important world heritage sites in China.When discovered in the 1920s, it has become an important place for 1._ from all over the world.There is the earliest 2._ of the use of fir

11、e by humans.Zhoukoudian is on the World Cultural Heritage List.Today, however, Zhoukoudian is in serious 3._.Parts of the cave have been badly affected by rain and 4._ to the air.Some areas are almost completely covered in weeds, 5._ serious damage. The site is extremely expensive to 6._ and it will

12、 cost much money to repair it.The Chinese Academy of Science is trying to raise public 7._ about it.Dr Zhu Ming of the Academy said, “We have requested that the government get 8._, but we also need assistance from ordinary people.They can help by 9._ to the cost of repairing the caves.They are a precious part of our cultural heritageit is of vital 10._ that we do something.”答案1.archaeologists2.evidence3.danger4.exposure5.causing6.maintain7.awareness8.involved9.contributing10.importance.单项填空1I _my homework to make sure that nothing had been missed.Awent through Bgot throughCbroke through



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