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1、江苏专用2022高考英语一轮复习提分专练十牛津译林版.完形填空(2019南京三模)What brought McCoy to that Baltimore alley was nothing to be proud of.McCoy was looking for a safe place to do _1_.He had been there for only a minute when something caught his eyes: a brown leather Rioni handbag.Picking it up, he found it had been _2_ of eve

2、rything but an electricity bill.McCoy could _3_ all too well.One of his _4_ possessions, the sleeping bag, had recently been stolen.Remembering how angered hed been by his own _5_, he decided to return the purse.He began right away, starting with the _6_ on the bill.It was on the other side of the c

3、ity.On the way, several people asked to buy the purse, but he _7_, “Im returning this to its owner.”After travelling much of the day and _8_ approaching the address, he was stopped by a woman called Smith.She asked to buy the purse._9_, McCoy refused, saying he was searching for its owner.“But I am

4、the owner,”the woman said.At Smiths _10_, McCoy told her his story.Hed been in charge of a landscaping business until 2012, when he was in a car accident that _11_ him addicted to narcotics.Smith, _12_ this stranger had gone to such great strengths to return her bag, asked to do something to help.“I

5、m a heroin addict,”McCoy _13_.“Im probably going to let you down.”Undaunted, Smith gave him her phone number, saying, “If you want to go to rehab, call me.”She _14_ his lost sleeping bag with her own, then drove him back and left, thinking that would be the _15_ of it.Two days later, she got a call.

6、Smith realized that McCoy was _16_ about getting better; he even gave her the name of a 28day rehab facility in Florida.So she _17_ her savings account and bought McCoy a plane ticket.While there, he would call her.“I heard his _18_ over the phone.Every day he would call me, and it went from this sc

7、ared, _19_ voice to a healthy, energetic voice.”After 28 days there, McCoy is drugfree.His life is back _20_.One crime victim could empathize with anothers loss.语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了一个吸毒上瘾的人捡到了一个很贵重的包,很多人出钱买,但是他坚持送还给了包的主人,并且在包主人的帮助之下,成功地戒掉了毒瘾,生活走上正轨的故事。1A.drugs BsportsCbusiness Dstudy解析:选Ado drugs意为“吸

8、毒”,根据下文中“Im a heroin addict”可得知本文主人公是一名瘾君子;再根据前文主人公来到巴尔的摩小巷不是一件值得骄傲的事情“was nothing to be proud of”可以得出,他应该是想找一个安全的地方吸毒。2A.rid BremovedCemptied Dcheated解析:选C主人公捡到了一个名贵的包,但是打开这个包,里面只有一张电费单,可知包里面的东西已经被清空了。3A.recall BrelateCremember Dreflect解析:选BMcCoy由这件事情联想到之前自己的睡袋被偷的经历。 relate“联系”,符合语境。4A.few BmanyCil

9、legal Doriginal解析:选A由上下文可知本文主人公经济条件不佳,因此财产比较少,而其中就包含了睡袋。因此这里应该选few。5A.loss BdeedCdesire Dresponse解析:选A由上下文可知,主人公因为自己也经历了一样的损失,感同身受,因此才想要把捡到的包还回去。loss“损失”,符合语境。6A.name BdateCnumber Daddress解析:选D主人公决定立刻把包送回去,根据的是电费单上的地址。address“地址”。7A.added BdeclinedCpromised Dhesitated解析:选B一路上他遇到很多人出钱向他购买这个名贵的包,但是他都拒

10、绝了。decline“婉拒”,符合语境。8A.slowly BsecretlyCfinally Dcautiously解析:选C在跑了一整天之后,McCoy终于到达了地址上标明的地方。finally“最后,终于”。9A.Then BActuallyCConstantly DAgain解析:选D到达目的地之后,McCoy被一个叫做Smith的女士叫住,要求出钱购买包,主人公再一次拒绝了。10A.urging BinsultingCapproving Dthreatening解析:选A根据上下文,可知主人公的经历是让他有些难以启齿的,但是在Smith女士的竭力要求之下,他终于开了口。urge“催促

11、,极力主张”,符合语境。insult“辱骂”; approve“同意”; threaten“威胁”。11A.kept BleftCfound Dsaw解析:选B2012年,他发生了车祸,使他对毒品上瘾。leave“使得某人处于某种状态”,符合语境。12A.amused BconfusedCamazed Dconcerned解析:选C史密斯很吃惊,这个陌生人花费这么大力气把包还给她。amazed“感到吃惊的,感到惊叹的”,符合语境。amused“愉快的,被逗乐的”; confused“困惑的,糊涂的”; concerned“有关的,关心的”。13A.insisted BrepeatedCdecl

12、ared Dwarned解析:选DMcCoy警告道:“我是一个瘾君子(吸毒者),我可能会让你失望。”warn“警告”,符合语境。insist“坚持认为”; repeat“重复”; declare“声称,公告”。14A.shared BreplacedCexchanged Dpared解析:选B她用自己的睡袋替换了他丢失的睡袋。replace“代替”。15A.end BstartCresult Dcause解析:选A然后开车把他送回去并离开了,认为事情就结束了。16A.careful BcasualCserious Ddoubtful解析:选C从下文可知McCoy甚至告诉了她佛罗里达一家28天的

13、戒毒所的名字,所以史密斯意识到McCoy对于让自己变得越来越好是非常认真的。serious“仔细的,认真的”。17A.went into Bdug intoClooked into Dchecked into解析:选B所以她从储蓄账户中取出钱,为他买了一张飞机票。dig into此处意思是“从中支出”。18A.satisfaction BexpectationCtransformation Ddetermination解析:选C在戒毒所里他经常给她打电话,她通过电话了解到他的改变。transformation “改变”,符合语境。satisfaction“满意”; expectation“期待

14、,预期”; determination“决心”。19A.calm BanxiousCpleasant Ddesperate解析:选D此处描述McCoy的变化,空处应填与scared意义相近,与healthy,energetic意义相反的词,故选D。20A.at will Bat riskCon duty Don track解析:选D28天之后,McCoy成功戒毒。他的生命重回正轨。on track“步上正轨”,符合语境。 at will“任意,随意”; at risk“处于风险之中”; on duty“值班,上班”。.任务型阅读Have you ever wondered: What driv

15、es successful people? Take a look around and talk to your friends and seniors who are very successful, and you will see all of them have adopted certain values which have proved vital for their success.It is evident that successful people take initiative (主动性). When they find something needs to be done, they just do it instead of waiting. They believe that responsibility is taken, not given. They weigh immediately


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