Fun time&Cartoon time5

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《Fun time&Cartoon time5》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Fun time&Cartoon time5(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 6 At the snack bar Period3无锡市石塘湾中心小学 朱晓嫒一、 教学内容:Cartoon time、Fun time、Rhyme time二、 教学目标:1. 能综合运用本单元学到的单词和句型进行点餐活动并会征求别人的意见。2. 能理解Cartoon time 部分的意思,并能配合此部分内容进行表达。3. 能听懂、会读、会说句型:Can I help you? Id likeWhat a big.!4.能在学习中体会合作的乐趣,并在自己的学习中学会同伴合作。三、 教学重、难点:1. 能综合运用本单元学到的单词和句型进行点餐活动并会征求别人的意见。2. 能理解Ca

2、rtoon time 部分的意思,并能配合此部分内容进行表达。3. 能听懂、会读、会说句型:Can I help you? Id likeWhat a big.!4. 能在学习中体会合作的乐趣,并在自己的学习中学会同伴合作。四、 教学准备:视频,课件,五、 教学过程:Before class:different food in different countries【设计意图:学生在课前观看不同国家的不同食物,在欣赏图片的同时,吸引学生的学习兴趣,同时又与本课的主题相契合。】Step 1 Warming up.1. Say what you seeT: What can you see ? S

3、s:I can see a sandwich.复习食物和饮料sandwich,noodles,tea,coffee,milk,hamburger,cake,rice.同时贴食物图片于黑板上。2.We can see them at the snack bar. What else do you know?3.There are much food and drinks at the snack bar.Teach: food drinks4.Can you put them into right places? 【设计意图:复习学生从三年级以来学过的食物与饮料,唤起学生旧知。同时引导学生将这些

4、食物与饮料进行分类,自然教学food,drinks这两个单词。让学生贴图片,不仅锻炼了学生的动手能力,更吸引了他们的注意力。】Step 2 Rhyme time1. ReviewT: We have so much food and drinks here. What would you like? S:Id like.T: Anything else?S:.,please./No,thanks.T- S S-S【设计意图:利用食物与饮料复习询问时所需要的句型,无形中为下文的教学做了铺垫。】2. Rhyme time T:Great. Who can ask me?S1:What would

5、you like?T:Id like a pie.Who can ask me again?S2:What would you like?T:Id like some rice. They are all very nice.Teach:They are all very nice.出示rhyme,师示范,分男女生读。Can you make a new chant like this?【设计意图:由上面句型的复习自然引出chant的教学,贴上学生春游时野餐的图片,更能唤起他们的兴趣。】Step 3 Cartoon time1.T: How happy! What about Sam and

6、Bobby? Are they happy? Look at the picture. How are they?Listen.S:Sam is hungry.出示:Im hungry.T:What about Bobby?S:Bobby is hungry,too.出示:Me too.【设计意图:学生通过观察图片,并听声音,从而判断Sam和Bobby发生了什么事。这样显得更加直观。】3.They walk and walk.Look, heres a snack bar.What would they like? S:Sam would like . Bobby would like .4.

7、 Lets watch the cartoon and answer.教学fish5. So,Sam would like some fish. Bobby would like an egg.How do you know?6. Read and answer.Follow the tape.7. T:So they look so happy.But at last ,are they happy?Maybe theyre scared and surprised.Why?What do they see? Read and answer.【设计意图:学生通过图片判断Sam和Bobby的心

8、情,从而指导朗读句型。】8. Bobby sees a big egg.Listen.出示:What a big egg!提示语气越强烈鸡蛋变得越大。【设计意图:通过图片的不断变大,操练学生对这个感叹句的感知与理解。】9.What about Sam?What will Sam say?(Wow,what a big fish!)Tip:Fish用作可数名词指“鱼的条数”时,单数和复数形式相同。 There are many big things at the snack bar.(Wow,what a big .!)But where is the waiter?Lets say:Waite

9、r,Waiter ,where are you?10. Look, the waiter Xingxing is coming.Guess,what will Xingxing say?出示:Can I help you?Teach:help模仿严肃、礼貌语气朗读。【设计意图:学生模仿各种各样的猩猩进行朗读,对Can I help you?这个句型进行反复的操练,突破重点。】11. Xingxing is big and strong. So,Sam and Bobby say weakly.12. Read and imitate.13. Now lets read the cartoon

10、time after the computer,then read together.14. Act it out.15. Sam wants to share his experience with us.Lets help him.My friend Bobby and I go to the s_ b_ together. We are h_ . He would like an _ and Id like s_ f_ . Theyre all very n_ . 16. Think about:Do you want to go to Xingxings snack bar?Maybe

11、 yes,the fish and the egg are big.Maybe no,Why?We can make nice and yummy food.And the waiter should be kind and polite.【设计意图:通过学生对猩猩的小吃店的喜好判断,学生在理解cartoon的基础上,能对这个snack bar进行自主的思考。】17. After 3 days ,Look,Xingxing is very kind now.Lets go to the snack bar,OK?引导学生分组对话训练。【设计意图:对本课的主要句型进行梳理,学生会运用本课词汇与句

12、型进行自主对话,提高了学生的语言运用能力。】18.End:When we are ordering food,we should be polite and be a good customer!Step 5 Homework1. Read Cartoon time after the tape 3 times. 2. Share your story with your parents.六、 板书设计: Unit 6 At the snack barCan I help you? What would you like?Anything else? Yes. Id likeNo,thanks. Food Drinks


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