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1、山东省荷泽市定陶县2011-2012学年八年级英语下学期期末学业水平测试试题(请将第I卷选择题答案全部填写在第n卷前的答题栏内!)第I卷(选择题,共 65分) 一.听力理解(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)(一).听句子,选择恰当的应答语。每个句子连续读两遍。)1. A. For my Dad.B. So cheap.C. Thirty yua n.)2. A. Have a great time. B. I went to the zoo. C. III walk there.)3. A. For an hour.B. In ten days.C. Once a week.)4. A.

2、In Autu mn.B. Red Leaf Festival. C The best time.)5. A Because I like it very much.B. Because it can make loud sound.C. Because it makes me relaxed.(二).听小句子,根据所听内容选择正确答案。每个对话连续读两遍。()6. What an imal does Maria like best?)7. Which is the girlA. Gree n.s favorite color?B. Red.C Yellow.#)8. How will the

3、 boy go to Lon don Zoo?A. By bike.B. By bus.C. By subway.)9. What s the name of the book?A. Three cups of tea. B.Three glasses of tea.C. Wonderful Tea.)10.What s theman perhaps?A. A stude nt.B. A teacher.C. A writer.每段对话连续读两遍。(三).听对话,根据对话内容选择正确答案。 听下面一段对话,回答第 11-12小题。()11. What s Tina going to do th

4、is after noon?A. To do housework. B.To play video games. C.To visit her grandma.()12. What s wrong with Tom s grandma?A. She broke her arm. B. She broke her leg. C. She caught a cold. 听下面一段对话,回答第 13-15小题。()13. Where are they talki ng?C. On the isla ndA. At a bookstore. B. In a shop.()14. How much do

5、es the woma n have?C. 199 yua n.(最后)?C. The yellow one.A. 80 yua n.B. 100 yuan.()15. Which purse does she buy at lastA. The pink one. B. The red one.(四).听短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。短文连续读两遍。()16. What did Tom do last Su nday?A. He went to the countryside.B. He went to see his gran dpare nts.C. He went to visit

6、some old people. ()17. How did he go there?A. By bike.B. By bus.C. Walk there.()18. How long did he stay there?A. For eight hours. B. For a whole day. C. For a week.()19. Did he cook delicious food for the old people?A. Of course he did. B.No, he didn t C. He took photos for them.()20. What did he t

7、hi nk of his weeke nd?A. Very in teresti ng.B. Very frie ndly.C. Very tired.二、选择填空(20分)从各题所给A,B,C, D选项中选出能填入各题相应空白处的最佳选项。21.1 want to get a part-time job. Is it helpful to lookthe n ewspaper?A. afterB. forC. outD. through22. The radio was too no isy. Would you turna little, please?A.dow n itB.it dow

8、 nC. it off D. off it23. Youve bee n watch ing8:00. Its time to do your homework.A. atB. by C. for D. since24.She has ircutI do.A.the same as B.the same with C.same as D. same with25. Every one is herehe is ill.A.beside B.except C.outside B.besides26. My best friend visited my house while I _ _ dinn

9、 er in the kitche n.A. cookB.cook ingC.cooked D.was cook ing27. We ll go for a walk if itomorrow.A.will not rain B.doesn t rainC.isn t rainingD.isn t rain28. This is. That girl is. A.an 8-year-old ; 6 years old. B.an 8-years-old; 6 years oldC. an 8-year-old ; 6-year-old D.a 8-year-old; 6-year-old29.

10、 -Why do you come back so late?-Because there were too many people in the supermarket, and I had totopay for the thin gs.A.wait in line B.cut in lineC.stand up3O.The No. 15 bus stops here,?A.isn t it B.is itC.doesn31- _ have you been at this factory?-Si nee 2000.A.How long B.How much C.How ofte n 32

11、.-Bob, would you like to come to our party?D.speak loudlyt itD.does itD.How soonA.Yes, I wouldB.Yes, I d love toC.No, I wouldn tD.No, I don t33.I would rather have teacoffee.A.and B.than C.asD.or34. Peterten dollars on the new book.A.spe nt b.took C.cost D.paid35. Can you speak a bit louder? I can t

12、 hear youA.happily B.slowly C.clearly D.fin ally36. Li Hong can speak En glish asas n ative speakers.A.good B.well C.better D.best37. -Why don t you buy her a CD?A.They re too cheapB.ThatC.Tha nks a lotD.Thats too expe nsives all right38.going hiki ng tomorrow, San dy?Good idea.A.What about B.Why no

13、t C.Why don t you39.Jack s sister has been a tour guidetwo years ago.D.WouldyouA.forB.si neeC.about D.in40.-What would you like to drink, Coke or orange juice?-. I d like water.A.No neB.Both C.EitherD.Neither三、完形填空(10分)从各题所给A, B, C,D四个选项中选出能填入短文相应空白处的最佳选项。Hello, I m Robert Croft. I don t have many 4

14、1 at home. In my room, forexample, I can do 42 I want to do. Mom thinks it s OK. My favorite pop 43 isTake Four. I can play 44 music loudly, but sometimes Momis not happy about this.I have a TV in my room. 45 Monday to Friday, I usually don t watch TV. But ifI 46 to watch TV, I have to do my homewor

15、k first.“ 47 comes first. ” On weekends,I can watch TV till 11 o lock. On Sun days, I do some 48. I clea n my room. It on ly takes me half an hour, so it s not too 49 . But Momoften has a lot of houseworkto do, so I have to 50 her. Whe n we have time, we go shopp ing.41. A. rooms B.halls42. A. howB.what43. A. showB.playC.rulesC.whereC.clubD.keys



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