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1、 35 70 1. Th Intrntionl ssoition for Intrulturl ommunition Stuis ws foun in th U.S. In( ). 1996. 1969. 1995. 19592. Th nglish quivlnt for n _. yllow film. grn film. pink film. lu film3. In wstrn ultur,_is on of th ntrl thms, n mphsizs privy n th right of iniviuls rthr thn tht of soity. pitlism. iniv

2、iulism. soilism. nvironmntlism4. s pintr, T ws vry_out th olors h us. spifi. spil. pulir. prtiulr5. ommunition without fk n ll( ). unintntionl ommunition. unonsious ommunition. on-wy ommunition. inirt ommunition6. tully , informtion thnology n_th gp twn th poor n th rih . link. rk. lly. rig7. Th spk

3、r ltur in_ wy tht som popl foun it hr to unrstn him. so. s. suh. tht8. W fl it pity tht h int liv up to_h n xpt of him. whih. ll wht. wht. tht9. In som ig itis in mri, thr r thr or four lmntry shools n sonry shools,_. with h within ons wlking or yling istn. h within ons wlking or yling istn. it is w

4、ithin ons wlking or yling istn. with h tht is within ons wlking or yling istn10. _is th inhrnt qulity of th ss, s sn y ntiv spkrs of nglish or hins. Timiity. Stupiity. Stuornnss. Strngth11. Wstrnrs r si to _in intrprsonl hvior. irt. inirt. linr. spirl12. It is rommn tht th projt_until ll th prprtion

5、s hv n m. is not strt. will not strt. not strt. is not to strt13. In th Mitrrnn sw is so unnt n so sily hrvst tht it is nvr of grt_. fr. pymnt. worth. xpns14. Whil popl my rfr to tlvision for up-to-th-minut nws, it is unlikly tht tlvision_th nwsppr ompltly. rpl. hv rpl. rpl. will rpl15. _thinking rf

6、rs to thinking in whih imgs r prtiulrly ttn to. strt. Logil. rtisti. ilti16. Whn you s n mrin frin hving innr, you n grt him y sying( ). Hllo. Hv ni innr. So, your hving innr. How muh o you hv for innr?. How o you njoy it?17. Showing som sns of humor n (n)_wy to l with som strssful sitution. fftiv.

7、ffiint. fvorl. fvorit18. Ltr in this hptr ss will introu to rrs _ onsumr omplints hv rsult in hngs in th lw. whr. whn. who. whih19. Wor_frquntly pprs togthr with oy , mn , vssl or irlinr. utiful. ni. prtty. hnsom20. _th sun, th moon looks th iggst ojt in th sky. xpt for. sis. xpt. Othr thn21. You r

8、rsponsil for th work_. for whol. on th whol. s whol. on whol22. Fr mil trtmnt in this ountry ovrs siknss of min s wll s_siknsss. norml. rgulr. vrg. orinry23. Isnt it mzing how th humn oy hls _ ftr n injury?. himslf. him. itslf. it24. Lngug is n instrumnt us in th_of thought. pttrns. strutur. funtion

9、. ommunition25. Mk sur th ll is firmly_to th prl for you mil it. ttriut. ustom. just. tth26. n Olympi Mrthon is 26 mils n 385 yrs, pproximtly_from Mrthon to thns. istn. is th istn. th istn. th istn is27. String or gping uring onvrstion is onsir( )in nglish ultur. urious. surpris. trustworthy. impoli

10、t28. To o somthing tht oul us quik ngr in othr poplis synonymous to_. to run usinss in th r. to pint th town r. to om r f. to wv r flg29. Thn th spkr_th vrious ftors ling to th prsnt onomi risis. wnt ftr. wnt for. wnt into. put up with30. It is only rntly _stronomrs hv gun spifi rsrh into lk hols. w

11、hn. so tht. tht. whih31. Smoking hurts not only th smokrs, ut lso th popl roun thm_son-hn smok. us. us of. s. s of32. Whn th ity ws_, vryon knw tht totl ft ws rtin. ut off. ut own. ut ross. ut out33. Th nglish spking popl r irt, so_. thy rson from th prtiulr to th gnrl, from prts to th whol, or from

12、 th smll to th ig. thy rson from th gnrl to th prtiulr, from th whol to th prt or from th ig to th smll. thy prfr th informtion strutur in whih th mor importnt informtion prs th lss importnt informtion. thy prfr th informtion strutur in whih th lss importnt informtion prs th mor importnt informtion34. Whn thr r smll hilrn roun, it is nssry to put ottls of pills out of_. rh. hn. hol. pl35. Whn thnk, th hins puli srvnts ustomrily rply_. . . . 15 30 1.



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