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1、 英语句子成分定义 :构成句子的各个部分叫做句子成分。句子成分有重要成分和次要成分;重要成分:主语和谓语次要成分:表语、宾语、定语、状语、补足语、同位语 I mt my bes frien T athe stai yse主语:句子的主体dtssudylish. Smoking is ad or ealth.at e has sadis tre 从句做主语(主语从句)It isey learht the phant is rou and tllik a te.(It是形式主语,从句a.tre才是真正主语)(主语从句)练习:划出句中主语he sunrses in the east. Twy yea

2、rsis ashort time inistory. The or are now living i shter. Seeing is beie. Tosee is to beve a heeeds isa ook.谓语:动词或者动词词组1、 简朴谓语:由一种动词或动词短语构成。如:tdentsstdy Engl2、复合谓语:(1)由情态动词或其她助动词加动词原形构成。 如:He can spea Engih He has caugh bad cold(2)由系动词加表语构成。 如:Wear studens.练习:选出下列句子中的谓语doliethepicturothwall. Isulygt

3、oscolbybs. Didthetwsaveporridgefortheibakfa? Tomdidntdohomewryestery. WhatIwanttotellouishis. Whdterndfoadctr. Heisinresteinmuic.He cn pak nglh el. 表语:系动词背面的成分名词作表语 am astudent. Myfter isa teaher形容词作表语 Thstablislong ulooyoug. Igetcd. tundsinterstng.副词作表语 Eeryoneis hee.介词短语作表语 They aei he par.不定式作表语

4、My jbstoeach th Enlish.动名词作表语Her obitrag thurs从句作表语(表语从句) at i hy e ddnt coe t scoolyesterday.系动词:(1) 状态:be 动词 (2) 持续:表达主语继续或保持一种状况或态度,重要有ee,emain,sy,rest,lie,stan.(3) 表像:表达“看起来仿佛”,重要有see,appear,lok () 感官:表达“起来”,有fee(摸起来,感觉),smel(闻起来),on(听起来),taste(尝起来,吃起来)等(5)变化:表达主语变成什么样,重要有beoe, go, urn,fal, get,

5、 ,come, run() 终结:重要有pove, tun ou(成果是,证明是)等.如:Hissoypovedase她讲的状况本来是假的.y tution trnut be orec我的直觉证明是对的.练习:划出句中表语he pec i exing. Tesem toko heruthTiispeciousImir today.That emns apzle.ot feel sad. Tts wy cameher.宾语:动作承受者名/代词作宾语He nve rgiesothers. He often helps me. 不定式作宾语e liestoslepin the opn ai.动名词作

6、宾语Th Ameicns njed ivigi Chia.从句做宾语(宾语从句) belie tha ey can fnisht o intimWe f itneesaryostudy nlsh(t形式宾语,to 是真正宾语)宾语分为直接宾语和间接宾语.直接宾语指物,间接宾语指人Peasepassmeh ook. (me是间接宾语,the book是直接宾语)练习:划出句中宾语Shw yourpasspot,lase.e ddnt say nyhiHo any do you wat? Iwant to. They ent e injue to hospial. Te asked to see

7、m pot. I enj worin wih ou. Ddyou rit downh he ad? I scceded passingthe xam.宾语补足语:有些及物动词除了有一种直接宾语以外,还要有一种宾语补足语,才干使句子的意义完整,否则就不完整。宾补重要用来阐明宾语的身份和状态以补充其意义局限性。I found te book inerestn.I make m students intertsted inmy lss.She ked me t len he hand.Wmadehim oitoi ou classWe fondhimn troubleno. We fun itecs

8、sary sty gh(it形式宾语,tdo是真正宾语necssry是宾补)练习:划出句中宾补helieshilentoreadnewsaprsadbositheradin-rom.HeaskshettathboyoutofcholSeindidiffculttootewor.heycllmeLlysometimesIsawMr.Wangtotheus.注:直接宾语和宾补的辨别:前面宾语和宾补有主谓逻辑关系,而间接宾语和直接宾语没有主谓逻辑关系,例如1. W mde him oior n our class. 我们选她做我们班的班长。(宾语hm与onitor是主谓关系Heis nitor她是班

9、长,因此这里monito是宾补)2. e buhh girlfendsom flowe 她买给她女朋友某些花。(宾语hisirlfrnd与se flers没有逻辑关系,不能说“她女朋友是花”因此om fowers是直接宾语)定语:用来修饰名词或代词的成分形容词作定语hlck bik is mi.代词作定语 Whats your name?名词作定语 Tey madeoe paper flowrs.介词短语作定语 he ynhe om e in Class Thre, GradOne.不定式作短语 have lotsf homeworkto d 从句作定语 (定语从句)Thetall bo wh

10、o stingrit.练习:划出句中定语is a cleerboy.Thre 54 stdnts nur class.DyouowBetys ister?.There is a sleping baby ibed.Hisspoenanguage is goo.heirl inred is his ise.We hve a ot o work odoT girl stadiud the tre is hidaugher.Do n he man who skej ?同位语:当两个指同一事物的句子成分放在同等位置时,一种成分用来阐明或解释另一种成分。下面例句中黑体和横线部分互为同位语。其中前项与后项

11、所指内容相似, 句法功能(即在句中作主谓宾等成分)也相似,并常常紧挨在一起。W hve two childe, bo an girl我们有两个孩子, 一男一女。(都在句中作宾语)W yogeople shoul repc e old.我们年轻人应当尊敬老人。(都在句中作主语)hy all wanteo se im她们都想见她(都在句中作主语)Lesou and wor, Oiver 我们俩去工作吧.(都在句中作主语)Aeouo ready?你们俩准备好了吗?(都在句中作主语)The news that we are hav a hlay toorrow is not tru 明天放假的消息不确.(都在句中作主语)(同位语从句)练习:找出句中互为同位语的成分,并指出它们在句中的句法功能Mrsrwn, John mother s a indady.Wo cme th hersband a ked an cident. m sorr t he t news athis grandfthers ad.状语: 按用途可分为时间、地点、方式、因素、成果、目的、条件、让步、限度、方式、随着 等(1).时间状语Shallwe o hping oday?(2).地点状语



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