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1、一般疑问句和特殊疑问句练习题 姓名: 班级: 得分:一般疑问句习题一、陈述句变一般疑问句1. is theri an Englsh teahe._ ?2 hese ts rrying.(喊叫)_ ?3.They can si. _ ?4 Iliketo ad(阅读) Eglis. _?. I o to shol on fot.(走路) _?6. H likesElis._?7. Hs ft goes to work by us.(乘公共汽车) _ ?8. He is crying(哭) undr the re. _ ?9 Hs birhda is on twenih of Novemr. _

2、?0. M. and Kiy re i bgshp. _ ?1 Kittiswearing her neuniform. _ ?12. The boy nerthe tre(树)is hung(饥饿) _ ?13. H goe t schol eey dy. _ ?14. I at to have a mode ar(摩托车)._ ?15. She ns a up(杯) of cofe(咖啡). _ ?6. Mrs. ianKitty wach TV at night(在晚上)._ ?. I d my homewr(家庭作业) after(在之后) chool. _ ?18. Eeybdis

3、inelassrom. _ ?1. Theby des some houswork(家庭作业) at om _?20. The ildren hadagotime n the ar(公园). _ ?21.J has om yboks.(故事书)_ ?2.The old man des morning exise(早操) vry mnin._?3. Wefomhina._ ?24. H oft g o thelibrary(图书馆) n Sunas. _ ?25 Te ve a clas meengeery wee_ ?26. Sdoes smoke._? 7. H fte wtchs T._?

4、. Tere is no oblem(问题) bout t. _ ? 2. M fhe liks play n-Pon._?0. Tere a 5sudents in the cassoom,_ ?1 e has mebrohs,_ ?32. They hv Chinese mp._? 33.To has fwpls_ ?34. My arets canplay tenis_ ? 35 He is watrnteflowers n tpark._ ?36. Ths i mymothr._ ?37. These gradparens._ ?38. I like alad._ ?39. he li

5、ke Fench frie._?40 he lie baanas._?. y as a salT-hir._?42. I ha may boos abou English_ ?二、把肯定句变为否认句1. Hisfatheris an nlish chr _.2. Thse cats r cying(喊叫)_ They aswim_.4. like to read(阅读) Englsh._5. I o to sch on foo.(走路) _ .6 e lkes English. _ .7. Hisather goes towoby bu(乘公共汽车)_ .8. He is crying(哭)

6、nder the tree. _ .9. is birty iso thetwenth of Noveer _ . rs. Li and Kitt are iagshop. _1. Kit iseaing ernew uiform. _.2.Tmh some ples._ .13. He go to school every dy_ .4 I wan to avea modl ca(摩托车). _ .15. She ants au(杯)of ofee(咖啡) _ . rs.Liand itt ath T a nigh(在晚上)._ .17.I do my homek(家庭作业)afte(在之后) school_



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