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1、 高二学考英语周练卷 完形填空学考过关测试M1Unit 1 School Life AGoing to a Britain school for one year was very enjoyable and 1 experience for me .I was very happy 2 the school hours in Britain because school starts around 9 a.m and ends about 3.30 p.m . This means I could get up an hour 3 than usual as schools in China

2、 begin before 8a.m.4 the first day ,all students went to attend assembly .I sat next to a girl 5 name was Diane. We soon became best friends .During assembly ,the headmaster told us about the rules of the school .He also 6 us that the best way to earn respect from the school was to work hard and ach

3、ieve high grades .This 7 like my school in China.I had many teachers in the past year and they each taught only one subject .Mr. Heywood was my class teacher .My favourite teacher was Miss Burke .She was the teacher who taught us English Literature .In our class there 8 29 students .This is about th

4、e average size for British schools. We had to move to different classrooms 9 different classes. We also had different students in some classes, so it was 10 to remember all the faces and names.( )1.A. excite B excited C. exciting D excitedly ( )2.A .with B . to C. on D. for ( )3.A. late B later C. l

5、atest D. lately( )4.A. On B .In C. At D. For ( )5.A. whose B . who C .whom D.which ( )6.A. tell B tells C. told D telling ( )7 A. heard B hear C . sounds D. sounded( )8.A. are B is C were D was ( )9.A. to B for C with D .about ( )10 .A. difficultly B difficult C difference D. differently. BWe have a

6、 radio club in our school . It is great because it 1 by the students for the school .I am 2 as I am one of the hosts.It was started two years ago as CD players were not allowed in school . 3 ,I just _4_thinking about music for everyone ,so I asked the headmaster 5 music could be played during break

7、time .He approved the idea ,and two years later I am the oldest student member of the radio club.Our club is much 6 just music. Every morning we tell students 7 the weather and recent news., plus some special messages that the teachers want us to broadcast .During exam time we have a special program

8、 8 tells students the things they should or shouldnt do for preparation. 9 the end of school year ,many students who are graduating use our club to give messages to their 10 friends and teachers( )1. A run B ran C is ran C is run ( )2 A luck B lucky C luckily D unlucky ( )3. A On one day B In one da

9、y C At one day D One day ( )4 A begin B began C begun D beginning ( )5 A if B that C when D why ( )6 A less than B more than C no more than D no less than ( )7 A off B with C to D about ( )8 A where B who C that D /( )9 A At B In C By D On ( )10 A closely B closed C closing D close Module 1Revision

10、of Unit 2 Dear George, My name is Christina. I called your radio show last week to_1_your advice about a problem my mum and I had. I wanted to see my_2_and do things that interest me, but my mum was sad and said I was not spending enough time at home with our family. You gave me some good_3_.You tol

11、d me spend more time talking to my mum. First I thought your answer was_4_,but then I decided to take your advice. You were_5_! When I was younger, my mum and I_6_all the time, and we were very close. She was like one of my friends. When I grew older, I stopped talking to her and only wanted to talk

12、 with my friends. I didnt think my mum missed talking with me,_7_she did! That is why she was_8_when I went to see my friends. Now my mum and I spend one day a week with each other. We cook dinner together, or we go for a long walk. Once she even took me and my best friends _9_ dinner together! T ha

13、nk you for your advice, George ,Ill _10_ listening to “Talk Time” every week.Yours,Christina1. A. take B. follow C. ask for D. hear2. A. brothers B. teachers C. sisters D. friends3. A. advice B. keys C. questions D. time4. A. silly B. interesting C. unnecessary D. wise5. A. wrong B. nice C. right D.

14、 unkind6. A. spend B. talked C. quarreled D. stayed7. A. because B. however C. but D. actually8. A. worried B. ashamed C. shocked D. sad9. A. at B. to C. on D. during10. A. keep B. stop C. like D. finish Revision of Unit 3 Looking good, feeling good完型填空:Dear Dr Health,I think too many people take weight-loss pills without really knowing that they can _1_ their health.I read about a Canadian actress who had to go to hospital because she takes so


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