2019年中考英语总复习优化设计 第四部分 测试卷 题型专题训练一 听力和单项选择 人教新目标版

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2019年中考英语总复习优化设计 第四部分 测试卷 题型专题训练一 听力和单项选择 人教新目标版_第1页
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2019年中考英语总复习优化设计 第四部分 测试卷 题型专题训练一 听力和单项选择 人教新目标版_第2页
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2019年中考英语总复习优化设计 第四部分 测试卷 题型专题训练一 听力和单项选择 人教新目标版_第3页
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《2019年中考英语总复习优化设计 第四部分 测试卷 题型专题训练一 听力和单项选择 人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019年中考英语总复习优化设计 第四部分 测试卷 题型专题训练一 听力和单项选择 人教新目标版(19页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、题型专题训练一听力和单项选择听力题型一句子理解(一)听句子选择合适的答语,每个句子听一遍。1.Excuse me. Where is the nearest post office? 2.Would you mind if I smoke in the car? 3.Its very kind of you to help me so much.4.Peter cant come to our party because of the bad weather.5.Could you please keep quiet in the library? 1.A.Go by bus.B.Id lov

2、e to.C.Walk along and turn left.答案:C2.A.Yes, please.B.I dont know.C.Sorry, youd better not.答案:C3.A.My pleasure.B.Of course not.C.Please dont say so.答案:A4.A.Good idea.B.What a pity! C.Congratulations.答案:B5.A.Sure, we can.B.Never mind.C.Glad to hear that.答案:A(二)听句子,选择与所听句子内容相符的图片,每个句子听一遍。6.What good w

3、eather! Lets go out for a trip.7.It looks like a little tiger. It cant do any farm work but many people like keeping it.8.Go straight and turn right.9.I forgot my key yesterday. At last I got into my house with the help of the policemen.10.Kate wants to buy a table tennis racket for her fathers birt

4、hday.6.答案:B7.答案:A8.答案:A9.答案:B10.答案:B题型二对话理解(一)听对话,根据对话内容选择正确的答案:,每段对话读两遍。M: Summer holiday is coming. Where would you like to go this year, Kate? W: Id like to visit Big Ben.1.Where is Kate going to travel this year? 答案:AM: Cindy, could you tell me how to study English well? W: En . Listening to the

5、 English programs on radio every day will be helpful.2.What does the woman suggest? 答案:BM: Hi, Linda, I saw your father riding a bicycle and going out.W: Yes, he went to work.3.How does Lindas father go to work? 答案:CW: Dont stand in the snow, Tom. You will catch a cold.M: No, I wont, Mum. But I find

6、 it interesting to make the snowman here.4.What are they talking about? 答案:AM: Would you like noodles or rice, Madam? W: Neither. My favorite food is dumplings.5.What food does the woman like best? 答案:C(二)听对话,根据对话内容选择正确的答案:,每段对话读两遍。W: What? You havent got ready? Isnt it Thursday today? M: No, it isn

7、t. Its Wednesday.6.What day is it today? A.Tuesday.B.Wednesday.C.Thursday.答案:BW: Whats your hobby? M: I like fishing very much. What about you? W: I like hiking.7.Whats the womans hobby? A.Fishing.B.Swimming.C.Hiking.答案:CW: How is the weather in spring in Tianjin? M: Its often windy in March. In Apr

8、il, its mild. Sometimes it rains in May.8.How is the weather in March in Tianjin? A.Windy.B.Mild.C.Rainy.答案:AW: May I help you? M: Yes, please. Id like the white shirt. Can I try it on? W: Sure.9.Where does the conversation most probably happen? A.In a bookshop.B.In a restaurant.C.In a clothing shop

9、.答案:CW: Hello! Ive come to see if my brother and I can join the club.M: How old is your brother? W: Hes nine, and Im four years older than him.10.How old is the girl? A.Four.B.Nine.C.Thirteen.答案:C(三)听对话,根据对话内容选择正确的答案:,每段对话读两遍。M: I like playing baseball. Whats your hobby, Linda? W: Oh, I like collect

10、ing stamps.11.Whats Lindas hobby? A.Collecting stamps.B.Playing baseball.C.Going exploring.答案:AW: The pants and the jeans are nice. Are they expensive? M: No, they are all on sale.W: Well, Ill take this pair of pants.12.What will the woman buy? A.Jeans.B.Sneakers.C.Pants.答案:CM: May I take your order

11、 please, Madam? W: Fried rice and some egg soup.M: OK. Just a moment. Im coming.13.What soup does the woman want to have? A.Bean soup.B.Mushroom soup.C.Egg soup.答案:CM: You look sad, Alice. Why? W: I didnt pass the exam, though I worked hard.M: Oh, dont worry. Im sure you can do better next time.14.W

12、hy was Alice so sad? A.Because no one helped her.B.Because she didnt pass the exam.C.Because she didnt work hard.答案:BM: Hi, when are you leaving for London? W: The day after tomorrow. Ill stay there to study English for a year.15.How long will the woman stay in London? A.Six months.B.Twelve months.C

13、.A week.答案:B(四)听下面4段对话或独白,每段对话有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第1段材料,回答1618题。W: Hi, Jack, where have you been these days? M: Ive been to the Middle East.W: Sounds interesting. Tell me something about it.M: When you are a guest, be careful. When a guest says he likes something, the owner will

14、 give it to him. People eat late. They often use their fingers, but you must not use your left hand. People dont eat pork. You can leave some food. It means the people were kind and gave you too much. Pay attention to these rules and Middle East people will welcome you and treat you with kindness.16

15、.Where has Jack been? A.South Asia.B.Middle East.C.America.答案:B17.People there use to eat.A.fingersB.chopsticksC.spoons答案:A18.Which is NOT true when you are a guest there? A.Use your left hand to eat.B.You can leave some food.C.People dont eat pork.答案:A听第2段材料,回答1921题。W: Simon, how long do you sleep every day? M: About seven hours.W: You dont have enough sleep.M: How many hours should a student s



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