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1、初三上册学案Module 11 PopulationUnit 1 Its the biggest city in China(课前预习)预习目标:1. 初步理解对话大意。 2. 理解记忆下列单词: population crowd increase smoke increasing along with thanks to percent appointment minute 3. 注意冠词和数字的用法。 预习过程:一 阅读对话,划出下列单词并写出这些单词的意思:population crowd increase smoke increasing along with minute perce

2、nt appoinment thanks to 大声朗读以上单词,熟记单词的意思,将不会的圈起来。二 阅读对话写出下列单词和短语,朗读并默写。人口 人群 增长 烟雾,吸烟 分钟 百分之一 约定 这周的作业 太多的车辆 日益增长的人口 查询一些事实材料 中国的人口 百分之20 学校颁奖典礼 正是由于 颁发奖品 下一步是.? 这个怎么样啊? 不知道! 我不相信! 三 读对话找出下列问题的答案并工整地写在横线上。1. How many people are there in this conversation? Who are they? 2. Whats their homework in thi

3、s week? 3. How many babies are born every minute? 4. How many babies are born every year? 5. Whats the population of China? 6. Whats the population of the world? 四 判断句子的正误(T or F)1.There are too many people and there is not enough space on the earth ( )2.Shanghai is the biggest city in China. ( )3.T

4、he population of China is about 30 percent of the world. ( )4.Their school prize-giving is coming up this week. ( )5.Their headmaster will present the prizes. ( )五语言点练习1.Whats the population of beijing? 北京的人口是多少?population 意思是 ,可以用作可数名词,也可以用做不可数名词。在表达某个地方的人口是多少时,可以用两个句型:某地 + has a population of + 数字

5、或者用 The population of + 某地 + is + 数字。 尝试翻译下列句子 中国的人口是1,300,000,000 香港的人口大约是700万。 2.Thats thanks to my Homework Help . 多亏了我的家庭作业助手 thanks to 意思是由于,幸亏了,相当于because of 尝试翻译下列句子 :由于老师的帮助,我们都通过了考试。 Module 11 PopulationUnit 1 Its the biggest city in China(课堂学习). 学习目标: 1.会用本课所学的四会单词短语: population crowd incr

6、ease smoke increasing along with thanks to percent appointment minute 2. 阅读理解对话,能用所学词汇,句型进行情景口头表达和书面表达. 3. 通过学习体会人口的过快增长对社会造成的巨大压力.II课堂学习过程:一交流检查:检查预习情况,各小组讨论,交流改正学案中的错误,确实不会的询问老师。 限定时间让全体同学默写单词。二Look at the photo on the page 88. Talk about it .Use the words in the box to discribe it.三 Activity 2 on

7、 page 88. Listen and choose . 四Listen and read ,then complete the table . A 3.五Read the conversation carefully and choose the best summary . See Activity 5 on page 89 .六Put the following sentences into Chinese1.So whats next for New Standard ? 2.Well, were in the right place to talk about it.3.But a

8、n increasing population is an environmental problem in many countries.4.And the population of China is about one billion , three hundred million .5.How was your appointment with the head teacher?6.Becky Wang , the singer with Crazy Feet , the person who started New Standard!七Play the tape and ask th

9、e class to read the conversation in a low voice.八Read the conversation loudly in groups of 4 九Read and fill in the blanks with proper words or phrases: Tony Daming and Lingling are talking about whats next for New Standard. Lingling suggests that they would write something about 1. She thinks there

10、are too many people and there is not 2. .and there is too much traffic, noise and pollution. An increasing population is an 3. problem in many countries. Tony also 4. Lingling. And then they look up some facts : Every minute 259 babies 5. in a yeat that makes 136,130,400 babies every year .And the p

11、opulation of 6. is about one billion ,three hundred million .At that time Betty was coming toward them. He says the school7. is coming up next week,8. .the usual form prizes, the basketball and the photo competion .New Standard get a 9. . prize . And the famous singer Becky Wang 10. . the prizes. How happy they are!十Retell or act out: 十一Exercices:1. Complete the sentences with the proper words: ( Activity 6)2. Try to put the following passage into English Tony Daming 和他的同学们一起办了学校杂志名叫New Standard .他们开了作业指导这个栏目,同学们都很喜欢。这一期他们打算谈一下人口问题因为世界上人口越来越多但空间越来越少。于是他们收集了一些材料:每分钟出生259 名婴儿;中国的人口



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