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1、(A) 真题分析: 1. A) The man could buy a shirt of a different color. B) The size of the shirt is all right for the man. C) The size the man wants will arrive soon. D) The man could come some time later. (答案A。解题技巧,A中有标志词could, different。中,对话最后一个单词是size,错误答案常见陷阱。 B中有all,对话倒数第二个词,爱做错误答案。) M: I like the colo

2、r of this shirt. Do you have a larger size? W: This is the largest in this color. Other colors come in all sizes. Q: What does the woman imply? 2. A) The woman is watching an exciting film with the man. B) The woman cant take a photo of the man. C) The woman is running toward the lake. D) The woman

3、is filming the lake. (答案B。解题技巧,B中有cant take a photo,意思正好是原文的“run out of film胶卷用完了”photofilm同意互换。A-D有film(对话最后一单词)在其中,错误答案常见陷阱。C还有run, lake听到,听到的越多错的可能性就越大。) M: Look, the view is fantastic. Could you take a picture of me with the lake in the background? W: I am afraid I just ran out of film. Q: What

4、do we learn from the conversation? 3. A) Its quiet in the restaurant. C) The restaurant serves good food. B) The price is high in the restaurant. D) The restaurant is too far from their school. 解析: (答案A。解题技巧,A中有quiet,意思正好是原文的“get away from all the noise”photofilm同意互换。B中food, restaurant两个词听到,C干扰项,对话中

5、没提到。D中school, restaurant都听到;有听到的越多错的可能性就越大。) M: The food in this restaurant is horrible. If only wed gone to the school dining hall. W: But the food isnt everything. Isnt it nice just to get away from all the noise? Q: What can we learn from the conversation? 4. A) At a booking office. C) On a busy

6、street. B) In a Hong Kong hotel. D) At an airport. 解析:(答案D。解题技巧,B不能选,因为Hong Kong;听得也很清楚,答案太具体(太具体的细节爱做错误答案),易做错误答案。D答案比较概括,笼统。(概括的,笼统的爱做正确答案。) W: Can I help you sir? M: Can you show me the way to gate 9 for flight 901 to Hong Kong? I am quite confused here. Q: Where does the conversation most probab

7、ly take place? 5. A) The woman has been complaining too much. B) The womans headache will go away by itself. C) The woman should have seen the doctor earlier. D) The woman should confirm her appointment with the doctor. (答案C。解题技巧,C中有正确答案常见标志词should, 并且“得病要医治”是出题老师常考我们的考点。(其它几点是:1、学习作重要;2、女同学爱学习,男同学爱

8、玩耍;3、锻炼很重要;4、不放弃,努力学习/锻炼)D不能选,因为appointment(对话最后一个单词);B中听到headache, go away,听到的越多错的可能性就越大。) W: My headache is killing me. I thought it was going away, but now it is getting worse and worse. M: I told you yesterday to make an appointment. Q: What does the man mean? 6. A) Help the woman move the items

9、. B) Hurry to Mr. Johnsons office. C) Help move things to Mr. Johnsons office. D) Put off his appointment with Mr. Johnson. (答案B。解题技巧:以前考试一般女同志请男同志帮忙,男的会答应,但这道题没有洗选,原因是:这段对话最后有原话“move a few heavy items into the car”最后几个词经常拿来做错误答案。A中几乎所有都听到(move, items,-woman-man听力里不算),B有Mr. Johnsons office。C有move Mr

10、. Johnsons office听到的越多错的可能性就越大。) M: Id like to, but I am already five minutes late for my appointment with Mr. Johnson. And his office is on the other side of the campus. W: Can you give me a hand Mike? I want to move a few heavy items into the car. Q: What will the man most probably do? 7. A) The m

11、an should not dream of being a superstar. B) The man didnt practice hard enough. C) The man should find a new partner. D) The man should not give up. (答案D。解题技巧:D听到的最少;D还体现了出题老师的思维:不放弃,努力学习/锻炼(见第4小题解释) ;get the hang of itnot give up同义互换。A听到being a superstar,C听到find a new partner,听到的越多错的可能性就越大。) M: I

12、think youd better find another partner. I love table tennis, but I dont think I am improving. W: Look Paul its still too early to quit. Nobody expects you to be a superstar. Just keep going and youll get the hang of it. Q: What does the woman mean? 8. A) There is no more left. C) Its incredibly deli

13、cious. B) It doesnt appeal to her. D) She has already tasted it. (答案B。解题技巧:I dont care much for desertdoesnt appeal同义互换(同义互换爱做正确答案)。A听到incredible。并且从分析题来说,能选A就能选CD,能选CD就能选A,因为他们表示意思相同。) M: Would you like to try the banana pie? Its incredible. W: To tell the truth. I dont care much for desert. Q: Wha

14、t does the woman say about the banana pie? 9. A) The man is usually the last to hand in his test paper. C) The man has bad study habits. B) The man has made a mess of his midterm exam. D) The man is a diligent student. (答案C。解题技巧:C听到的最少;还体现了出题老师的思维:女同学爱学习,男同学爱玩耍(见第4小题解释) 。A听到last, B听到midterm exam;D违背

15、出题思路:女同学爱学习,男同学爱玩耍(见第4小题解释)。 M: I am exhausted. I stayed up the whole night studying for my midterm math exam? W: Why do you always wait until the last minute? Q: What does the woman imply? 10. A) The man will drive the woman to school. B) The man has finished his assignment. C) The man is willing t

16、o help the woman. D) The man is losing patience with the woman. (答案D。解题技巧:D听到的最少;语气题。B听到finish the assignment(听到的越多错的可能性就越大), A听到school。并且CD是一对相反的答案。) (特别提醒:可能有学生认为“女请男帮助应该帮忙”,这一点很正确,但我们还有一点:学习作重要(见第4小题解释),学生主要任务是学习,当女请男帮助,男要学习时就没法帮助了。) M: I really cant afford any more interruptions right now. Ive got to finish the assignment. W: Sorry, just one


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