Basic FA Flows

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《Basic FA Flows》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Basic FA Flows(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Basi FA ws Evy exped filure anayst knws ht every FA isunie. Nobod cn tru sathat h o s as evlodtanard fow or evy F thatwill ce his or heay FA ave a ndncyof directing hemsels,it ah susuent stp dpedin tutoe o the prvous sepThe flowfn As lueced by multudeo fcs: te dvice ilf, thepplicioninwhch itail, tes

2、tresssthe devie hs undrgoe rio to faiue,the pint o failre, th filre rate,h failue oe, he faiure atrbute, ando cus, tefailure mechanism. Nonetheless, A isFA, so iisindeedsbleo define cetai degeea sandardFA lw foeveryfilreecaism.Th articeais gie h rer a basc idea of howth FA w fr a givenfaure mhimaybe

3、stanarize。 Stndrdzation in his cotext oes notmean deiing a step-sp FA roedue lo, but rer what look for hen nalyzig faiures ependin n wae brvd or suspecd faluremechanim is.asc -eveFAlow1)Filur Infrmaio Rview. Unersan horoughly tcutoersdescrin of the ilue. termine: )the ecic eleticalfle mod ththcusmis

4、 exerincn;b)th point ofailure o hee he faile sencouer (feld manufcurigie and at whic step?); ) atcodions thsampls havelreadygone hrouh or benubect to; ad ) th faiure rtebsrv by theusomr. 2)FaiureVerifiaio Verify thecstes failre mod by eericl teig Check the alg reults or conisency with wat th ctome i

5、s epoting。3) Exteralisua Inection。 Peforma through eteral iul nspctio n he sample. Ntea makigs n the packanok o extraanomali, i.。, missing/entleas, pacage iscolorations, pakae cacks/chp-outs/srches,conainatio, lad oidaionroion, illgbl mrs, o-standar fnts, ec。4) Bech Testing。 Verify te eecraltstsuts

6、by benchteting t nsur tat ll AEalures r nt ue tocontt ses only. e aase is r te cutomers repored failure o, ATEresus, n enh est esuls be cnnt itheach thr.5) Curv Tracing. Perfom cracingtidnify wch pin exibit urrent/vtag (I/V) anmalies Te oecive v tacin s to ook foopen or shored ps ndpins withnoraIV c

7、ractrstcs (exessiveleakag,abnoral rkdownvoltae,etc。)。 my henbefcused on circus nvoin hese nomaous pns. nami crvtracn, wherei e uni is powrd up whi underoing crv racing, y b pford if saicurve taingos ntreveal any amalies。6) yInseti。 Perorm xry insectn tolok for ntnl paca anomis such a broke i,ising w

8、s, norrect r msig die, exsive dtach oids, tc,wiot having to pent pakage. Xray ipection resuts mustb cnsistnt ith curetraceuts, eg。, if x-a inpecto rvalda broken reaa pin, te urve tringshud reveaha pin to bepn7) CSAM。 PerformCSAMon plsticpkagesto deermine if th sample heayintenaldelamatnsa m adtoothe

9、r failue triues such ascorosion,broke wres, ad lifted bods。8) Decapslan Once alth nondestrucivestps suc as thse aboe ae been cmleted, t mple ma besubjcted ecapsulation to exse the die an thr intenalfeatr of te devie fo furherFA。 9)InternaVsuaIspection. Perfor ienalvsua nspectin after decap.Thisis su

10、ay don using a lowowr mcrosco anahgh-owr mcroscop, preeing from ow maification t hih es Look for wreod aoaie, die rack, ie a die crrosi, di scrtces, EO/S stes, fb defects, adthe l。EM inpction mabeneded insom nstacs 1) Ho Spt DetectiIf crve trac reslt inie somemardsrepcis bten te I/Vharatiic (eseclly

11、 wtreard o pwer disipon) f h samples ad knon goodunits, thn thsaplemay halocalzed han o the die. Fexamp, a abnormlly large urrenloig betwen n upn adN ma meaa hortcrcfrom his inpt nto GN horts suhhs will emthat that can bected by ho spo detectio tchique. 1) ightEmissin Miosoy。 Ifthedevdoesnt exhibt brmlites n powe dissiptn that may indat hotsot, light emsionmcsp may b pfomed o look for efets mitlight. Ntetht a emissosite oe not an thtit is the ilre sie。 1)Miroprobin.Microprobingbecomes neceary if o oos no aoral hoteissioswersee fro the smples.


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