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1、武汉市重点中学八年级期末调考英语模拟试题 第一部分听力测试一、听力测试(共3节,20小题,满分25分)第一节:第一节:听对话,回答问题。(共5小题,每题1分,共5分)(读一遍)( )1A.Engla B.merica C.anada( )2.A.nfot .BBy be C.bu.( ).Fish. B.Mutton CBee.( )4A.Basketball B.Volleyball CBseal.( )5A.He as a bckaheB. He ha cld. C.He has a tootace.第二节:听较长对话,根据所听内容选择对的答案。对话读两遍。(10分)听第六段对话,回答第6

2、7小题。( )6.What Ji digfor vaio?A.Heviitng hfiend.BHei isitng hisgrandpents.C.H iving and shtseeing.( )7Hw simgoi t Shnga?A.Bysubway B.By cr. C.Byrain.听第七段对话,回答第810小题。( )8How manykins f fruit des theman need?. Four B.Three C.Two.( )9Howmuch sgar es sh ned?A. The taspoons . Two espoos C.e taspon.( )10.H

3、ow mnyminut do yoit efro t the salad?.Tn B.Nne C.Eight听第八段对话,回答第112小题。( )1.Whois 1 yeas l? A.Gna B.enny . Gina andJeny( )2.IsJnny a ltle tall tn Gna? A.Yes,she is B.No,seisnt C.The are tesm听第九段对话,回答第3-5小题。( )13 o ofte does r. exerci? . SoetimsB. Hrly ever. C. Ve ften. ( )4 woe helike egetaes and mil

4、k? e ikes them vey uch. B. e lke tette C. Hedosie tem atal.( )5. Wichone isri? A. H slep9 oursevery night. He ajunkfothreefourtimea wek. . M F a a heath lifestye第四节:听短文,选答案。听下面一段对话,根据短文内容选择对的答案。短文读两遍。(每题2分,共10分)( )16. Where desMiss Linwork? .In achoo. B. In esut. Inaolie sation.( )7. How ds Miss Lin

5、 go twork ever day? A. On oo. B.y bie C. B bu()1 Whydid nobody help the ol ladyensecrie fo hp? . Becase the bad man was very trong. .Becausno thr peolwe inhe treet. CBecaus t peple therewere not very fiendly. ( )1. Wha did Missido ep t ly? ASecal heolie B. he ht te ad mn. . Sh souted at th badman.(

6、)0. atis Miss Linlike, acrding tote story? A ones ad frely. B Strongndhelpf. C. rve cevr第二部分 语言知识运用单选(共小题;每题1分,满分15分)( )21. Evyone wihet bu _thingswth_me.A.moe,les Bless ,mor .ore,wer Dewer,mor( )2.“howshedhe wido?” “_”I washed B Ye,I wase. C.Id Des,I did.( )3.Thre _a occergme nexteek.A.wi is Bl hav

7、eC.i og t he D.is goig to be( )24.Whee s Japa?It _the eat fAsia.i Bto Cn D.f( )25nte pasw ommuncate_ech other_ltter.y th B.b by C.wth witD.ihb ( )2.L Jae_because heis il badl.A.stops sokigB.stopsmokingC.kessmokig Dkep sokin( )27.Jeny_after diner A.sed t alking .uses t walk.sedto walk D.ues towling(

8、)28.Te ou o today _whatthe want.oesntknow Bdntkow .dnt know D.aeknowng( )29.Is the_i tays nespaper?.anythinw .oething nw C.e anyting .newothg( )30.Whic class_the match last Fridy?-CaneA.to B.bea . won D.isit( )3.-_do you drnk il very dy?Onc.Aow ong B.Hooften How D.Howmany tis( )32.-Dont ea_jnkd -K.A

9、mch too B.too much Ct ma D. ny oo( )3.emembr wewill do ht e can _youA.elp .elpg o elp D.to helng( )34.Wht au _steaher_ his paty? -God ideaA.invte for .initin forCinvtin to Dite to ( )3.-anyou ke a meag fr us,plese?-_.A.m glad BHwin Cts a pleasue D.Wit peasre.三.完形填空(共1小题,每题1分,满分10分)阅读短文,从64各题所给的ABD四个

10、选项中,选出一种可以填入空白处的选项。Aingas od andhe knew it wstie tocoose w king.He tod a the youn peolein he ont,”Ill gie_ofou a ed.Pant i and bring bakone ye ater.Showm the plat that youbring,_ cnhose a ne ig fom yo .” Aby_ing got a seed,too.He plante it_.B theedoesnt row at l.A yearlate,Ling hadttakhis_box epalacethes all boug beautifulplant there anding fet_.The king_the aace n lod und.henhe fund er wsnthig inLing box.Thekingsm nd said te otr,”Oneyar ao,Igave eeryone a seead _udnt gro.But all oo,_Ling,hve br mehe lans


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