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1、 外国语学校专用教材 Look Ahead IContents 目录Unit 1 International English 3Unit 2 Information 18Unit 3 Meeting people 32Unit 4 Food and Drink 42Unit 5 A Place to live56Unit 6 Meet the family 74Unit 7 Shopping 91 Unit 1 International EnglishContents 考点目录I Grammar考点语法2个1、机场英语2、冠词 Vs零冠词II Patterns 考点句式2个1、多少钱?3种2

2、、离某地要30分钟的车程。3种III Word Transformation 考点词汇IV Key Phrases & Vocabulary 重点短语与词汇I Grammar 考点语法2个考点一、机场英语考查方式:1、询问国籍:2种2、询问机场图标含义3、机场广播考点细那么:1、询问国籍:2种 (1) What nationality are you? = Whats your nationality?注意:what词性的不同 (2) Where are you from? = Where do you come from?注意:助动词的不同2、询问机场图标含义: (1) What does

3、“EU mean? “EU是什么意思? = Whats the meaning of “EU? It means “European Union是“欧盟的意思。(2) 机场词汇:airport facilities C Arrivals 进港 arrive vi到达 arrival n Departures 出港 depart vi离开 departure nCustoms 海关 custom n风俗 customer C顾客 Passport Control 护照管理处 Exchange 兑换处 Information desk 咨询处 Tourist office 游客咨询处3、机场广播:

4、 (1) Flight AF421 to Paris is now boardingat Gate Number 6乘坐AF421号航班去巴黎的乘客请马上到6号登机口登机。 =Passengers for Paris travelling on Flight AF421, please go immediately to Gate Number 6 (2) This is the final call for Flight Number BA 654 to Singapore This flight is about to leave from Gate 7这是最后一次通知乘坐BA654号航班

5、去新加坡的乘客,您的航班将马上从七号登机口离开= This is the last announcement for Flight Number BA 654 to Singapore This flight is about to depart from Gate 7考点二、冠词 Vs零冠词一、本质: 1、冠词 + 名词;2、冠词是名词的标志。考点细那么:一、使用冠词的情况:4种1、不定冠词+可数名词单数表示泛指;2、定冠词+可数名词单数表示特指;3、定冠词+可数名词复数表示特指;4、定冠词+不可数名词表示特指。二、使用零冠词的情况:6种1、可数名词复数和不可数名词表示泛指时;2、专有名词前

6、:表示人名、地名、国名;3、名词前有其他5类限定词修饰时;4、三餐四季、节日、日期、星期、月份、学科名词前;5、球类运动名词前; 但乐器前必加定冠词;6、交通方式: by + 交通工具;但in/on+冠词+交通工具。三、零冠词Vs. 有冠词:一抽象Vs. 具体:6组1. go to schoolVs.go to the school2. go to bedVs.go to the bed3. in hospitalVs.in the hospital4. at schoolVs.at the school5. in classVs.in the class6. at tableVs.at th

7、e tableII Patterns 考点句式1、多少钱?3种1How much? 2Whats the price of?3What price is?2、离某地要30分钟的车程。3种1Its30 minutes drivefrom 2It takes 30 minutes from by car3Its a 30-minute drive from 3、来自于2种1Where are you from? 2Where do you come from?4、什么意思2种1What does mean?2Whats the meaning of? III Word Transformation

8、 考点词汇动词: 8个1arrive arrives arriving arrived arrived到达 arrival n Arrivals n2 depart departs departing departed departed离开departure n Departures n3 serve serves serving served served为服务 service n4 develop develops developing developed developed开展 development n5 fly flies flying flew flown 飞 flight n6

9、mean means meaning meant meant意思 meaning n7 advertise advertises advertising advertised advertised做广告 advertisement n8 choosechooses choosing chose chosen 选择 choice n形容词/副词:1个1 final finally adv最终的名词:3个1reason C原因 reasonable/unreasonable adj (不)合情合理的2 reception receptionist n接待3 Europe European adj欧

10、洲其他词汇: 1个1 with prep without prep伴随有 V. Vocabulary 重点词汇与短语短语: 17个1.welcome sb to sp 欢迎某人到某地 2.at the airport 在机场 3. matchwith与相配 4. (be) the same as与一样 5. in English 用英语 6. point to远/ at近指向 7. in order以顺序 8. at once = immediately立刻,马上 9. turn to转向 10. all day整天 11. be about to do将要做 12. be available

11、 to可用于 13. phone sb = call sb = ring sb up = give sb a call给某人打 14 arrive at/ in = get to = reach到达 15. thank sb for sth/ thank sb for doing sth/ thank for not doing sth感某人某事/感某人做某事/感某人不做某事 16. guidebook to sp去某地的旅游指南 17. advertisement for的广告动词: 4个1. introduce v. introduction n. 介绍2. board v.上飞机、车、船

12、等3. include v. including = besides = as well as 包括4. control v.& n. 控制形容词/副词:4个 1. international adj. internationally adv.国际的 2. double adj. 3. private adj. Vs. public个人的 4. probably adv可能的名词:20个1. video n.Vs. radio视频2. cassette n.盒式磁带3. hotel n.酒店4. violin n.小提琴5. custom n.习俗6. community n.社区7. Exchange n.货币兑换区8. passenger n.乘客9. salad n.色拉10. saxophone n.


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