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1、任务型阅读答题技巧如何答任务性阅读(A)段1. 首先要了解备选的五个单词的词性,再通读全文,初步掌握大意。2. 通读全文时,关注设空句子的结构,考虑所填单词的词性,或是否是固定短语搭配,最 后再检查句子中人称、数、时态、语态是否符合要求。3. 具体可操作的方法:1)如果所给的词是动词,我们要考虑会有五种变化:动词四种形式的变换或词性转换-动词变名词,如:teachteacher。2)如果所给的词是名词,我们要考虑可数名词的复数形式,名词所有格,以及与其它词性间转换,女口: friendfriendly。3)如果所给的词是形容词和副词,我们要考虑它们的比较级、最高级,形容词变名词,如happyh

2、appiness或形容词和副词之间转换。4)如果所给的词是数词,我们要考虑基数词和序数词之间的转换。5)如果所给的词是代词,我们首先应该考虑到主格、宾格,形容词性物主代词、名词性物 主代词及它们的单、复数之间的转换。提示:1)答题时,要把被选的词及时划掉,这样范围越小,准确率越高。2)完成填词后,要通读全文,检查单词拼写是否正确,是否有时态,语态及词语选用上的 错误,所填单词是否要大写,以确保答案的正确性,最后把答案写在答题卡上。二、复习策略和方法1. 输入考试说明中要求的必会词、常用词的基本用法必须熟记于心,要建立清晰的脉络并形成词汇 和语法的知识网络。2. 归类 让词汇的学习活起来,将有特

3、殊变化的各类词性的词归类整理并积累,归纳并识记中考语法 点及固定搭配用法,如:哪些词后需接i ng形式。, enjoy, finish, practice, mind, keep, prevent, stop, like, hatebusy, be worth, feel like, excuse somebody for doing something, cant help, preferto, look forward to, have fun doing, thank somebody for doing some thing , make a cont ribu tion to, be

4、 used to, t here beoing ,see, watch, notice 等。复习时应以考试说明所要求的语法项目为纲 (考试说明所列14项语法项目)1.名词2.代词3.数词4. 介词和介词短语5. 连词6.形容词7. 副词8. 冠词三、试题回放:2010年市模 (1)9. 动词(种类,时态,被动语态,非谓语动词)10. 构词法11.句子种类12.简单句的基本句型13.并列复合句14.主从复合句五、任务性阅读(A)根据题目要求及所给语境完成任务Northernfirs tbuildsayhundredWitha history of more than 2 000 yearst,h

5、e Great Wall of Chinais still a very popular to uris t s 66 one of the grea test wonders in the world. Its the longest wall ever 67 built and covers about 6 7000 travels through fromShanhaiguan on the east coast to Gansu Province in the northwest of wall was finished comple tely by hand and to ok 68

6、 hundreds of years to finish. No one knows for sure when the building of the Great Wall was wall was not only for protection in the 69 north, it was also a symbol of the power of the , many of the visi tors t o China g ot o see the can help 70 saying “Wow” whe nt hey s tand o n to p of a to wer.The

7、wall has been standing for so many centuries.66676869702011年哈市中考试题 (2)par tygetcommunicationusegeneralDo you often say the magical words “Thank you” I certainly do in my dailylife when I 66 with ot hers. But some people aren t 67 tosaying“Thankyou”aftertheyhavegothelpfromothers.Theythinkaneasy“Thank

8、you” doesnt really matter. However, its very important. You may have manychoices to express your grateful feelings. But68, you should learn tosay “Thank you” fi rst. No matter how nicely we dress, how beautiful ly we decorateour homes, how exciting our dinner 69 are, we cant be popular withoutgood m

9、anners(礼貌).I think of them as a kind of hidden beauty secret. Havent younoticed that the kindest people keep 70 more beautiful The habit ofsaying“Thankyou”canmakeusfeelgoodandbecomepolitetoeveryoneelsearound us.66676869702010年哈市中考题(3)knowtheyway two luckyReadingisthebridgetolanguagesuccess,butitshar

10、dforustoreadasmuch as we need., both teachers and students are thinking more about reading iswell 67 that reading is one of the most important 68 of information input (输入)especially for the students who learn English as the 69 or a foreign learningwithoutenoughreadingcantmeettheneedforones byreading

11、more,can students think in a better way,and improve70in listening,speaking andif you want to learnEnglish well. Please do more reading and remember“More input brings more output(输出)。” 66676869702014年中考英语训练idea heal thy be give theyYoung people are often unhappy when they are with their parents. They

12、 say that their parents dont understand them and they are never 66 a free hand. Infact,thatisonlybecausetheparentsworryabouteverythingabouttheirchildren, from the time the children were born. They do a lot for their children, though something would make the children angry. They worry about the choic

13、e of friends, the food thechildreneat, theworkat school, howmuch sleep, etc. Theywant their children to grow up 67 and happily.So how can the children make things easier on 68Just make sure the parentsknow theyre doing. Get paren ts t o know their friends. Talk abo ut t heir 69 with theparents.Phone

14、iftheystaysomewhereelsesothattheparentsdontcallevery number in the phone book looking for their children. Say sorry to the parents when making mistakes. Take responsibility for what they have done. Try to think about why the parents do this or do that. 70 the children, making the parents understand

15、them is the most important.66. .67. . 68. .69. . 70. .2014年中考英语训练(2)they much enjoy happy AfricaAmerican music is very popular. It is 66 all over the world. Many young people would like to listen to them. Blues, jazz and rock all come from America.Blues started with 67 Americans who came to America from Africa. It i sail abo ut t he pain and 68 of lives. Jazz is 69 difficu It to unders tand than t he blues. We can learna lotabout American culture through music. Sometimes, blues musiics played by a guitar. Many young students often pla



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