Unit3 Why do you like koalas?

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Unit3 Why do you like koalas?_第1页
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Unit3 Why do you like koalas?_第3页
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《Unit3 Why do you like koalas?》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit3 Why do you like koalas?(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit3 Why do you like koalas?friendly友好的brotherly兄弟般的sisterly姐妹般的motherly母亲般的fatherly父亲般的lovely可爱的1)这个学校的老师对学生很友好。The teachers in this school are verytheir students.2)那个女孩多么可爱啊!a lovely girl she is! = lovely the girl is!形容词+ly =副词sad = sadly 伤心地 clear = clearly 清楚地beautiful = beautifully 漂亮地 careful

2、 = carefully 细心地angry = angrily 生气地 happy = happily 高兴地3)你必须认真做作业。你应该小心点。You must do your homework.You should be 4)请在黑板上清楚地写出那个句子。Please write the sentenceon the blackboard.2. 1) another (三者或以上)另一个 another+数次2)one.the other .(二者中)个.3)others = other + cn (pl) /复数名词(没有一定范围除去一个/部分剩余的)另一些4)the others =

3、the other +复数名词(有一定范围除去一个/部分剩余的)另一些,另一个这件衬衫我穿着有点小,你能给我看一下另一件吗?这位老人有两个儿子,一个是医生,另一个是教师。The old man has two sons.is a doctor andis a teacher.在那所国际学校你能够遇到许多来自其他国家的学You can meet many students fromcountries in that international school.我们还需要10本书。We need10 books.3. sleep n,睡眠一v adj 困的一adj 睡着的Teenagers need

4、 8a night.青少年每晚需要8小时的睡眠。Dont sleep too late. It is bad for your health.I am tooto keep my eyes open.Please be / keep quiet! The kids are.4. relax vt.使放松(“人作宾语)adi令人放松的一adj.放松的relax oneself (作动词时后常接人做宾语)Hehimself by listening to music.他通过听音乐来放松自己。I like the movie because it is 我喜欢这部电影由于它很令人放松(作表语)I f

5、eel / amafter the vacation.假期过后,我觉得很放松。(作表语)Look at thepeople on the beach!看海滩上那些放松的人们!(作定语)I find the studentsafter the summer vacation.我发现学生们暑假过后很放松。有这种用法的词还有许多,例如:surprise (使某人吃惊),surprising (令人吃惊的),surprised (吃惊的)bore (使某人无聊),boring (令人无聊的),bored (某人无聊的)interest (使某人感兴趣),interesting (令人感兴趣的),int

6、erested (某人感兴趣的),tire (使某人疲劳),tiring (令人疲劳的),tired (某人疲劳的),excite (使某人激动),exciting (令人激动的)excited (某人激动的)terrify (使某人恐惧),terrifying (令人恐惧的),temfied (某人恐惧的),disappoint (使某人失望)disappointing (令人失望的)disappointed (某人失望的),amaze (使某人惊喜),amazing (令人惊喜的)amazed (某人惊喜的)embarrass (使某人尴尬),embarrassing (令人尴尬的)emb

7、arrassed (某人尴尬)scare (使某人害怕),scary (令人害怕的)scared (某人害怕的)please (使某人满意,高兴pleasant (令人满意的,高兴的)pleased (某人满意的,高兴的)5. Lets(看)the lions.看的区别:look, see, watch, read.Pleaseat the blackboard, tell me what you canon it?He likesmatches on TV.We alwaysfunny books after school.总结:强调看的动作,而强调看的结果。主要用于看电视、比赛等。用于看书

8、报等。6. Whatanimals do you like? 你还喜欢其他什么动物?注意:what、某人的(Mikes, my, your.)后面常用other+单数或复数名词。而“else”常用于不定代词和特殊疑问词之后,不再接名词。Whoknows the answer?7. Isnt he cute?难道他不可爱吗?如果回答他很可爱,要用:Yes, he is.,他很可爱。I )难道你不喜欢英语吗? 一不,我喜欢。Dont you like English?, I do.2)你不是老师,对吗? o -You arent a teacher, are you?是的,我不是 , I am n

9、ot.如果说:-不,我是老师。-Jam.一定注意Yes, No在这样的句中的翻译。重点词组at night in the day every day during the dayeat grass eat leaves be quiet veiy shy very smart very cute play with her friends kind ofSouth Africa other animals二.交际用语Because theyre very clever.Because theyre kind of interesting.They arc from South Africa.1

10、. Why do you like pandas?2. Why does he like koalas?3. Where arc lions from?4. What other animals do you like? I like dogs, too. Why? Because theyre friendly and clever.5. Molly likes to play with her friends and eat grass.6. Shes very shy.7. He is from Australia.8. He sleeps during the day, but at

11、night he gets up and eats leaves.9. He usually sleeps and relaxes 2() hours every day.11. Theyre kind of interesting.13. Why do you want to sec the lions?10. Lets see the pandas first.12. What other animals do you like?习题1. 他通常每天睡觉放松20个小时。20 hoursHe usually and 2. 他白天睡觉,晚上起来吃树叶。He, butheand3. 她很漂亮,但

12、是很害蕴,所以请保持安静。She is, hut she is, please5.-熊猫来自什么地方?一它们来自中国。Where? from China.你还喜欢其他什么动物?-我也喜欢狮子。-Whatdo you like? -1 like,.我们去看老虎吧。the!-你为什么想看老虎呢? - Whyyousee the?因为他们很可爱。they arc.你喜欢长颈鹿吗?-是的,我喜欢。you? , I.单项选择题1. Toms are always to him.A. friend, friendly B. friends, friend C. friend, be friendly D.

13、 friends, friendly2. Why you like dolphins? Because cute.A. do, its B. arc, its C. do, theyre D. arc, theyre3. Why do you want the tigers first?A. see B. seeing C. sees D. to see4. Giraffes are very and were very in them.A. interesting, interesting B. interested, interestedC. interested, interesting

14、 D. interesting, interested5. The lion usually sleeps and relaxes 20 hours .A. everyday B. every day C .in day D. some day6. Are there any on the farm? -Yes, there are.A. horse B. duck C. chicken D. sheep7.Mary, with her mother, often to the zoo on Saturdays.A. go B. goes C. to go D. going8. turn yellow in autumn.A. Leaf B. Leafs C. Leave D. Leaves


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