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1、高中英语学习材料madeofjingetiejiUnit1 Art单元测试卷第一卷(选择题 共95分)第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1I recognize her as soon as I met her at the airport though we hadnt seen each other for ages and she had changed _. A. a large amount B. a great many C. a great deal D. a lot of 2. She kept telling h

2、er father to pay attention to his own health, _, in fact, didnt help at all. A. which B. he C. it D. while3. John applied for the post of Elizas secretary. Does he _ the necessary patience and ability to do the job well? A. perform B. possess C. observe D. support4. The young teacher wants to help h

3、is students as much as he can, but _, hed better help them learn on their own. A. for one thing B. as usual C. in other words D. on the other hand5. -Im going to London next Monday. -What a _! So am I. A. conclusion B. consequence C. coincidence D. celebration6. The expert advised the boy, who alway

4、s fails to remember the new words, to _ an effective way of learning vocabulary. A. admire B. design C. adopt D. invent7. Those young people will start their project _ to help the poor children to be educated in the west. A. aims B. aiming C. being aimed D. aimed8. Without your timely help, we _ in

5、big trouble that day. A. had been B. would be C. would have been D. were9. Among the workers who built the stadium _, who used to live in the countryside. A. are the peasants B. the peasants are C. were the peasants D. the peasants were10. Scientists are convinced _ the positive effect laughter _ ph

6、ysical and mental health. A. of, at B. by, in C. of, on D. on, at11. It is ridiculous of you to be afraid of your own _, which follows everywhere you go when there is light. A. shade B. shadow C. figure D. sculpture12. _was most important to her, she told me, was her family. A. It B. This C. What D.

7、 As13. - How long has Mark been occupied with his new book? - August last year. A. After B. In C. From D. Since14. The earthquake _ several months before didnt cause much loss. A. to be predicted B. predicting C. predicted D. predicts15. Do you know that smoking and drinking has become a _ problem a

8、mong teenagers, which worries many parents and teachers? A. popular B. traditional C. daily D. typical第二节:完形填空(共20小题,每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1635各题所给的A. B. C. D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 When I was about ten years old, I spotted a mouse running across our living room floor. My four younger siblings( 兄弟姐妹) he

9、ard me screaming 16 and joined me on the couch, 17 my father found us standing, yelling and pointing. Dad grabbed18 and chased that mouse all over the place. We followed him in hot pursuit, 19 him on,“Get it, Dad. Get it!” Finally, the mouse was 20 , but when Dad pushed the broom into it, the mouse

10、21 a little squeal (尖叫). All 22 of us jumped our father. We 23 his arms and legs, “Dont hurt him. Let him go!” Dad dropped his head 24. He pulled the broom away and the mouse scampered off(奔逃). “Run. ” we yelled. My father looked at us like wed turned into numskulls(傻瓜). He bought a trap the next da

11、y. Ray, my husband, and I live in the country. Our garage is kept free of field mice by our outdoor cat, Snickers. Her mother was a great mouser and 25 her baby well. I was in the garage one day, 26 a mouse ran across the floor. I 27. Snickers was sleeping, so I 28 her name to get her attention. She

12、 had the mouse 29 a nanosecond. ThenI heard 30 . “Let it go,” I yelled. When she refused, I ran into the house to 31 my husband to save it. I watched 32 a crack in the door as my husband donned (戴上) a pair of work gloves, took the mouse out of the cats mouth, walked it out to the field. When he came

13、 back, he bent down to pet the cat and told her she was a good girl for 33 the mouse. Opening the door 34, I thanked him. Both my husband and the cat looked up at me. They had a 35 look on their faces. Id seen that look before. It was the same one my father had on his face, all those years ago. . . 16、A . at the top of my lung B . at the top of my voices C. at the top of my lungs D . at the top of the voice17、A . that B. which C. when D. where18、A. a trap B. a broom C. a st



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