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1、八年级期中同步测试题(一)第一部分 英语知识运用 (共两节,满分25分)第一节 单项填空。(共15小题,每小题1分,计15分) ( ) 1. I cant stand the smell of the food. Would you like to have a try? It _ quite delicious!A. looks B. sounds C. tastes D. feels1.C。 句意:我不能忍受这种食物的味道。你想尝试一下吗?它尝起来很美味。look“看起来”;sound“听起来”;taste“尝起来”; feel“摸起来”由上下文可知,本句中的it是指“the food”,

2、故应用taste “尝起来”一词。( ) 2.I Mrs. Black since she moved to Shanghai. A. didnt hear from B. dont hear from C. havent heard from D. wont hear from2. C。由时间状语since he moved to Shanghai可以判断应该运用现在完成时态,所以选D。( ) 3. What do you think of the book? I enjoy it from beginning to end. This is the best one I have seen

3、.A. never B. yet C. ever D. even3. C。你认为这本书怎么样?我从头到尾都喜欢。这是我曾经见过的最好的一本了。只有C项符合题意。( ) 4.Tom finds hard to finish the work in two days. A. it B. that C. its D. them4. A。it做形式宾语,后面的不定式to finish the work做真正的宾语。句意:汤姆发现两天内完成这项工作很难。( ) 5. Look! The light is still on in our teachers office Probably he his wo

4、rk yet.A. doesnt finish B. didnt finish C. hasnt finished D. wont finish5. C。由yet可以判断应该运用现在完成时态,所以只有C项符合题意和语境。( ) 6. In fact, I have lived here 3 years old.A. in B. for C. since D. at6. B。句意:事实上,我已经住在这三年了。只有选项B可以跟一段时间连用。( ) 7. amazing news it is to learn I have passed the exam!A. How B. What a C. Ho

5、w a D. What7. D。英语中的感叹词有what和how,要感叹的中心词是名词就用what,是形容词或者副词就用how;又因为news是不可数名词,所以用what。( ) 8. Mr. Li has three sons and of them is a doctor.A. all B. both C. none D. neither8. C。句意:李先生有三个儿子,他的三个儿子没有一个当医生。B和D选项用于两者之间,所以排除;A选项要求后面的动词为复数形式,不能用is,所以也要排除。只有C符合语法知识。( ) 9. May I your bike? Sure. But youd be

6、tter not _it to others.A.lendlend B. lendborrow C. borrowborrow D. borrowlend.9.D。borrow“借”;lend“借给”句意:我可以借您的自行车吗?可以。但是您最好不要借给别人。( ) 10.Some scientists think that it may take years to make robots look like people, and do the same things as us.A. hundreds of B. two hundreds of C. two hundreds D. hund

7、red10.A。hundreds of是固定词组“成百的”; hundred与具体数字连用时,不用复数形式,所以只有A选项正确。( ) 11.We havent seen each other .A. for a long time B. two days ago C. for two days ago D. a long time ago11. A。句意:我们彼此没见面好长时间啦。for+一段时间可以和现在完成时态连用。( ) 12. The girl is sleeping now. Wed better . A. not to wake her up B. not wake her up

8、 C. to not to wake her up D. dont wake her up12. B。句意:这个女孩子睡着了,你最好不要吵醒他。表示“最好不要做某事”运用had better not do sth.;代词要放在wake up 的中间,所以只有B选项正确。( ) 13. When did they arrive? They two hours ago. They here for two hours.A. arrivedhave arrived B. arrivedhave been C. gothave been D. reachedhave reached13. B。two

9、hours ago.是表示一般过去时态的时间状语;for two hours是表示现在完成时态的时间状语,且动作必须是延续性的动词,所以只有B项正确。( ) 14. We think doing sports is our health. A. good at B. bad for C. good for D. good to14. C。be good for是固定词组,表示“对有好处”。句意:我们认为做运动对我们的健康有好处。( ) 15.We have worked for seven hours already. Lets stop a rest.A. have B. to have C

10、. having D. to having15. B。 stop to do是停下(手头的事情)去做另外一件事;stop doing sth.是停止做某事 指停止做原来的事情。句意:我们已经工作了7个小时了,让我们休息一下吧。 二、完形填空(10分)第二节 完形填空。(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)Mr. Smith and his wife went to a small Italian town. They would like 16 there for a wonderful holiday. They 17 a best hotel to stay in. One morning,

11、 Mr. Smith went out for a walk. It was very late and the street was dark and 18 . Suddenly he heard footsteps behind him. He turned his head and saw an Italian young man who was walking past him 19 After a while, Mr. Smith suddenly found that his watch was gone. He 20 that it must be the Italian you

12、ng man who had taken away his watch! He decided to walk after him and take back the watch.Soon Mr. Smith caught up with the Italian young man and stopped him. But 21 of them could understand each other, because the young man spoke Italian, while Mr. Smith spoke English. Mr. Smith showed the young ma

13、n his big fist (拳头) and 22 his watch. The young man was 23 frightened(害怕的) that he gave the watch to Mr. Smith.When Mr. Smith came back to the hotel, he told Mrs. Smith 24 had happened. He was quite 25 when his wife pointed to the watch on the table.( ) 16. A. to go B. stay C. to leave D. leave( ) 17.A. left B. visited C. chose D. wanted( ) 18.A. crowded B. quiet C. noisy D. lively( ) 19.A. sad B. happy C. excited D. quickly



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