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1、关键字】报告VERITASMySQL数据库备份恢复报告Veritas Consulting ServicesGreater China1 文档信息1.1 版本*-MySQL数据库备份恢复实施报告.docVeritas大中国区顾问服务1.02021-08-09汪善平1.2 相关的文件1.3 文档更新记录2 目录3 文档说明此文档说明使用 Veritas Netbackup 通过 Oracle MySQL En terprise Backup 来对 MySQL数据库进行备份恢复的步骤;此文档仅供*使用;4 环境说明1) 备份系统:主机名IP地址操作系统角色NBU-PRIMARY1Red Hat E

2、n terprise Linux Server release 6.1NBU Master Server 主机NBU-PRIMARY1Red Hat En terprise Linux Server release 6.1NBU Master Server 备机NBUMASTERRed Hat En terprise Linux Server release 6.1NBU Master ServerNBU-QUCHONGRed Hat En terprise Linux Server release 6.1NBU Media ServerNBU-QUCHONG2Red Hat En terpr

3、ise Linux Server release 6.1NBU Media Server2) 备份软件:Veritas Netbackup Enterprise Server MySQL 服务器:主机名IP地址操作系统角色yhzd-db3Red Hat En terprise Linux Server release 6.5MySQL服务器yhzd1Red Hat En terprise Linux Server release 6.5MySQL恢复测试服务器4) MySQL 版本:mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.6.22, for Linux (x86

4、_64) using EditLine wrapper5 软件安装5.1 NBU 客户端软件安装1)在 NBU Master Server,Media Server 的/etc/hosts 中添加 MySQL 月服务器的主机名解 析:#mysql db192.168.232.51 yhzd-db1192.168.232.52 yhzd-db2192.168.232.53 yhzd-db3 2)在 MySQL 月服务器的/etc/hosts 中添加 NBU Master Server,Media Server 的主机名解 析: NBU-PRIM

5、ARY1192.168.238.22 NBU-PRIMARY2192.168.238.16 NBU-QUCHONG2192.168.238.17 NBU-QUCHONG192.168.238.23 NBUVIP-em1 NBUMASTER3)登陆NBU Master Server,进行客户端软件推送:rootNBU-PRIMARY1 RedHat2.6.18# ./sftp_to_clie nt yhzd-db3 rootConnecting to password:sftp completed successfully.The root user on 192

6、.168.232.53 must now execute the comma ndsh /tmp/bp.10261/clie nt_co nfig -L. The optio nal argume nt, -L,is used to avoid modificati on of the clie nts curre nt bp.c onf file. rootNBU-PRIMARY1 RedHat2.6.18#4)推送完成后,登陆客户端yhzd-db3进行NBU客户端软件安装: rootyhzd-db3 tmp# cd bp.10261/rootyhzd-db3 bp.10261# lsbin

7、_n et.tar clie nt_con fig ope nvrootyhzd-db3 bp.10261# ./clie nt_configCheck ing for required system con diti on s.Check ing for recomme nded system con diti on s.ok n b_7604_hotfix_auditor: No pote ntial for regressi on of hotfixes or EEBs was detected.Blocksize = 20 records././bp_servers./bp_clien

8、t_nameSaving client binaries for Linux/RedHat2.6.18.Installing PBX.Please wait while installation is in progress.Installation completed SuccessfullyInstallation log located here: /var/tmp/installpbx-04325.logUnpacking SYMCnbclt package.Checking for pre-existing SYMCnbclt package.Installing SYMCnbclt

9、 package.Installation of SYMCnbclt was successful.More details regarding SYMCnbclt can be found in file/tmp/install_cltpkg_trace.1033 on yhzd-db3.Terminating NetBackup and/or Media Manager processes.Checking network connections.bp.conf: IP_ADDRESS_FAMILY = AF_INET: default value, no update needed No

10、 xinetd process found.Installing NB-Java.Unpacking SYMCnbjava package.Checking for pre-existing SYMCnbjava package.Installing SYMCnbjava package.Installation of SYMCnbjava was successful.More details regarding SYMCnbjava can be found in file/tmp/install_javapkg_trace.2272 on yhzd-db3.Unpacking SYMCn

11、bjre package.Checking for pre-existing SYMCnbjre package.Installing SYMCnbjre package.Installation of SYMCnbjre was successful.More details regarding SYMCnbjre can be found in file/tmp/install_jrepkg_trace.2272 on yhzd-db3.Directory /usr/openv/logs does not exist.No log files to migrate.Checking for

12、 SYMCpddea package.Installing PDDE agent package(/tmp/bp.l0261/openv/netbackup/client/Linux/RedHat2.6.18/pddeagent.tar.gz).Extracting package SYMCpddea in /tmp/pdde_pkg_dir_2422.Package SYMCpddea extracted to /tmp/pdde_pkg_dir_2422.In stalli ng package SYMCpddea.Package SYMCpddea in stalled. PDDE in

13、 stall fini shed successfully. Versio n now in stalled: 8.0004.0014.0917 Full PDDE in stallation log saved to: /var/log/puredisk/2016-05-24_10:48-pdde- in stall.logThe followi ng automatic startup and shutdow n scripts (respectively) have bee n in stalled. They will cause the NetBackup daem ons to b

14、e automatically shut dow n and restarted each time the system boots. /etc/rc.d/rc2.d/S77 netbackup /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S77 netbackup/etc/rc.d/rc5.d/S77 netbackup /etc/rc.d/rc0.d/K01 netbackup /etc/rc.d/rc1.d/K01 netbackup /etc/rc.d/rc6.d/K01 netbackup Successfully updated the sessi on cache parameters.

15、Start ing vn etd.Start ing bpcd. Start ing n bftc In t. Start ing n bdisco. Start ing mtstrmd. Start ing bmrbd.In stallati on of Java LiveUpdate age nt succeeded. Refer to file /tmp/JLU-Log/JavaLiveUpdate-l nstall .log on yhzd-db3 for in stallati on details.Check ing LiveUpdate registrati on for the follow ing products: CLTThis may take a few mi nu tes.Product CLT is in stalled and will be registered.Updating LiveUpdate registration now.


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