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1、短文改错解题指导【解题技巧】一、改前通读全文,了解短文大意,把握全篇的时态、人称及行文逻辑等。这一步很关键,切忌拿来就改。二、改中分句细读,逐句找错,尤其注意语法和词汇方面的错误。一定要仔细阅读每一个句子,因为只有站在完整句子的角度,才能发现其中的错误。三、改后将答案放回原文并重读全文,其目的主要是检查答案是否符合逻辑或英语习惯。改后查读往往会发现那些在细读中不曾发现的问题或做出的误改。【应试策略】做短文改错时,同学们尤其要注意以下几种情况:1. 看到平行结构时,要检查是否有用词不一致或成分缺失而引起的句子不平衡错误;2. 看到转折、因果、对比等结构时,要检查是否有行文逻辑方面的错误;3. 看

2、到多重结构句时,要检查是否有时态、语态、引导词或成分残缺等错误;4. 看到名词、代词时,要检查是否有数、格或指代不一致的错误;5. 看到固定短语、词组时,要检查副词、介词、冠词等是否错误或缺失。考点归纳【考点汇总】短文改错的考点虽然涉及面广、综合性强,但是有一定的规律性。一、冠词。主要考查冠词表示泛指、特指的用法等。1. There are all kinds of the flowers . (2014新课标全国卷II)【解析】本句中用flower的复数形式表示种类,其前不用冠词,故应将the去掉。2. The person who found a ticket smiled with pl

3、easure at his success. (2014浙江卷)【解析】这里是指找到了上文中提到的那位乘客丢失的车票,是特指,故应将a改为the。二、名词。主要考查可数名词和不可数名词辨析、可数名词单复数等。1. . for all these year . (2014新课标全国卷I) 【解析】these修饰可数名词的复数形式,故应将year改为years。2. . we can do reading for one and a half hour . (2014新课标全国卷II) 【解析】one and a half修饰可数名词的复数形式,故应将hour改为hours。三、动词。主要考查动词

4、的时态、语态、用法等。1. . were hoping to settle something that bothers to us. (2014辽宁卷) 【解析】bother为及物动词,可以直接接宾语,故应将其后的to去掉。四、形容词和副词。主要考查形容词和副词的词性辨析、词义辨析、比较级和最高级、动词-ing形式和动词-ed形式的形容词辨析等。1. There are so much that we often share them with our neighbors. (2014新课标全国卷I) 【解析】根据语境可知,这里指有“很多的”圣女果,much后省略了cherry tomato

5、es。因为修饰可数名词的复数形式时要用many,故应将much改为many。2. The teachers here are kind and helpfully. (2014新课标全国卷II) 【解析】本句为主系表结构,表语应为形容词,故应将helpfully改为helpful。五、代词。主要考查各类代词的用法及其误加与漏用。1. We appreciate our apologies and goodwill . (2014辽宁卷) 【解析】根据语境可知,作者在抱怨对方的狗叫声给自己带来的困扰,所以这里道歉的应该是对方,故应将our改为your。六、介词。主要考查介词的意义和用法等。1.

6、Therefore, we have more time with after-school activities. (2014新课标全国卷II) 【解析】表示目的或功能时应用介词for,故将with改为for。2. . and shot their arrows on the bird.(2014陕西卷) 【解析】表示“朝射箭/射击”时,应用介词at,故应将on改为at。七、连词。主要从逻辑关系角度考查连词的误用,或从成分缺失的角度考查连词的漏用。1. Although we allow tomato plants . but we have never . (2014新课标全国卷I) 【解

7、析】表示转折关系时,although和but不同时使用,故应将此处的 but去掉。也可将but改为yet,yet在此作副词,可与Although连用。2. A passenger realized he couldnt find his ticket but became quite upset. (2014浙江卷)【解析】“找不到车票”和“变得很沮丧”之间应为顺接关系,故应将but改为and。八、从句的引导词。主要考查从句引导词的误用。1.If you notice that when someone is missing . (2014四川卷)【解析】notice后的宾语从句成分和意义都完

8、整,用that引导即可,故应将when去掉。九、主谓一致。主要考查主语和谓语在人称和数上的一致性。1. My dream school look like a big garden. (2014新课标全国卷II) 【解析】本句的主语My dream school是单数形式,其后的谓语动词也应用单数形式,故应将look改为looks。2. The early morning barking have been disturbing us as we . (2014辽宁卷) 【解析】本句中的barking是动词-ing形式作主语,谓语动词应用单数形式,故 应将have改为has。十、非谓语动词。主

9、要考查动词不定式、动词-ing形式以及过去分词的用法。1. It is difficult to understanding why she barks every minute shes outside. (2014辽宁卷)【解析】It is difficult后接动词的不定式形式,故应将understanding改为understand。2. He wanted teach me about animals, insects and trees. (2014陕西卷)【解析】want后接动词的不定式形式作宾语,故应在teach前加to。3. One evening at sunset, we

10、 sat by the fire, have our barbecue. (2014陕西卷) 【解析】动词-ing形式表示的动作与谓语动词表示的动作同时发生。在本句中,“吃烧烤”是“我们坐在火边”的伴随动作,两个动作同时发生,故应将have改为having。十一、固定搭配或习惯用法。1. . and with the help by our father . (2014新课标全国卷I) 【解析】with the help of sb.是固定搭配,表示“在的帮助下”,故应将by改为of。2. They are three lessons in the morning . (2014新课标全国卷I

11、I) 【解析】根据语境可知,这里指每天上午有三节课。表示“有”时,往往用there be句型,故应将They改为There。 很多东西看似复杂,但是只要找到其中的规律就会发现其实还是很容易的。短文改错亦是如此。相信同学们认真读完这篇备考指南后定能更快更准地解答这一题型。【巩固练习】文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2.只允许修改10处,多者(第11处起)不计分。

12、A My uncle absolute hated his wifes cat and decided to get rid of him one day by driving him 20 block from his home and leaving him at the park. As she was getting home, the cat was walking up the driveway. The next day he decides to drive the cat 40 blocks away. He put the cat out and headed home.

13、Drive back up his driveway, there was the cat! At the last he decided to drive far away until he reached that he thought was a safe distance from his home and left the cat there. Hours late he called his wife, “Jen, is the cat there?” “No,” his wife answered. Then he said, “Put him on the phone. I l

14、ost way and need directions!”B This morning, I go to the store near my home to do some shopping. I gave a violently cough while I was walking down the passage. The woman standing next to me was so shocking that she consequently dropped a jar of oil. For that very moment, a girl was walking by. She s

15、lipped on the oil, fell onto the broke glass and hit her head on the floor. After a while, there were blood pour down her face. I felt really guilty and sent the girl to the nearest hospital without the delay. The doctor examined her wound carefully. To my relief, it was not serious. The girl had a little smile on her face before the doctor dressed wound.C Once Rabbit declared loudly that he was the fastest. Thinking what Rabbit was too proud, Frog was annoying and decided to teach him a lesson. He challenged Rabbit for a race through some thick grass down to the



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