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1、陕西省渭南市希望高级中学2020学年七年级英语下学期第一次月考试题(无答案)姓名:_ 学号:_一、选择题(每题1分,共20分)( )1. Jeff goes to work _ and his wife goes to work _ . A. by car, on her bike B. by a car, on her bike C. by cars, by bikes D. by his car, by bike( )2. What do you _ the transportation in your city?A. think about B. think of C. think ov

2、er D. think ( )3. _ does it take you to get to Beijing? Twenty hours.A. How often B. How far C. How many D. How long( )4. How do you get to school, _ bike or _ foot? A. by, by B. on, on C. by, on D. on, by ( )5. How _ is it _ your school to the Childrens Palace(少年宫)?A. long, to B. for, to C. long, f

3、rom D. far, from ( )6. How do you _there? I take the train.A. get B. get to C. gets D. gets to( )7.Its difficult for me _ to school. A. to get B. get C. gets D. to gets( )8. Look! There is _ over there. Do you know him?A. a 8-year-old boy B. an 8-year-old boy C. a 8-years old boy D. an 8-years old b

4、oy( )9. _ stops are there to the small town. A. How long B. How far C. How many D. How much( )10. He usually goes to visit his friends _ Saturday afternoon. A. at B. in C. on D. Of( )11. My little sister _ now, but she _ some English songs. A. cant swim; can sing B. cant to swim; can sings C. can sw

5、ims; cant sings D. cant swimming; can singing ( )12. _ club do you want to _? Sports club. A. What; have B. Whats; join C. What; join D. Whats; have ( )13I like playing _guitar ,but I dont like playing_ chess .A / ,the B the ,/ C the the D / / ( )14. Can you_ English well ? Sorry, I cant. A. say B.

6、speak C. talk D. tell ( )15. Dont worry. I can help you _ your homework. A. to B. with C. for D. on ( )16. I can swim well, so I want _the swimming club .A join B joining C to join D joined ( )17. I can sing ,and I can _ dance . A. also B. too C. either D. at( )18. Please call Alan _ 022-7738 . A .a

7、t B. for C. to D. with( )19. My sister _ to join the music club. A. dont want B. dont wants C. doesnt want D. doesnt wants ( )20. My sister can _ very well, so she wants to join _ club. A. swim; swimming B. swims; swimming C. swim; swims D swims; swim 二、英汉互译 (每题1分,共15分)1.go to school 2.take a shower

8、_3.brush ones teeth_ 4.do ones homework_5.play tennis_ 6.听音乐_7.起床_ 8.在夜里_9.去上班 10.实现;成为现实 时刻翻译:11. a quarter to ten_ 12. half past eight_13. twenty-five to nine_ 14. 12:15_15. 4:45_三、用所给单词组成问句 (每题1分,共5分)1.get,at, up, your, six, does, mother, thirty ?2.you, time, go, do, bed, what, to ?3.take, mornin

9、g, a, shower, do, in, you, the? ?4.eat ,12:00 ,friend ,at, does, lunch, your ?5.does, get, up, she, time, usually, what ?四、根据汉语完成句子。(每空1分,共30分)1. 通常我用一个小时写作业。 It usually _ _ one hour _ _ my homework.2. 我恐怕你不得不离开这儿。 Im _ you have to _ here.3. Tom 是一位十二岁的男孩儿。 Tom is a _ boy.4. 不要穿过这条河。 Dont _ the _.5.

10、 周末我喜欢骑自行车。 I like _ _my bike _ _.6. 我希望你的梦想能够实现。 I hope your _ can _ _.7. 你住的离公交车站有多远? _ _ do you live from the bus station?8. 你爸爸通常怎么上班? _ does your father _ _ _.9. 我总是步行去那儿。 I always _ _ _ _.10. 我妈妈每天六点半离开家去医院。 My mother _ _ to the hospital at _ past _every day.五、完形填空(10分) Mike and Gina 1 sister

11、and brother. They like music very much. Gina can play the piano very well but she 2 play the violin. Mike cant play the piano, but he 3 play the violin very well. Today they 4 to carry (搬运) a piano to 5 bedroom. 6 piano is heavy. They cant 7 it. 8 parents arent at home. They cant help them to carry the piano. But they 9 a cousin brother Dave. He is here today. So they ask Dave to 10 them. ( )1 A. is B. am C. are D. be( )2. A. can B. cant C. doesnt D. does ( )3. A. can B. cant C. doesnt D. does( )4. A. like B. want C. can D. take( )5. A. Gina



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