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1、處靱语的特妹用该江苏省郑集高级中学 李博雅一. 在动词suggcst(提议,提出,建议),advisR劝告,忠告),order(命令,下令,吩咐),demand(要求), proposc(提议),require(要求),insist(坚持,坚决主张),command(命令),requ亡st(请求,恳求), desire(请求),prefer(提出)等动词后的宾语从句的谓语,这些词的过去分词作裘语时主语从句 的谓语,以氏这些词的名词同位语从句、作主语时的表语从句的谓语常用“sheukl+动词 原形”构成的虚拟语气,should可以省珞。如:1 The man demanded that Tom

2、should) apologize.2. He insisted that we should) take up the matter at the mccring.3.1 requested that he should) use his influence on my behalf.4. The general ordered the soldiers should) cross the river at once.(宾语从句)=The generalr s order was that the soldiers should) cross the river at once.(丧从句)=

3、It was ordered that the soldiers should) cross the river at once(主语从句)=The general ga化 the order that the soldiers should) cross the river at once.(同 位语从句)5.1 suggest that he should) be careful.(宾语从句)=My suggestion is that he should) be careful.(表语从句)=It is suggested that he should) be careful.(主语从句

4、)=1 gave him the suggestion that he should) be careful.(同位语从句)二. 在动词如sh后的宾语从句的谓语应用虚拟语气,现在或将来的动作用过去式(常含有惰态 动词could或would);过去的动作用过去完成式。wish用过去式,从句中与wished同时发 生的动作或在将来发生的动作仍用过去式(也常合有悄态动词could或would);在wished之 前发生的动作用过去完成式。女口:1 Hew I wish 1 could flv to the mooli2. He wishes I had come yesterday3 1 wishe

5、d he could come to give me a hand4. We wished he h:id received the news days earlier.J三在以 in order that, so that 引导的状语从句中,谓语常用may, might, can, could, will, would, should +动词原形”构成的虚拟语气。有时也可用“should +动词原形”,待别是从句为 否定结构。如:1. The teacher spoke slowly so that the students could/might henrccary.2. What is

6、needed in order that electrical charges may m()v&3. She stood awav so that I should enter first.4.1 got up early so that I should not miss the tmifL四. 在had belter 示建议或劝告时,其后的从句谓语用过去式构成的虚拟语气。如:had better vou came vesterday.zzJ五. 在ult is (hii / about) rime that-clausc.n句型中,从句的谓语常用过去式或should加动词原形构成的虚拟语

7、气。如:1. It is time we hud / should have lunch.2. It s (high) rime I went and picked up /shouldg()and pick up my little girl from school.7 在 “xv()uld/h:id rather that-clausc, would sooner lhal-clausc,结构中,从句的谓语用虚拟语气。 现在或将来的动作用过去式,过去的动作用过去完成式。如:1 1 would much rather it fi)rg()ttcn.2. Would you rather I

8、didW3 1 had rather you did it.*4.1 d rather you knew that n()w than afterwards5.1 would rather they h:idg()nc there too.6.1 could go myself but would sooner you went.七. 在uwould rather do sth. than that-clausc结构中的从句谓语,应用should +动词原形”构 成的虚拟语气。如:1 would rather lose a dozen of cherrv trees than that you

9、 should tell a lie.zJ八. 在would rather that-clausc than thai-clausc,?结构中,两从句的谓语用虚拟语气。现在或将 来的动作用过去式,过去的动作用过去完成式。如:1 1 would rather you showed me with vour hearts than vou promised me with vour words.J/J4J2.1 would rather you had done it than Tom had.J九. 在as as though, even if,even though引导的状语从句中,谓语常用虚

10、拟语气(现在的动作用 过去式,过去的动作用过去完成式)。如:1 The old machine operates as if it were / gs a new()加(现 在的 动作)2. Even though she had been vcr* busy, she would have helped us(过去的动作)十.含有介词without,but fbr, except for短语的句于,谓语常用虚拟语气,现在的动作用“should 或would +动词原形,过去的动作用should would have +过去词”。如:1. But f()r Chairman Mao, we s

11、hould at least be hindering ab()u t in the darkness2. Without your advice, 1 would have fhilcd.十_在合有 uif it were not for + 宾语或were it not for + 宾语” But that + 从句”表示 的假设条件从句时,主句谓语应用虚拟语气,现在的悄况用“情态动词的过去式+动词 原形”,过去的情况用“情态动词的过去式+动词的完成式”。如:1. Were it not for the leadership of our Parh we could not live a

12、happy life2. Had it not been f)r the leadership of our Party, we should have fhilcd.(属 were it not for 的过去完成式)3. But that he saw it, he could not believe it.4. If it were not for the leadership of the Party, we should fiiil.5. If it had not been f()r the help of our teacher, we should not have made

13、so much progress 6. * If it were not f()r the collective strength, it wouldn t have been possible f(r us to live so well. ?. If it had not been for me, you would not: be free.十二.在It is / was + adj. + that-dauscw句型中,从句的谓语用“should +动词原形”构成的虚 拟语气,should 常管略。其中形容词常为:necessary, important, strange, right,

14、 fair, just, better, natural, impossible, reasonable 等。 如:1.11 is necessary- that he should) be sent there at once.2. It will be better that we meet some other time.3 It is right that one should spciik well of the absence十三. 在 It is desired, It is suggested, It is requested, It was proposed. It was

15、ordered, It had been decided, It is surprising/amazing/shocking, It is disappointed 等结构后的主语从句的谓语常用should + 动词原形”枸成的虚拟语气,should可以省略。如1. It is not surprising that he should have billed.2. It isn t surprising that Tom should) marry Mar)r.3 It has been decided that the meeting should) be postponed till next Saturday.十四.名词 suggestion, plan, idea, motion, proposal, order, adnee, insistence, desire 等的同位语从句以 71它们作主语时的丧语从句中的谡语动词常用“should +动词原形”构成的虚拟语气, should也可筍略。如:1. Mv idea is that we should) send him to the hospital.2. What do you think of his proposal that we (should) put on a



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