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1、=A_A=成就梦想Unit 35 Happy Hallowee n通过本课的学习,学生能够:1.扌-r+ t . i-i. 、 , 、 . 一r tit .r. r. / . tt r _t 、/. ,r / .教 学 目 标巴中西方土要节日的名称及相 天物品进仃止确匹配。2.能谈论较为熟悉的节日活动。 过程与方法Discussi on , dem on strati on and teamwork.情感、态度与价值观Festivals culture教学重点听出三段对话中的相关信息。教学难点初步运用固定词组进行英语交际问好。结合本课所学内容,学会如何分享节日相关信息。教学方法Discussi

2、 on , dem on stratio n and teamwork.教学准备Courseware and tape player.教师活动设计学生活动设计设计意图时间安排Step1 warm-up:The studentsdiscussand学生讨论问5Task:Can you match thefinish the task, the n share题,并进行信followi ng holidays with thethe in formatio nwiththe息共享,进行related in formatio n?whole class.适量的语言恢Discussi on activ

3、ities:复性训练。1:What festivals do you know激活学生头脑in En glish?风暴及对图片What words do you know abou t festivals?的讨论。2:What are the specialthi ngsor activitiesfor教these holidays?学Step 2. Liste ning PracticeListe n to the con versatio n节日信息讨论过First liste ning:and tryto matchthe后进行信息匹Task 1: Ask the stude nts t

4、odialogueswiththe配。程match the dialogues with theholidays.20related holidays.Words preparation:learn thewords on holidays.Second liste ning:Complete the Exs and check完成所给练习Task 2: Listen and answer theand share with the whole并进行信息分follow ing questi ons.1 Why do the children go from door to door?2. Wh

5、ere do they want to hide the eggs?3. What are they doi ng with theclass.享。tree in Dialogue C?Third liste ning:Read after the tape and朗读练习,并Ask the stude nts to discusslear n the Ian guage poin ts.理解学习相关about the t ,hree holidays.in语言点。并强the dialogues. Then ask them化学生,对所听to discuss the follow ing语言的

6、掌握和questi onsDiscuss the given questions运用。Can you say s ometh ing aboutand share the speci ficthese holidays?information with the whole巩固所学语言Did you ever celebrate theseclass.知识。Holidays?What did you do?Did you find these holidays in teresti ng?Why or why not?Finish off theliste ningStep 3 : Liste

7、ning practicetask. Then share some with听力训练,完Ask the stu ,dents to listen tothe whole class.成听力练习,two conversationsand choose给学生提供练the right answer. Then ask them习语言的机to check and share the an swers会,以确认学with the whole class.Step 4 : Homework1. Make a Ppt file to introduceFinish off the homework生理解。

8、15“The Dragon Boat Festiv al, Mother s Day ”2. Complete the exercises inthe workbook.5Unit 3Happy HalloweenHalle wenGo to amusenient parkEasterhavea bigTKaiJcsgivin? Dayset off f iireworks 鑼点亮心灯/(AvA)照亮人生.鑼Christmas Payhave a dragon boat festivaljkake ani sit rice dtimpLin.55.在课堂教学中我注意观察课堂学生的学习氛围,适时进行调控,采取各种教学手段,在教学中提 高教学资源的利用效率,同时还注意捕捉师生、学生之间在互动过程中产生的教学资源,以激活 课堂教学,激发学生学习兴趣,促使学生积极主动地参与到教学活动



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