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1、第一单元测试Tet for Un ne 一、单选(30)( )1 .His parents _ fomEnglad. isB. ome C. live D . ( ). o im _ Chinese? A.pekB. spe C. a te( )3. There are may _in Amrica.A. citys Bcities .ity Dcty( )4_ hrfavoure the?A. whos B. o C. ho D.Whose( )5.M birthdayis _ ovember. nB. on Cat D.from( )6.She a spak _ Eghan Frnch.A

2、a ewB. mayC a il Dfew( )7.Ile _ tote mv_ myiend.At go; witB. oes; ihC gin; from D. goes; and( )8.Pease rte_ m so! . forB. wih .oD. to( )9Its _ very interesting vie. A. n . / . the D.a ( ).My grdmote oftentlls _ m granher.A orB. to C. abot D.from ( )11. do yo comfrom? . Whe B. Ho .Where D Wh( )12.She

3、lve ydney. A. t B. o C in D. behid( )1.Where sh ? -In hinaA.do; e B doe; ivs C o; ivs D. es; lie( )1.D you want Fech?A.lern . larnin C. learn . o lea( )5 you hae siser?. Ar; some B. Does; ny .Do; ay D. Do; sme( 6.fyou re ied, y can ave aet_ n hour.A. for B C.ith Dbe( )17.rism pn l. H ca ea l. A. Cna

4、 .Cadin C. Pars D.Japaes( )1.Do you now ? -Yes, a eauiful cour. Paris B. ndon CAustralia D.Cnese( ) 19.Don foge to _“Tank yu!” whesomeneels o. A.seak say .ll Dlk( )0.Theres _ mil at me We hveto buy so this evenngA. alittle lttle C. ew D.e ( )21. Jon s fro _ A. nB. Jpanese C. Fench D.Englh( )22.oesJi

5、m _Cnese? A.spekB seas C.say D. talk( )3. I ike _ t te move_ yrens A.o o;ndB. gon; wih Cgoin;an D. tooig; with( )24. I donthave _ boh _ sisers. A me;and B ny; orC.an; and D. some;nd ( )2.-Can theboy spea Chinee? -Yes, hc speak _ A. litl B.a littl C.sl Dmny( )26.Jim lvs_ London,bt his brter live_ hee

6、. n;/ B in;n C. ; in D. /; ( )27 Ths my nwiend _ om Singapore am Bis C.ar D. me( 28. _ you osin ave _en pals?.D; some . Do; any C. Does; an D Does; a( )29Thisstory i _itresting. A. n. reaC. rell Dsme( )3 November is _ onhof a yar.A. evnB leventC. h en D. helventh二、完型填空(0)Welove urclass.We 1 o new st

7、udets i ur la. 2 nmes reToackson 3 ke Smth. TomsfrmAmeric. ke is 4 ustali. Thei fathrs 5 i China now. Teyive ti father n eijing. weekends, tey pa foothal wth 8 . They usallyhelp s wih 9 EnglsWe el them wih hrines. Weare goo 0.We ep eachter.( ). A. as B. he Chavnt D.has t ( ). A. Thy B. em . Tei D. h

8、eyr( ). A. and . bu C. or D s ( )4A. i B. o C. at D.from( )5. A. wr B ors . t wr D. worg ( )6. A.in . with C.from D. on( ). A.In B. it C. m D. On ( ).A.e B. u .s D. thy( )9. A. we B. ur C u . they ( )10. .broter B.sters C. friens D tuet三.阅读理解() A John is Amercan y Hi amili in China o. ohn like choco

9、te(巧克力)vey much Bu hi mthe ot gv him. Chclatei otgooor m, he thnks.utonhas a vr nce unle.The l manloves him y much, nd smetime e byJoh some choole.Tei moter les hm atthemBcaue she wts to mketh old ma app. e Sunday venng, hsas his oom,“ lea, Gd (上帝) akes emgiv me ai ox ofhocolate omorow(明天), its yght

10、hirthday!”Hismthersas to im ,“God c hear(听到) you, my oy.” “ kno, bu m uncle s in the nx(隔壁) rom, andhe an hear.” Jhnsysohi motr.( )1. Johns . A. mriaboy B. Chnse .Amern D. Chin( )2.Jonfamily is in now A America B UK C Pri D. a( )3 Wht a is Jns bithday acing o th passge(根据文章)? A Su B. MondayCTuesday . Saturday( ). Doe Johns uncl lv hi? Ys, hes. . No . Yes, he d D.o,



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