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1、Unit 1 Children often sit around tables. 教案教学目标1. 知识与能力目标 能够听说读写以下单词: often, around, start, line, half, past, miss. 能够听说读写重点句型: In England, the children sit around tables. We sit in lines in China.They sing songs together every morning. We do morning exercises.2. 情感态度目标 让学生通过英国和中国学校差异的描述, 提高学生的参与积极性

2、, 从而激发学生学习的 热情。培养学生的观察分析能力。教学重点熟练掌握单词 often, around, start, line, half, past, miss 的听说读写。教学难点熟练用英语描述英国和中国学校的差异。教学方法情景教学法和游戏教学法。课前准备1. 教师自己制作的课件和教材的配套光盘。2. 教材配套的单词卡片。3. 与教学有关的图片等。课时安排1 课时 教学过程 Step 1 导课1. Greetings.T: Hello, boys and girls.S: Hello, Ms Yu.2. Free talk T: What time do you get up?What

3、time do you go to school?What do you do at break time?Step 2 新授1. T: In todays class, we are going to read a letter from Lingling.2. First, look at the screen. Who can read?Q: Who writes the letter?T: OK, lets listen to the CD-ROM. (通过 CD-ROM 让学生带着问题整体感知课文)T: This is a letter. Let us find the differ

4、ences. 当我们写一封信的时候, 地址在信上有什么特 殊的地方?英国地址从小到大,中国地址从大到小。3. listen again with some questions.Questions:(1) What time does English school start?What time does English school finish?(2) How about China?(3) Does Lingling miss her Chinese school?First, read these questions. Then listen the text and underline

5、 the answers. T: Can you find the answers? Please talk about them in groups. (带着问题听磁带,通过小组交流答案,让学生初步理解课文)4. Answer the questions and teach the words and sentences.(1) T: Who can answer the first question? What time does English school start? What time does English school finish?T: Good, The English

6、school starts at 9 o. It finishecsloactkhalf past 3. ( 讲解第三人称单数)(2) T: Let s go on. The second question, who can answer? How about China? T: Good, we start school at 8 o clock and finish at 4 o clock.(3) T: The last question. Does Lingling miss her Chinese school?( 讲解 miss)5. Listen and readT: This

7、time I want you to listen and repeat.6. Practise it in pairs. (通过读课文,巩固单词和句型并加深对课文的理解)Step 3 练习1. 口语练习(1) In England, the children sit around tables. We sit in lines in China.Ss read the sentences three times and the speed is faster and faster. Then have a match between 2 groups.(2) They sing songs

8、together every morning. We do morning exercises.Ss read the sentences from the beginning to the end. Each time one more word. Match between 2 groups.(3) Practice the whole sentences.朗读课文三遍,使用学乐师生AP录音,分享给全班同学。2. 听力练习(1) Play the tape-recorder.(2) Play the tape-recorder again. Tell them that you are g

9、oing to find out the questionsWhat time does En glish school start?What time does En glish school fini sh?(设计意图:听录音模仿正确的语音语调)Step 4总结本课重点单词:ofte n, around, start, li ne, half, past, miss.本课重点句子:In En gla nd, the childre n sit around tables. We sit in lines in China. They singsongs together every morning. We do morning exercises.Step 5作业1. 背写本课重点单词和句子。2. 复述本课课文。Step 6板书Module 8 Un it 1 Childre n ofte n sit around tables.timedositstartsfini shesEn gla nd9oclock3:3o locksing songssit around tablesCh ina8oclock4oclockdo morning exercisessit in lines



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