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1、英语口语学习材料必备日常英语口语对话学习材料Ann: Would like to be my partner?你能做我的伙伴吗?Lily: Oh, its my pleasure.哦,这是我的荣幸。Ann: Do you have some ideas about this title?你对这个题目有什么想法吗?Lily: I have some obscure ideas. I need some time to make it clear.我有一些模糊的想法,我需要点时间去理清楚。Ann: Me too, so could we make it some time? When is it

2、convenient for you?我也是,那我们能约个时间吗?你什么时候方便?Lily: Let me think. Friday is better than other days.让我想想,星期五会比其他时候来的好一点。Ann: I am sorry, but Friday I have to go home.不好意思,但是星期五我得回家。Lily: Oh, when is it convenient for you?哦,那你什么时候方便?Ann: Sunday night.星期天晚上。Lily: Fine, you e to my room that night.好,那天晚上你来我宿

3、舍吧。日常英语口语对话学习材料汤姆: Professor Lee, could I ask you some questions?李教授,我能问你些问题吗?李教授: Sure.当然。汤姆: What is the assig_ent?请问作业是什么?李教授: Oh, I have told you last week.哦,我上个星期就告诉你们了啊。汤姆: I am sorry, because I wasnt there last week.抱歉,因为我上个星期没去上课?李教授: What was wrong with you?你怎么了?汤姆: I was sick.病了。李教授: Oh, I

4、 am sorry to hear that. The assig_ent is a paper.哦,抱歉。作业是一份论文。汤姆: A paper? What is the requirement? When is this due?论文?有什么要求呢。什么时候到期?李教授: You can ask you classmates. They have the details.你可以问你同学,他们有详细内容。关于学习生活的英语口语对话Todd: Tini, you are a student, correct?托德:蒂尼,你是学生,对吧?Tini: Yeah, I am a student.蒂尼

5、:对,我是学生。Todd: OK, do you like to study? Do you like the student life?托德:你喜欢学习吗?你喜欢学生生活吗?Tini: Of course, you know. Actually, I, myself, I like studying although Im not that much of a bookworm, but, yes, I like studying. I like spending time with my friends, and I just like enjoying my student life.蒂

6、尼:当然喜欢。其实我很喜欢学习,我并不是书呆子,但我很喜欢学习。我喜欢和朋友们共度光阴,我很享受学生生活。Todd: Now, soon, you are going to graduate, correct?托德:你马上就要毕业了,对吧?Tini: Yes, fortunately or unfortunately, yes.蒂尼:对,不知道是幸运还是不幸,我马上就毕业了。Todd: Well, why would you say fortunately?托德:你为什么认为幸运呢?Tini: Fortunately, in the sense that, you know, its abou

7、t time to get out to the real world and, you know, earn some money, and earn some experience but unfortunately in the sense that all of these precious memories, like you are putting them all behind.蒂尼:幸运是因为我能出去看看真实的世界,挣钱,获得经历,不幸是因为要放下这些珍贵的记忆。Todd: Yeah, soon they are going to be over.托德:是啊,学生生活马上就完毕

8、了。Tini: Right, right, and then you have more responsibility as soon as you step into the real world, you know. No more spring vacation. No more summer vacation.蒂尼:对,一旦进入现实生活,就要承担更多的责任。就再也没有春假和暑假了。Todd: Actually, thats why Im a teacher. People always ask me, why are you a teacher? And I say, because

9、the time off. You get so much time off, and you dont have to work a 9-5 schedule.托德:所以我才选择当老师。经常有人问我为什么当老师?我的答复是,因为有假期。老师有很多假期,不用过朝九晚五的生活。Tini: Yes, that is a very smart choice, I think.蒂尼:我认为这是一个明智的选择。Todd: Yeah, but you make no money.托德:但是挣不到什么钱。Tini: I dont think so.蒂尼:我不这么认为。Todd: You think teac

10、hers make good money?托德:你认为老师能挣很多钱?Tini: Well, not actually, but you know you can be fresher and then forever young.蒂尼:不是,不过当老师可以保持活力,保持年轻。Todd: Well, I dont know about forever young but it does. you do feel invigorated when youre teacher. I do agree. Well, you know, if you dont want to give up the

11、student life, you can just bee a teacher. Would you like to bee a teacher?托德:我不知道是不是能保持年轻,不过当老师确实会感觉很有活力。这点我同意。假设你不想放弃学生生活,你可以当老师。你想做老师吗?Tini: Well, actually, I have given it a couple of thoughts but right now, Im really into the banking industry.蒂尼:我之前有想过,不过目前我想进银行业工作。Todd: Banking?托德:银行业?Tini: Yea

12、h, the financing industry, and then so probably I might like give it a go.蒂尼:对,金融业,我想试试。Todd: Thats going to be very stressful.托德:那一定压力很大。Tini: It is, but you know, I pretty much like the fast-paced lifestyle, and Im interested in the content of the work.蒂尼:确实是,我喜欢快节奏的生活方式,我对银行业的工作内容很感兴趣。Todd: Well, good-luck with banking.托德:好,祝你在银行业一切顺利。Tini: Thank you. Its going to be really harsh, I know.蒂尼:谢谢你。我知道一定会很难。第 页 共 页


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