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1、我是社区小主人作文我是社区小主人南联小学地处深圳市龙岗区南联社区,这里正在由农村向城市化过渡。整个社区环境不太好,居民的公民意识比较差。如何激发学生参与环保、社区环境的建设,增强学生作为社区小主人的责任心和自豪感?陈老师组织我们开展了一次“我是社区小主人”的社会实践活动。陈波老师通过社区采访站、行动看真点、出谋划策屋、实践快车道、畅所欲言台五个步骤完成了这次活动。虽然活动已过去一段时日,但我们说起这次活动仍历历在目。这里不妨选取点精彩片段。Nanlian primary school is located in Nanlian community, Longgang District, She

2、nzhen City, which is in the transition from rural to urbanization. The whole community environment is not very good, and the citizen consciousness of residents is relatively poor. How to motivate students to participate in the construction of environmental protection and community environment, and e

3、nhance the sense of responsibility and pride of students as small masters of the community? Mr. Chen organized us to carry out a social practice activity of I am the little master of the community. Mr. Chen Bo completed the activity through five steps: Community interview station, action to see the

4、truth, advice room, practice fast lane and free speech platform. Although the event has been over for some time, we still remember it when we talk about it. Heres a few highlights.刚刚得知我们要上一次与社区有关的综合实践活动课,要大家做好相关的调查时,教室里就热闹开了。We just learned that we are going to have a comprehensive practical activit

5、y class related to the community. When we need to do a good job of relevant investigation, the classroom is bustling.“调查社区?社区”、“社区生活与我们有什么关系?”、“快乐队的过来,我们大家来商量一下?”Survey the community? Community. What does community life have to do with us? , happy team come here, lets discuss?.教室里,同学们三五成群,有的说,有的写,有的

6、在争论咦?邱祥峰怎么一个人低着头?走过去轻轻一看原来他在查,看到他皱着眉头,我问道:“祥峰,需要帮忙吗?”“字典里没有社区这个词的解释。社区是什么?社区到底包括哪些内容?”In the classroom, students come in groups, some say, some write, some argue Why? Why does Qiu Xiangfeng keep his head down? I went to look up the dictionary and saw him frowning. I asked, Xiangfeng, can I help you?

7、 There is no explanation for the word community in the dictionary. What is a community? What exactly does the community include?这时候,老师发言了:“同学们,安静一下,好吗?谁能够告诉老师,你是怎样理解社区这个词的?”刚刚安静的教室又热闹起来,学生纷纷从自己的角度说开了真没有想到一个简简单单的词语竟被学生们用自己的语言解释得那么丰富多彩,那么富有生活的气息。At this time, the teacher said: students, be quiet, OK?

8、Who can tell the teacher how do you understand the word community Just now the quiet classroom is busy again, and students have opened it from their own point of view I didnt expect that a simple word could be explained by students in their own language so colorful and full of life.课堂上,由于课前准备充分,学生表现

9、很积极活跃。在“实践快车道”这一环节中,5个小组各有侧重,都充分发挥了自己小组成员的特长。第一小组的张瑞超同学写下了“爱我社区”四个遒劲有力的毛笔字;第二小组的程楚帆同学当场创作了一幅题目为“绿意”的山水国画,他说要让绿色充满人间,充满每一个人的心田;第三小组根据自己的生活实践经验自创的“拍手歌”浅显易懂,非常具有教育意义;第四小组则根据我们只有一个地球以及本节课所学的知识,以“地球哭了”“清洁地球”“地球笑了”为线索动手创作一组生动有趣的漫画,以画明理很有创意。In class, students are very active because they are well prepared

10、before class. In the practice fast lane link, each of the five groups has its own focus, giving full play to the strengths of their team members. Zhang Ruichao, a member of the first group, wrote four powerful calligraphy words of love my community; Cheng Chufan, a member of the second group, create

11、d a landscape Chinese painting titled green meaning on the spot. He said that green should be filled with the world and everyones heart; the clapping song created by the third group according to their own life experience is easy to understand and educational According to we only have one earth and t

12、he knowledge learned in this lesson, the fourth group started to create a group of vivid and interesting comics with the clue of the earth cried - clean the earth - the earth laughed. It is very creative to draw clearly.而第五小组则充分发挥自己小组的文学特长,以“我是社区小主人”为题,即兴写了一首小诗:我骄傲/我是社区小主人/太阳给我温暖/大地给我筋骨/我属于周围的/每一片绿叶

13、/每一株小草/我兴奋/我是社区小主人/清风给我凉爽/鲜花给我芳香/我属于周围的/每一寸泥土/每一朵小花/我自豪/我是社区小主人/蓝天给我自由/白云给我欢乐/我属于周围的/每一滴雨露/每一丝光芒/也许,我们小主人的力量有限/但我们的关怀备至无限!The fifth group, on the other hand, made full use of the literary features of its own group and wrote a poem on the topic of I am the small master of the community: I am proud -

14、/ I am the small master of the community / the sun gives me warmth / the earth gives me muscles / I belong to the surrounding / every green leaf / every grass / I am excited - / I am the small master of the community / the breeze cools me / the flowers give me fragrance / I belong to the surrounding

15、/ Every inch of earth / every little flower / Im proud - / Im the little master of the community / the blue sky gives me freedom / the white cloud gives me joy / I belong to the surrounding / every drop of rain / every ray of light / maybe, our little masters strength is limited / but our care is infinite!我们在以自己喜欢的方式描绘着自己向往的“社区”形象,“现代公民”意识也在潜移默化中生成着。We are describing the image of community that we yearn for in the way we like, and the consciousness of modern citizen is also generated in the subtle influence.



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