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1、第一阶段作文【作业规定】:命题作文irections:Forthi partyoe alloed thrty minuteto wri cpoitnon h gvn topi. Your omosiionsho met thewdlmit set by htstyllus at this v Yu sholdbase yur compoitionn the outies poied and t ype youopositio in heox below.题数:1;分数:5分;参照时间:30分0秒 题1.For thst, yu ar alowethirtymintet wie copitio

2、on the opic OnKeepng Pes. Yu shoud wrt leat 20 words,andbse yourcompsiti n he utline givn in Chinesblo 有人喜欢养宠物,也有人反对养宠物,她们均有各自的道理. 我的见解 OnKeeping Pet【参照答案】:In lmstevey neighorhood, herare poplewhoikees n eoe who do he fmergrop f people thin tat pets are oodan hlpfulcmnns.o ofhemeenoso fr a saying th

3、atamals areals humn, and teir rigts shold be esecd. ose who ate petssay hat nmasare noisy,irty and dangrus. T tin laws old be mad t fbidpeop tokeep og aca itesa twns. The differetpinions on eepng pt, which refect pesna ferences,av cuedmay sputes and uch neanness amogpeople woaeclos neighbors ersnaly

4、 I do nt lke ets.But I tink we should learntoresech rigpet love We ha no rigt o frbdople to keeets n ter hes, a long asthe animals are prrly tae car f andd no thraten the afet and pae of ohrs.翻译【作业规定】:单句翻译(英译汉)rectons:nthis ection yue rqire totranslate soe Ensetences ntChins. Type your taat n the we

5、b page题数:10;分数:10分;参照时间:2分0秒 题11A sortag ofwatrn hevily pulated agrilta ars wl aue great hashi andsarvtiona crps ail【参照答案】:由水荒引起的庄稼欠收将在人口稠密的农业地区导致严重的贫困和饥饿。 题22Telvsi oks i much te ame w as rdo.【参照答案】:电视的工作原理与无线电的极为相似。 题3Sine te launchigof e fr comunicat satllit, mre nd mre progrm areteleastliv from

6、ll over the wrl.【参照答案】:自第一颗通讯卫星发射成功以来,世界各地实况转播的电视节目越来越多了。 题44.Great rirs r te who otoly have geathoghbtalsoxpress thes toughs n wrwhich ppeal pwrfuly to our minds and motion.【参照答案】:伟大的作家是那些不仅具有崇高的思想,并且能用撼人心弦的文字来体现这些思想的人。题55.Th opority t esae te realities ofeveryalife is, ink, the miatractio of a oks

7、op【参照答案】:我想一家书店重要的吸引力是在于它向顾客提供了逃避现实生活的良机。 题6.He isagreed iththe abot how he cuntr sould be un, aaoutwha part esident shouldply in nigit.【参照答案】:在应当如何治理国家以及一名总统在其中应起何种作用的问题上,她与她们意见分歧。 题77ut the past ten earsofhgh yuthunemploymethae ncouraged mostschoos tceate ne links with emplyer o rd eirupis wih ore

8、 markblskills【参照答案】:但过去十年青年的高失业率促使大多数学校与雇主们建立了一种新型的关系,以便向学生提供符合市场需求的技能。 题88.Of coure we ay til vsm o the sae probem t cardsttwe now hvewih mey.【参照答案】:固然,在使用信用卡时,我们也许还会遇到某些与目前使用一般货币时所遇到的同样的问题。题99.f the is ny sngle fact tht maesfor susin livg,it i h ability to proit byeat.【参照答案】:如果有某种唯一的因素能促使我们在生活中成功的

9、话,那就是从失败中吸取教训。 题1010.Defats ar nothig o behao.【参照答案】:完全不必为失败而感到羞愧。客观题【作业规定】:语法构造Direcions:In this seinthere aroe incomple sentences. Fo each entece her ae for hoces marked A),B), )ad D). Choose the ONE answer th bescolte thentene h tpe te orrespondin lettr nte web pag.题数:20;分数:10分;参照时间:10分0秒题1.Te te

10、amdidt exect t in;_, thewee disapointd a their havy eat morevrB therfeC nevertelD so tha【参照答案】:C 题22.Granaasinstent hat e _her sonAwen ad vsitedBgod visiCwent sitingD go visiting【参照答案】:B题33.He ept heprtr _he colse i every day, asit alwayseminde him of i earl schol ds.AwheeBen wchD for【参照答案】:A 题4.Thi

11、s cahas been _rubl its always bingwn.A anyth bt ohinut all ut onbut【参照答案】: 题55.Icanhoetly say taeno ineret_ in this ovie.A smwere whatsoverChoweerD ichve【参照答案】:B 题66.Yu cn g out, _ you prmise o e back bee 11 clock.Aevn houhB eersineC as a asD aslog 【参照答案】:D题77Nt tl I ot toth aport_ y asort missing.A dfnd didI findCfonDhad I ond【参照答案】:B 题8


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