2022年高中英语 Unit 3 Life in the future Period 1优秀教案 新人教版必修5

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1、2022年高中英语 Unit 3 Life in the future Period 1优秀教案 新人教版必修5The topic of this unit is about life in the future, which is full of imagination.The unit gives us vivid pictures about the first impression in 3005 AD.The four skills of reading, listening, speaking and writing all center on the topic, life in

2、 the future.This unit can be divided into six partswarming up, reading, learning about language, using language, listening and speaking, summing up and learning tip.In Warming-up, students are expected to fill in a chart.Let the students pare differences in life between in 1005AD and in xxAD, and en

3、courage them to imagine what will happen in 3005AD.The purpose of designing this part is to prepare the students for the knowledge of life in the future.In Pre-reading, two questions are presented.The first question is to ask the students to list all the problems we are facing.The other one is to ge

4、t the students to discuss whether the problems will still exist in the future and will get much more serious in the future.In Reading, the students are to read a letter named First Impressions.In the letter, Li Qiang told his parents about how he traveled to the living space in 3005AD and what he sa

5、w there.In reading, it is necessary for the teacher to get the students aware of the strategies for reading descriptive articles.The purpose of designing this part is to develop the students reading ability, to get the students to know more about the future and to encourage them to explore the futur

6、e.In Post-reading, three exercises are followed.The students are asked to discuss which changes are good, while others belong to disadvantages.The next one is to ask the students to infer the authors attitude towards the future.At the same time, the students are expected to show their own opinions t

7、o the whole class and reason them, trying to persuade others to accept them.The third exercise is to ask the students to imagine what they would like to visit if he/she were Li Qiang.In Learning about language, there are two parts.The first is about vocabulary, which is to ask the students to apply

8、the words and phrases freely.The other exercises are about the grammar, that is to say, the past participle used as the adverbial and attribute.In Using language reading, speaking and writing, there is a passage titled I have seen amazing things.Teaching and learning activities can be focused on rea

9、ding, speaking and writing with the purpose of developing the studentsskills.In listening, the listening material is also about life in the future, which is about living in Wonder world.By listening to it, arouse the students to imagine whether such a world is fit for living in.In Speaking, the teac

10、her mainly offers the students the chance to talk about the future and learn to how to express prediction.In Writing, the students are expected to learn to describe a person in their imagination to get the students not only to be familiar with description but also to form the good habit of imagining

11、.In Summing up and Learning tips, let the students learn to sum up what they have mastered in this unit, including words, expressions, grammar and what to know about the future.The purpose of this is to get the students to know what they have learned and what need to be learned in the future.Besides

12、 that, some advice is also given to the students on how to write down notes.The new words and expressions to be learned in this unit are: vehicle, carriage, private, settlement, impression, constant, constantly, previous, tablet, capsule, opening, surrounding, lack, ache, mask, bend, press, swift, m

13、aster, sight, flash, optimistic, length, extraordinary, helmet, assist, agency, skip, require.take up, remind.of, lose sight of, catch sight of, speed up, assist in, space agency, as a result, suffer from, be similar to, be well-known for, as though, in no time, provide.with, fall fast asleep, searc

14、h for, go soft, speak in whispers, mix with, wave about, shake from side to side, depend on, put on, get lost, as if by magic, plenty of, in all directions.The following sentences to be learned in this unit are: 1.It took me only a few minutes to master the idea and soon I could fly as fast as Wang

15、Ping.2.I got lost when we reached what looked like a large market because of the people flying by in all directions.3.There were so many carriages that I lost sight of Wang Ping.4.Wang Pings mother appeared, flashed a switch on a puter screen, and a table and chairs rose from under the floor as if b

16、y magic.5.Worried about the journey, I was unsettled for the first few days.6.This is similar to the “jet lag” you get when flying, but instead it means you keep getting flashbacks from your previous time period.7.Confused by the new surroundings, I was hit by the lack of fresh air.Exhausted, I slid into bed and fell fast asleep.This unit can be divided into seven periods, which are as follows: Period 1Wele to the Unit


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