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1、名词性从句讲解归纳及例题在主从复合句中,从句可以充当主句的主语、表语、宾语或同位语。由于在多数情况下,主语、表语、宾语或同位语这四种句子成分由名词性词类充当,所以,我们把这些作用相当于名词的从句统称为名词性从句,把充当主语、表语、宾语或同位语的从句分别称为主语从句、表语从句、宾语从句或同位语从句。也就是说充当什么成分就叫什么从句。名词性从句由连接词(或关联词)引导。常用的连接词有:连接词分类意思作用从属连词that/只起连接词作用,不做任何成分从属连词Whether,if是否只起连接词作用,不做任何成分从属连词As if ,as though好像,仿佛只起连接词作用,不做任何成分连接代词Wha

2、t(ever)什么主语、宾语和定语连接代词Which(ever)哪一个主语、宾语和定语连接代词Whose谁的定语连接代词Who(ever)谁主语、宾语连接代词Whom(ever)谁宾语连接代词Howmany,howmuch多少主语、宾语和定语连接副词When(ever)什么时候状语连接副词Where(ever)哪儿状语连接副词How(ever)如何,怎么状语连接副词why为什么状语注意:1.它们的特点是:1、疑问词有本身的词义;2、疑问词在从句中担当句子成分,如主语、宾语或状语;3、这种疑问词引导的从句一律用陈述语序,不能用疑问语序。Do you know whom they are look

3、ing for? I dont know who did it.She asked me where I had been.Can you tell me when the train will arrive? I dont know why he hasnt come yet. He didnt tell me what you were doing. What you have done might do harm t other people. I dont know where he is now. Where he went for his weekend is not known.

4、 What I want to know is where he has gone for his weekend.2.做名词性从句的题的三大步:一分,二划,三看,即一分句子结构,二划从句类型,三看句意完整否。下面我们再分别讲述主语从句、宾语从句、同位语从句和表语从句。一、主语从句1that 引导主语从句时,that 没有意义,但不能省略。(that 引导宾语从句时可以省略。)That she is a rich woman is known to us all. 众所周知,她是个富有的女人。这是that 引导主语从句,that 不能省略。这句话可以改为用it 作形式主语的句型。请同学们改写:

5、It is known to us all that she is a rich woman.)We didnt know (that) you had sold your house. 2从句作主语时,多数情况下由 it 作形式主语,而把主语从句放在后面,尤其是谓语部分(包括宾语)较短的情况下。常用it作形式主语的句行有:it+be+adj(obvious,true,natural,good,possible,likely,certain,probable)it +be+noun-phrases(no wonder,an honour,a pity,no surprise)it+be+p.p

6、(said,reported,thought,believed,)it+be +vi(seem,happen,come about,occur,matter,count,makeno difference,remain,,strike)Eg:It is important that he should come on time. It is a pity that Prof. Wang cant attend our English Evening.It remains to be seen whether the ex-president will be sentenced to death

7、. 3whether 既可以引导主语从句也可以引导宾语从句,但if不能引导主语从句。whether/if (是否)引导的宾语从句:如果要突出“究竟是还是不”,常在whether 后面加or not; if 一般不与or not连用。作介词宾语时不用if如: He asked me if/whether I knew John. 他问我是否认识约翰。 Let me know whether you can come or not. 你能来还是不能来,告诉我一声。Whether I knew John doesnt matter. = It doesnt matter whether I knew

8、 John. 我是否认识约翰没有关系。Whether or not shell come isnt clear. = Whether shell come or not isnt clear. = It isnt clear whether . 她是否来还不清楚。It all depends on whether we can get their cooperation.I worry about whether I hurt her feelings.She asked me whether/if you were married.二、宾语从句在谓语动词、介词、动词不定式、分词、动名词之后都

9、可以带有宾语从句。某些形容词如sure, happy, glad, certain, pleased 等之后也可以带有宾语从句。1that 引导的宾语从句: that 没有意义,在口语或非正式文体中常省略I really feel shes making a mistake. 我的确感到她正犯错误。I suggested that we should go home. 我建议我们回家去。(虚拟语气,that 一般不能省略。)2在think, believe, suppose, expect 等动词的宾语从句中,否定不用在从句中,而是将think 等词变为否定形式。同时注意反义疑问句的变法。I

10、dont think the film is interesting.我觉得这部电影没什么意思。 例题1.I dont suppose any one will volunteer,_?A. do I B.dont I C. will they D.wont they例题2.Mrs black doesnt believe her son is able to design a digital camera,_?A.is he B.isnt he C.doesnt she D.does she3如果从句作宾语而后面还有补语,为了保持句子的平衡,用it 作形式宾语,而将宾语从句放在句尾。常跟这样

11、的复合宾语的动词有:make, find, see, hear, feel, think, consider, regard, take.for granted等。如:George made it clear that he opposed this project. 乔治已明确表示他反对这个项目。it 代表that 引导的句子,作宾语,clear 是宾语补足语。 They kept it quiet that he was dead. 对他已经死亡的消息,他们秘而不宣。 I took it for granted that youd stay with us. 我想当然认为你会和我们呆在一起

12、。三、同位语从句同位语从句是对名词的内容给予具体、详细的说明。常在后面接同位语从句的名词有fact, news, idea, truth, hope, suggestion, question, problem, doubt, fear, belief等。同位语从句常用的引导词为that,有是也用when, where 等疑问词。如: The idea that you can do this work well without thinking is quite wrong.你认为不动脑筋就能做好这件工作的想法是完全错误的。People used to hold the belief tha

13、t the earth was the center of the universe. 人们曾认为地球是宇宙的中心。They have no idea at all where he has gone.他们一点儿也不知道他去哪儿了。注意:同位语从句的that 只是引导词,没有其他语法作用,在句子中不作句子成分,不能省略;而定语从句中的that 除了引导定语从句外,还是定语从句的一个成分,在定语从句中作主语或宾语,作主语时不能省略,作宾语时可以省略。如:No one is happy with the fact that he found out. 没有人对他发现的事实感到高兴。(请辨别是同位语

14、从句还是定语从句。)(定语从句)No one is happy with the fact that he will become their boss.没有人对他将成为他们的老板这一事实感到高兴。(请辨别是同位语从句还是定语从句。)(同位语从句)四、表语从句表语从句位于主句的连系动词之后。如:Thats why I have come.那就是我为什么来了。What surprised me was that he spoke English so well.使我感到吃惊的是他英语讲得那么好。What I want to know is where we shall go and whethe

15、r she will join us. 我想知道的是我们要去什么地方以及她是否加入我们。此外,表语从句还可由as if (好像)引导。如:It looked as if it was/were going to rain. (虚拟语气)同时注意:the reason why.is that.这个句型。Eg:The reason why he was late is that he got up late.五、难点归纳:难点一:考查名词性从句的引导词 that 与 what 的区别考例( 1 ): _we cant get seems better than _we have.(NMET1996)A. What; what B. What; that C. That; that D. That; what考点二:考查名词性从句中的 it 作形式主语或形式宾语考例 (1):_is a fact that English is being acce



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