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1、我有一个梦想英文演讲稿(附中文)I am happy t jin with yu tday in what will g dwn in histry as the greatest demnstratin fr freedm in the histry f ur natin.Five scre years ag, a great American, in whse symblic shadw we stand tday, signed the Emancipatin Prclamatin. This mmentus decree came as a great beacn light f hp

2、e t millins f Negr slaves wh had been seared in the flames f withering injustice. It came as a jyus daybreak t end the lng night f their captivity.But ne hundred years later, the Negr still is nt free. ne hundred years later, the life f the Negr is still sadly crippled by the manacles f segregatin a

3、nd the chains f discriminatin. ne hundred years later, the Negr lives n a lnely island f pverty in the midst f a vast cean f material prsperity. ne hundred years later, the Negr is still languished in the crners f American sciety and finds himself an eile in his wn land. And s weve cme here tday t d

4、ramatize a shameful cnditin.In a sense weve cme t ur natins capital t cash a check. When the architects f ur republic wrte the magnificent wrds f the Cnstitutin and the Declaratin f Independence, they were signing a prmissry nte t which every American was t fall heir. This nte was a prmise that all

5、men, yes, black men as well as white men, wuld be guaranteed the unalienable Rights f Life, Liberty and the pursuit f Happiness. It is bvius tday that America has defaulted n this prmissry nte, insfar as her citizens f clr are cncerned. Instead f hnring this sacred bligatin, America has given the Ne

6、gr peple a bad check, a check which has cme back marked insufficient funds.But we refuse t believe that the bank f justice is bankrupt. We refuse t believe that there are insufficient funds in the great vaults f pprtunity f this natin. And s, weve cme t cash this check, a check that will give us upn

7、 demand the riches f freedm and the security f justice.We have als cme t this hallwed spt t remind America f the fierce urgency f Nw. This is n time t engage in the luury f cling ff r t take the tranquilizing drug f gradualism. Nw is the time t make real the prmises f demcracy. Nw is the time t rise

8、 frm the dark and deslate valley f segregatin t the sunlit path f racial justice. Nw is the time t lift ur natin frm the quicksands f racial injustice t the slid rck f brtherhd. Nw is the time t make justice a reality fr all f Gds children.It wuld be fatal fr the natin t verlk the urgency f the mmen

9、t. This sweltering summer f the Negrs legitimate discntent will nt pass until there is an invigrating autumn f freedm and equality. Nineteen sity-three is nt an end, but a beginning. And thse wh hpe that the Negr needed t blw ff steam and will nw be cntent will have a rude awakening if the natin ret

10、urns t business as usual. And there will be neither rest nr tranquility in America until the Negr is granted his citizenship rights. The whirlwinds f revlt will cntinue t shake the fundatins f ur natin until the bright day f justice emerges.But there is smething that I must say t my peple, wh stand

11、n the warm threshld which leads int the palace f justice: In the prcess f gaining ur rightful place, we must nt be guilty f wrngful deeds. Let us nt seek t satisfy ur thirst fr freedm by drinking frm the cup f bitterness and hatred. We must frever cnduct ur struggle n the high plane f dignity and di

12、scipline. We must nt allw ur creative prtest t degenerate int physical vilence. Again and again, we must rise t the majestic heights f meeting physical frce with sul frce.The marvelus new militancy which has engulfed the Negr cmmunity must nt lead us t a distrust f all white peple, fr many f ur whit

13、e brthers, as evidenced by their presence here tday, have cme t realize that their destiny is tied up with ur destiny. And they have cme t realize that their freedm is inetricably bund t ur freedm.We cannt walk alne.And as we walk, we must make the pledge that we shall always march ahead.We cannt tu

14、rn back.There are thse wh are asking the devtees f civil rights, When will yu be satisfied? We can never be satisfied as lng as the Negr is the victim f the unspeakable hrrrs f plice brutality. We can never be satisfied as lng as ur bdies, heavy with the fatigue f travel, cannt gain ldging in the mt

15、els f the highways and the htels f the cities. We cannt be satisfied as lng as the Negrs basic mbility is frm a smaller ghett t a larger ne. We can never be satisfied as lng as ur children are stripped f their selfhd and rbbed f their dignity by signs stating fr whites nly. We cannt be satisfied as

16、lng as a Negr in Mississippi cannt vte and a Negr in New Yrk believes he has nthing fr which t vte. N, n, we are nt satisfied, and we will nt be satisfied until justice rlls dwn like waters, and righteusness like a mighty stream.I am nt unmindful that sme f yu have cme here ut f great trials and tribulatins. Sme f yu have cme fresh frm narrw jail cells. And sme f yu have cme frm areas where yur quest - quest fr freedm left yu battered by


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