绘本英语《The leaf》

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《绘本英语《The leaf》》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《绘本英语《The leaf》(10页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、绘本英语The leaf 教学设计溪湖区河畔小学张巍绘本英语The leaf 教学设计一教学内容新标准英语六年级上册绘本课The Leaf二教学目标1. 知识与技能目标:(1) 能认读词汇mantis, insect, invisible, steal. (2)能够运用5w、1h questions to retell a story 2. 过程与方法目标:(1)通过问题引导的方式,让学生们理解故事的大意。学会讲故事的方法。(2)运用表演的方法,培养学生的合作意识以及表达能力。3. 情感态度与价值观目标:一方面通过学习The Leaf,让学生们学会看事物要抓住整体,不要让小的事情蒙蔽双眼。另一

2、方面通过成语小故事的讲解,让学生了解到成语只是中国文化中一个很小的部分,让同学们认识到中国文化的博大精深,热爱中国传统文化。三教学重点:能认读词汇mantis, insect, invisible, steal. 四教学难点:能够运用5w、1h questions to retell a story五教学过程:Step 1 warming-up A game, tell me what you see?插入音频,让学生快速进入游戏状态,通过快速闪现的方式,让学生注意力集中起来。Step 2 lead in(1)This is a leaf (实物). I picked it up on the

3、 road. I put the leaf in my book as a bookmark. If you have a leaf or many leaves. How do you want to use them? Ss:(2)A poor man from Chu also had a leaf. 黑板贴人物. He used the leaf in a special way .How does he use the leaf? Do you want to know? Today we re going to talk about it .板书标题 The LeafStep3 p

4、resentation(1)、First look at some questions When did the story happen?Who are they?After watching you tell me the answers.播放视频。插入视频动画,让学生带着兴趣进入本课的学习。Ss:动画的形式介绍本课的主要人物,围绕着主要人物展开后续的教学。(2)、Where is the man? And what does he do? 粘where,what. Please open your books, read from P76 to 77.Where is the man?U

5、nder the tree.Whats she doing ?Hes reading a book.What does he know from the book?Lets see. 大屏幕出示The book says theres a special kind of leaf. If the mantis holds the leaf in front of its body, it becomes invisible! The insects cant see it! 逐句播放声音。总结: 讲解mantis, insects, invisible.(图文并茂)动画呈现本课生词。讲解单词v

6、isible时,呈现汉语看不见的,马上消失,让学生通过动态呈现的方式掌握新词。单词讲解完后逐句跟读What does he know from the book?粘 the leaf can make the mantis invisible.Try to retell the first part.给学生图片提示(3)After the man knows the leaf can make the mantis invisible. Whats he going to do?Hes going to find the right leaf. How can the man find the

7、 right leaf? What will happen? Lets watch again.观看后回答Where is the man ? What does he do? Why?粘出重点词At home, He asks his wife Can you see me? At home, the man tries which is the right leaf by asking his wife Can you see me again and again? Finally his wife says I cant see you now?引出the leaf can make h

8、im invisible.I want to ask you .Can the mans wife see him. But why does she say No, I cant.( she is bored, she doesnt want to answer the same questions again and again.)学生表演第二部分。(4)He thinks the leaf can make him invisible. Then where is he going? What does he do? Read page 80.He goes to the market.

9、 What does he do in the market?讲解stealCan the leaf make him invisible in the market? No, it cant. The leaf cant make him invisible.粘关键词(5)From this story, what do you think of the man?Hes 让学生通过人物的行为做简单的人物评价,省略号后学生可以畅所欲言,不做固定答案的设置,但错误的要给予正确的指导。Step4 practiceAct the whole story, choose one part you li

10、ke教具准备,让学生融入故事情节,通过表演掌握本课内容。Step 5 review(1)From this story, try to learn how to use 5w and 1how question to get the main idea of the story , Then put all the answers together you can retell it.(2)What do you learn from this story(3)Do you know some other idioms?Step6升华The culture of China通过唐诗、宋词、书法、国画图片配乐,让学生感受到中国文化的博大精深。由衷的产生一种民族自豪感。完成本课情感目标。Step 7 Homework(1)Read the story for your parents or your friends.(2)Try to retell the story.(3)Read some idioms in English.分层布置作业,尊重学生个体差异。六Blackboard design:


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