最新外研版三起点三年级下句型汇总(DOC 5页)

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1、三年级下句子第一模块1. Thank you to my school!2. What s your favourite song, Ms Smart?-It s the ABC son.3. What colour (is it?-It s red.4. My favourite colour is yellow.(5. Make your name card and line up.第二模块1. Here is a monkey, a father monkey.2. They are all in the zoo.3. What are they?-They are lions.4. T

2、hat man is short.5. This monkey is small and thin.第三模块1. I like them all.2. I don t like football.3. I like skipping.4. I don t like riding my bike.第四模块1. Do you like them too?2. -Please pass me the rice.-Here you are, mum.3. -Do you like meat, Lingling?-Yes, I do. / No, I don t.4. -Does Lingling li

3、ke fish?-No, she doesn t. / Yes, she does.5. I don t like fish. But I like meat.(6. Ginger and spice are not very nice.(7. Make a lunch menu.第五模块1. -Is Amy at home?-No, she isn t. She goes to school on Mondays. 2. -Does Tom go to school on Mondays?-No, he doesn t. He s only two years old!3. -Does yo

4、ur mum go to work on Saturdays? No, she doesn t. She goes shopping on Saturdays. 4. She goes to school on Tuesdays. And so do you.第六模块1. What do you do on Mondays?2. Do you play football in the morning?-No, I don t. I play football in the afternoon. 3. What do you do at school?-I have classes.-what

5、do you have at school today?-In the morning, I have Chinese, English and Maths. In the afternoon, I have Art, PE and Science.(4. Make a timetable.第七模块1. It s spring. It s warm in spring. We fly kites in spring.2. It warm today, but it s raining.3. It s hot and sunny today.4. Talk about your favourit

6、e season.第八模块1. Where is my toy?-It s in the bag / under your desk / on the table/behind the door.2. It s a present for you.3. The cat is in the tree.4. In summer, Daming swims in the lake.In winter, he walks in the snow.(5. Ten bananas up there on the wall.Two for the monkeys up in the tree.第九模块1.

7、I ve got a new book. It s about animals.2. -Have you got a new book too, Daming?-Yes, I have. Look, it s about sport.-No, I haven t.3. Has Amy got a bike?-Yes, she goes to school by bike.-No, she hasn t. She goes to school by bus.4. Ms Smart hasn t got a car. She walks to school.5. Does your father

8、go to work by car?第十模块1. Come back.2. Open the box. Let s put on funny clothes for the party.3. Look! Here s a red hat.4. Oh, I can t walk.5. It s your turn now!6. I ve got a white shirt. It s for the class phote.7. Oh no! Now my shirt is black and white.8. -What has she got?-She s got a book.9. I m on the bus. I go to school by bus.



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